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T. Butkiewicz, Stevens, A. H., and Ware, C., Multi-touch 3D Positioning with the Pantograph Technique, ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games, vol. 13. ACM, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 2019.PDF icon Butkiewicz-Pantograph-i3D-2019.pdf (688.01 KB)
synthetic aperture sonar seafloor scattering
A. P. Lyons, Olson, D. R., and Hansen, R. E., Modeling the Effect of Random Roughness on Synthetic Aperture Sonar Image Statistics, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 152. Acoustical Society of America, pp. 1363-1374, 2022.PDF icon Lyons_etal_JASA_2022.pdf (3.14 MB)
synthetic aperture sonar
R. E. Hansen, Lyons, A. P., Sæbø, T. O., Callow, H. J., and Cook, D. A., The Effect of Internal Wave-Related Features on Synthetic Aperture Sonar, IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, vol. 40, No. 3. IEEE, pp. 621-631, 2015.PDF icon IEEE_JOE_vol_40_pages_621-631.pdf (2.88 MB)
S. M. Steele and Lyons, A. P., An Experimental Test of End-Fire Synthetic Aperture Sonar for Sediment Acoustics Studies, 176th Meeting Acoustical Society of America. p. Victoria, BC, Canada, 2018.
S. M. Steele and Lyons, A. P., End-fire Synthetic Aperture Sonar for Seafloor Volume Scattering Studies, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, p. Minneapolis Minnesota, 2018.
swimming strokes
C. Ware, Alternating Asymmetric Swimming Strokes in California Sea Lions, 21st Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals. Society for Marine Mammalogy, San Francisco, CA, 2015.
swath geometry; multibeam spatial resolution; integration artefacts
J. E. Hughes Clarke, The Impact of Acoustic Imaging Geometry on the Fidelity of Seabed Bathymetric Models, Geosciences, vol. 8,4. MDPI, 2018.
survey planning
C. Ware, Mayer, L. A., and Johnson, P., BathyGlobe GapFiller: A Planning Tool to Help Fill the Gaps in World Bathymetry, The International Hydrographic Review, vol. 29(2). International Hydrographic Organization, pp. 16-27, 2023.
M. J. Wilson, Masetti, G., and Calder, B. R., Finding Fliers: New Techniques and Metrics, 2017 U.S. Hydrographic Conference. The Hydrographic Society of America, Galveston, TX, 2017.PDF icon Wilson_USHydro_2017_Finding_Fliers.pdf (1.22 MB)
B. Gallagher, Masetti, G., Zhang, C., Calder, B. R., and Wilson, M. J., Sound Speed Manager: An Open-Source Initiative to Streamline the Hydrographic Data Acquisition Workflow, U.S. Hydro Conference 2017. The Hydrographic Society of America, Galveston, TX, 2017.PDF icon us_hydro_2017_sound_speed_manager_final.pdf (477.9 KB)
G. Masetti, Gallagher, B., Calder, B. R., Zhang, C., and Wilson, M. J., Sound Speed Manager: An Open-Source Application to Manage Sound Speed Profiles, International Hydrographic Review, vol. 17. International Hydrographic Bureau, Monaco, pp. 31-40, 2017.PDF icon IHR_May2017_SoundSpeedManager.pdf (836.81 KB)
V. Schmidt, A Solution to TSP for Survey Line Segments, North East Robotics Colloquium. Lowell, MA, 2022.PDF icon NERC_2022_ValSchmidt.pdf (550.08 KB)
Surface waves Turbulence
S. Chopakatla, Lippmann, T. C., and Richardson, J., Field verification of a CFD model for wave transformation and breaking in the surf zone, Journal of Waterways Port Coastal Engineering, vol. 134 (2). ASCE, pp. 71-80, 2008.PDF icon 12_chopakatla_etal_2008.pdf (893.98 KB)
Surface roughness
A. L. Chase, Dijkstra, J. A., and Harris, L. G., The Influence of Substrate Material on Ascidian Larval Settlement, Marine Pollution Bulletin, vol. 106. Elsevier, pp. 35-42, 2016.PDF icon Chase et al. 2016.pdf (1.14 MB)
Surface reconstruction
Y. Rzhanov, Photo-mosaicking of images of pipe inner surface, Signal, Image and Video Processing. Springer Science+Business Media B.V., London, UK, pp. 1-7, 2011.
Surface Fluke-Splashes
R. C. Connor, Heithaus, M. R., Berggren, P., and Miksis-Olds, J., "Kerplunking": Surface Fluke-Splashes During Shallow-Water Bottom Foraging by Bottlenose Dolphins, Marine Mammal Science, vol. 16 (3). Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 646-653, 2000.
Surface Currents
B. M. Sullivan, S-111 and S-126: Surface Currents and the Physical Environment a Test Case, International Hydrographic Organization, Monaco, 2017.PDF icon NIPWG 4 WP3-01 S-111 and S-126.pdf (2.14 MB)
Surf zone
S. Chopakatla, Lippmann, T. C., and Richardson, J., Field verification of a CFD model for wave transformation and breaking in the surf zone, Journal of Waterways Port Coastal Engineering, vol. 134 (2). ASCE, pp. 71-80, 2008.PDF icon 12_chopakatla_etal_2008.pdf (893.98 KB)
Subtidal Currents
T. C. Lippmann, Subtidal Flow Structure in Tidally Modulated Inlets, Coastal Dynamics 2013, vol. 1. ASCE, Plymouth, England, United Kingdom, 2013.PDF icon 130_lippmann_thomas.pdf (7.65 MB)
A. Trembanis, Duval, C., Beaudoin, J., Schmidt, V., Miller, D., and Mayer, L. A., A detailed seabed signature from Hurricane Sandy revealed in bedforms and scour, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, vol. 14. AGU, pp. 4334–4340, 2013.
Submergence instruments: ROV
A. Trembanis, Duval, C., Beaudoin, J., Schmidt, V., Miller, D., and Mayer, L. A., A detailed seabed signature from Hurricane Sandy revealed in bedforms and scour, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, vol. 14. AGU, pp. 4334–4340, 2013.
submerged oil droplets
S. Loranger and Weber, T. C., Detection and Quantification of Submerged Oil Droplets by a Broadband, High-frequency Echo Sounder, 2016 Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science Conference. p. Tampa, FL, 2016.
S. Loranger and Weber, T. C., Diameter and Density Dependent Target Strength of Submerged Oil Droplets Measured by a Broadband, High-frequency Echo Sounder, 169th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America. p. Pittsburgh, PA, 2015.
submarine glacial landforms
M. Jakobsson, Hogan, K., Mayer, L. A., Mix, A. C., Jerram, K., Mohammad, R., Stranne, C., and Eriksson, B., The History of Retreat Dynamics of Petermann Glacier Inferred from Submarine Glacial Landforms, 2016 Fall Meeting, American Geological Society (AGU). p. San Francisco, CA, 2016.
submarine channels
A. A. Armstrong, Mayer, L. A., and Gardner, J. V., Seamounts, Submarine Channels, and New Discoveries, Journal of Ocean Technology, vol. 10, No. 3. Fisheries and Marine Institute of Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada, pp. 1-14, 2015.PDF icon Armstrong-et-al-2015-ocean-tech.pdf (557.4 KB)
J. A. Gales, Talling, P. J., Cartigny, M. J. B., Hughes Clarke, J. E., Lintern, G., Stacey, C. D., and Clare, M. A., What Controls Submarine Channel Development and the Morphology of Deltas Entering Deep-Water Fjords?, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, vol. 44(2). John Wiley and Sons Ltd. , pp. 535-551, 2019.
submarine channel
L. A. Mayer, Gardner, J. V., and Armstrong, A. A., An Ultrahigh-Latitude Submarine Channel: Northern Chukchi Rise, in Atlas of Submarine Glacial Landforms: Modern, Quaternary and Ancient., vol. Memoirs, London, UK: The Geological Society of London, 2016, pp. 391-392.
D. Vendettuoli, Clare, M. A., Hughes Clarke, J. E., Vellinga, A., Hizzet, J., Hage, S., Cartigny, M. J. B., Talling, P. J., Waltham, D., Hubbard, S. M., Stacey, C. D., and Lintern, D. G., Daily Bathymetric Surveys Document How Stratigraphy is Built and Its Extreme Incompleteness in Submarine Channels, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 515. Elsevier, pp. 231-247, 2019.
Studies of Pockmark Origin and Maintenance
C. Fandel, Lippmann, T. C., and Irish, J. D., Observation of Flow Structure Around Pockmarks in Belfast Bay, Maine, TOS/ASLO/AGU Ocean Sciences. Salt Lake City, UT, 2012.
stellite imagery
R. Freire, Pe'eri, S., Alexander, L., Rzhanov, Y., Parrish, C. E., and Lippmann, T. C., Use of Satellite Imagery for Monitoring the Mouths of Dynamic Rivers, 2016 Canadian Hydrographic Conference. Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, 2016.
species' classification
Y. Rzhanov, Pe'eri, S., and Shashkov, A., Probabilistic Reconstruction of Color for Species' Classification Underwater, IEEE/MTS Oceans '15. Genova, Italy, p. Genova, Italy, 2015.PDF icon Oceans15-UNH-CCOM-Abstract.pdf (303.97 KB)
species distribution model
R. Gasborro, Sowers, D., Margolin, A., and Cordes, E., Distribution and Predicted Climatic Refugia for a Reef-Building Cold-Water Coral on the Southeast US Margin, Global Change Biology, vol. 28(23). John Wiley and Sons Ltd. , Online, pp. 7108-7125, 2022.PDF icon Global_Change_Biology_Final_Published_Gasborr_et_al.pdf (9.14 MB)
Species detection and recognition
Y. Rzhanov, Cutter Jr., R. G., Matal, Y., and Kastner, R., Detection, measurement and recognition of fish species underwater, Mesh Atlantic Video Survey Techniques Workshop. Faro, Algarve, POR, 2011.
Spatially-aware Data Distribution
B. R. Calder, Parallel and Distributed Performance of a Depth Estimation Algorithm, U.S. Hydrographic Conference (US HYDRO). The Hydrographic Society of America, New Orleans, LA, USA, 2013.PDF icon Calder_ParallelDistributedPerformance.pdf (1.87 MB)
Spatial Standard
G. Masetti and Calder, B. R., Design of a standardized geo-database for risk monitoring of potentially polluting marine sites, Environment Systems and Decisions, vol. 34(1). Springer, New York, NY, USA, pp. 138-149, 2013.
spatial SQL
G. Masetti, Calder, B. R., and Alexander, L., Potentially Polluting Marine Sites GeoDB: An S-100 Geospatial Database as an Effective Contribution to the Protection of the Marine Environment, International Hydrographic Review, vol. 8. International Hydrographic Bureau, Monaco, Monaco Cedex, Monaco, pp. 27-40, 2012.PDF icon PPMS_GeoDB_IHR_2012.pdf (1.41 MB)
spatial ecology
B. Costa, Walker, B., and Dijkstra, J. A., Mapping and Quantifying Seascape Patterns, in Seascape Ecology, S. J. Pittman, Ed. West Chester, England: John Wiley and Sons Ltd., 2017, pp. 27-49.PDF icon Chapter 2_Mapping_Quantifying_Seascapes2017-1.pdf (457.14 KB)
spatial data visualization
C. Kastrisios, Ware, C., Calder, B. R., Butkiewicz, T., Alexander, L., and Broekman, R., Improved Techniques for Depth Quality Information on Navigational Charts, 8th International Conference on Cartography and GIS, vol. 1. Nessebar, Bulgaria, pp. 73-80, 2020.PDF icon Kastrisios_etal_2020_DepthQualityOnCharts_8ICCGIS_Proceedings_Vol1_(8).pdf (1.75 MB)
spatial data infrastructure
S. Contarinis and Kastrisios, C., Marine Spatial Data Infrastructure, in The Geographic Information Science & Technology Body of Knowledge, 2022.
Spartina alterniflora; random forests
J. Rogers, Parrish, C. E., Ward, L. G., and Burdick, D. M., Improving Salt Marsh Digital Elevation Model Accuracy with Full-Waveform Lldar and Nonparametric Predictive Modeling, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, vol. 202. Elsevier, pp. 193-211, 2018.
Spartina alterniflora
J. Rogers, Parrish, C. E., Ward, L. G., and Burdick, D. M., Evaluation of Field-Measured Vertical Obscuration and Full Waveform Lidar to Assess Salt Marsh Vegetation Biophysical Parameters, Remote Sensing of Environment, vol. 156. pp. 264-275, 2015.
J. Rogers, Parrish, C. E., Ward, L. G., and Burdick, D. M., Assessment of Elevation Uncertainty in Salt Marsh Environments Using Discrete-Return and Full-Waveform Lidar, Journal of Coastal Research, vol. SI 76. Coastal Education & Research Foundation [CERF], Coconut Creek, FL, pp. 107-122, 2016.
Sparse Arrays
D. V. Harris, Miksis-Olds, J., Thomas, L., and Vernon, J., Fin Whale Density and Distribution Estimation Using Acoustic Bearings Derived From Sparse Arrays, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 143. American Institute of Physics, pp. 2980-2993, 2018.PDF icon Harris et al. 2018_JASA DE.pdf (2.51 MB)
Soundscapes; Ocean ambient sound; Atlantic Ocean; Masking
S. Haver, Klinck, H., Nieukirk, S., Matsumoto, H., Dziak, R., and Miksis-Olds, J., The Not-So-Silent World: Measuring Arctic, Equatorial, and Antarctic Soundscapes in the Atlantic Ocean, Deep-Sea Research Part 1:Oceanographic Research Papers, vol. 122. Elsevier, pp. 95-104, 2017.PDF icon miksis-olds-not-so-silent-world-2017.pdf (1.7 MB)
K. H. Varghese, Lurton, X., Smith, M., Miksis-Olds, J., and Mayer, L. A., Soundscape Assessment of a Deepwater (12 kHz) Multibeam Mapping Survey, in The Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life, 1stst ed., Springer Cham, 2024, pp. 1-17.
J. Miksis-Olds, Global Trends in Ocean Noise, in Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life II, vol. 2, A. N. Popper and Hawkins, A., Eds. New York, NY: Springer Science & Business Media, LLC, 2016, pp. 713-718.
B. Howe, Miksis-Olds, J., Rehm, E., Sagen, H., Worcester, P. F., and Haralabus, G., Observing the Oceans Acoustically, Frontiers in Marine Science, vol. 6. p. 426, 2019.PDF icon Howe et al_2019_Frontiers.pdf (6.67 MB)
D. C. Wilford, Miksis-Olds, J., Martin, S. B., Howard, D. R., Lowell, K., Lyons, A. P., and Smith, M., Quantitative Soundscape Analysis to Understand Multidimensional Features, Frontiers in Marine Science, vol. 8:672336. 2021.
C. C. Wall, Haver, S. M., Hatch, L., Miksis-Olds, J., Bochenek, R., Dziak, R. P., and Gedamke, J., The Next Wave of Passive Acoustic Data Management: How Centralized Access Can Enhance Science, Frontiers in Marine Science, vol. 8:703682. 2021.
J. Miksis-Olds, Dugan, P. J., Martin, S. B., Klinck, H., Mellinger, D. K., Mann, D. A., Ponirakis, D. W., and Boebel, O., Ocean Sound Analysis Software for Making Ambient Noise Trends Accessible (MANTA), Frontiers in Marine Science, vol. 8:703650. 2021.
C. M. Duarte, Chapuis, L., Collin, S. P., Costa, D. P., Devassy, R. P., Eguiluz, V. M., Erbe, C., Gordon, T. A., Halpern, B. S., Harding, H. R., Havlik, M. N., Meekan, M., Merchant, N. D., Miksis-Olds, J., Parsons, M., Predragovic, M., Radford, A. N., Radford, C. A., Simpson, S. D., and Slabbekoorn, H., The Soundscape of the Anthropocene Ocean, Science, vol. 371 (6526). 2021.
Sounding Selection
C. Kastrisios and Calder, B. R., Algorithmic Implementation of the Triangle Test for the Validation of Charted Soundings, 7th International Conference on Cartography & GIS. Bulgarian Cartographic Association, Sozopol, Bulgaria, pp. 569-576, 2018.PDF icon Kastrisios_Calder_2018_Triangle_test_implementation_Proceedings_ICCGIS2018.pdf (1.49 MB)
C. Kastrisios, Calder, B. R., Masetti, G., and Holmberg, P., On the Effective Validation of Charted Soundings and Depth Curves, U.S. Hydro 2019. Biloxi, MS, 2019.PDF icon Kastrisios_etal_2019_On_the_effective_validation_of_charted_soundings_and_depth_curves_USHydro.pdf (1.66 MB)
C. Kastrisios, Calder, B. R., Masetti, G., and Holmberg, P., Validation of the Shoal-Biased Pattern of Bathymetric Information on Nautical Charts, 29th International Cartographic Conference (ICC 2019), vol. 1. International Cartorgaphic Association, Tokyo, Japan, 2019.PDF icon Kastrisios_etal_Validation_of_Bathymetric_Information_on_Charts_ICC2019_Proceedings.pdf (982.75 KB)
C. Kastrisios, Efforts to Streamline Bathymetry Compilation for Marine Navigation, 31st International Cartographic Conference. International Cartographic Association (ICA), Cape Town, South Africa, p. Cape Town, South Africa, 2023.
C. Kastrisios, Calder, B. R., Masetti, G., and Holmberg, P., Towards Automated Validation of Charted Soundings: Existing Tests and Limitations, Geo-spatial Information Science, vol. 22(4). Taylor & Francis, 2019.PDF icon Kastrisios_etal_2019_Towards_automated_validation_of_charted_soundings_Existing_tests_and_limitations.pdf (3.57 MB)
sound speed uncertainty
M. J. Wilson, Beaudoin, J., and Smyth, S., Water-Column Variability Assessment for Underway Profilers to Improve Efficiency and Accuracy of Multibeam Surveys, US Hydrographic Conference 2013. THSOA, New Orleans, LA, USA, 2013.PDF icon 0326A_01_12.pdf (2.48 MB)
sound speed manager
G. Masetti, HydrOffice: Past, Present, and Future, NOAA OCS Field Procedures Workshop. p. Portland, OR, 2018.
G. Masetti, Wilson, M. J., Calder, B. R., Gallagher, B., and Zhang, C., Research-driven Tools for Ocean Mappers, Hydro International, vol. 22, 1. GeoMares Publishing, pp. 29-33, 2018.PDF icon hydro-international-2018-1-2-research-driven-tools-for-ocean-mappers.pdf (1.05 MB)
G. Masetti and Johnson, P., Sound Speed Management and Environmental Variability Estimation for Ocean Mapping, INMARTECH 2018. p. Woods Hole, MA, 2018.
sound sources
M. H. Al-Badrawi, Bearing Stake 1977 Revisited: An understanding of Ambient Sound Sources in the Indian Ocean, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America - Express Letters, vol. 148, No. 4. pp. EL320-EL325, 2020.
Sound Propagation
J. Miksis-Olds and Miller, J. H., Using Parabolic Equations to Model Sound Propagation in Manatee Habitats, European Cetacean Society 2003. European Cetacean Society, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, 2003.
Sound Levels
R. S. Hawkins, Miksis-Olds, J., and Smith, C. M., Variation in Low-Frequency Estimates of Sound Levels Based on Different Units of Analysis, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 135. Acoustical Society of America, pp. 705-711, 2014.
sound level
J. Miksis-Olds, Martin, B., Lowell, K., Verlinden, C., and Heaney, K., Minimal COVID-19 Quieting Measured in the Deep, Offshore Waters of the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America Express Letters, vol. 2(9). p. 090801, 2022.
Sound Floor
J. Miksis-Olds, Global Trends in Ocean Noise, in Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life II, vol. 2, A. N. Popper and Hawkins, A., Eds. New York, NY: Springer Science & Business Media, LLC, 2016, pp. 713-718.
sonar mode
J. E. Hughes Clarke, Fitzgerald, K., Leach, T., Wang, H., Cheng, T., Hoy, S., Hagg, R., and Walker, K., Monitoring Bubble Washdown Over a Deep-Water Multibeam Ping Cycle, Canadian Hydrographic Conference. Canadian Hydrographic Association, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, p. Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, 2020.PDF icon JHC_CHC2020_abstract_202-NMEp-2110.pdf (187.89 KB)
Sonar capabilties
J. Eisenberg, Brodet, S., and Beaudoin, J., Rethinking the Patch Test for Phase Measuring Bathymetric Sonars, US Hydrographic Conference 2011. Tampa Bay, FL, USA, 2011.
Sonar Capabilities
B. R. Calder, Brennan, R. T., Marcus, J., Malzone, C., and Canter, P., High-precision, High-accuracy Timekeeping in Distributed Survey Systems, International Hydrographic Review, vol. 9. Geomatics Information & Trading Center - GITC, Lemmers, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 9-24, 2008.
J. A. McConnel, Weber, T. C., Lauchle, G. C., and Gabrielson, T. B., Development of a high frequency underwater acoustic intensity probe, IEEE Oceans. Biloxi, MS, USA, pp. 0-0, 2002.
T. C. Weber, Demer, D., Cutter Jr., R. G., and Wilson, C. D., Working from Top to Bottom with the ME70 Multibeam Echosounder, ICES Working Group on Fisheries Acoustics, Science and Technology. San Diego, CA, USA, pp. 4-4, 2010.
G. Rice, Weber, T. C., Beaudoin, J., and Pirtle, J. L., Descriptive Report for Project BY1001, NOAA Integrated Ocean and Coastal Mapping Center, Durham, NH, USA, 2011.
R. Hare, Hughes Clarke, J. E., Whittaker, C., Broadus, M., Martinolich, R., and Beaudoin, J., Establishing a Multibeam Sonar Evaluation Test Bed near Sidney, British Columbia, 2012 Canadian Hydrographic Conference. Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada, 2012.
J. Beaudoin and Johnson, P., R/V Kilo Moana Multibeam Echosounder System Review, Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping / Joint Hydrographic Center, Durham, NH, USA, 2012.
J. Beaudoin, USNS Mary Sears EM122 Multibeam Echosounder Sea Acceptance Trials, Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping / Joint Hydrographic Center, Durham, NH, USA, 2012.
J. Beaudoin, Floc'h, H., and Lurton, X., SAT and Trial Cruise of the Acoustical Sensors Onboard R/V Falkor, Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping / Joint Hydrographic Center & Ifremer, 2012.
Sonar caliberation
J. Eisenberg, Brodet, S., and Beaudoin, J., Rethinking the Patch Test for Phase Measuring Bathymetric Sonars, US Hydrographic Conference 2011. Tampa Bay, FL, USA, 2011.
software quality assurance
S. Lee and Alexander, L., Software Quality Assurance in e-Navigation: Developing Standards to Harmonize Ship and Shore e-Navigation, Sea Technology, vol. Volume 55, No. 1. pp. 46-48, 2014.
Social sciences; Health and environmental sciences; Article 76; Commission on the limits of the continental shelf; Extended continental shelf; United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea
O. Irish, Analysis of CLCS Recommendations in Light of Their Relevance to the Delineation of a United States Extended Continental Shelf (ECS) in the Arctic, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2016.PDF icon irish-onni-thesis.pdf (20.48 MB)
Single Beam Sonar
T. C. Lippmann and Smith, G. M., Shallow Surveying in Hazardous Water, 5th International Conference High Resolution Surveys in Shallow Water. Durham, NH, USA, p. Portsmouth, NH, 2008.
Single beam echo-soundingDigital elevation modelReliefThe Baltic Sea
D. Dorokhov, Dudkov, I., and Sivkov, V., Single beam echo-sounding dataset and digital elevation model of the southeastern part of the Baltic Sea (Russian sector), Data in Brief, vol. 25, 104123. 2019.
F. Eren, Pe'eri, S., and Thein, M. - W., Characterization of optical communication in a leader-follower unmanned underwater vehicle formation, SPIE Defense, Security and Sensing (Ocean remote sensing and monitoring V ), vol. 8724. SPIE, Baltimore, MD, USA, 2013.PDF icon SPIE 2013_Eren_Peeri_Thein_final.pdf (658.27 KB)
Signature Whistles
J. Miksis-Olds, Tyack, P. L., and Buck, J. R., Captive Dolphins, Tursiops truncatus, Develop Signature Whistles That Match Acoustic Features of Human-Made Model Sounds, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 112 (2). Acoustical Society of America, San Francisco, CA, pp. 728-739, 2002.
signal detection
J. Miksis-Olds, Vernon, J. A., and Heaney, K., Applying the Dynamic Soundscape to Estimates of Signal Detection, 2nd Underwater Acoustics International Conference and Exhibition. Rhodes, Greece, 2014.
sidescan sonar; multibeam echosounder; multi-frequency acoustic backscatter; benthic habitat mapping; seagrass mapping; object-based image analysis (OBIA); angular backscatter responses; marine protected area (MPA)
E. Fakiris, Blondel, P., Papatheodorou, G., Christodoulou, D., Dimas, X., Georgiou, N., Kordella, S., Dimitriadis, C., Rzhanov, Y., Geraga, M., and Ferentinos, G., Multi-Frequency, Multi-Sonar Mapping of Shallow Habitats—Efficacy and Management Implications in the National Marine Park of Zakynthos, Greece, Remote Sensing, vol. 11(4). p. 461, 2019.
V. Schmidt, Weber, T. C., and Lurton, X., Optimizing Resolution and Uncertainty in Bathymetric Sonar Systems, Conference Underwater Acoustic Measurements: Technologies and Results. Corfu, Greece, 2013.
Shoreline Delineation
O. Fadahunsi, Pe'eri, S., Alexander, L., and Parrish, C. E., Develping a Methodology for the Mapping and Characterization of the Nigerian Coastline Using Remote Sensing, 2012 Canadian Hydrographic Conference. Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada, 2012.
G. Masetti, Calder, B. R., and Alexander, L., Potentially Polluting Marine Sites GeoDB: An S-100 Geospatial Database as an Effective Contribution to the Protection of the Marine Environment, International Hydrographic Review, vol. 8. International Hydrographic Bureau, Monaco, Monaco Cedex, Monaco, pp. 27-40, 2012.PDF icon PPMS_GeoDB_IHR_2012.pdf (1.41 MB)
G. Masetti and Calder, B. R., Design of a standardized geo-database for risk monitoring of potentially polluting marine sites, Environment Systems and Decisions, vol. 34(1). Springer, New York, NY, USA, pp. 138-149, 2013.
Shallow Water Bedform Mapping
L. McKenna, Lippmann, T. C., and Gallagher, E. L., Observations of Bedform Evolution in an Inlet, Ocean Sciences. Salt Lake City, UT, United States, 2012.
shallow water bathymetry
K. Lowell and Calder, B. R., Extracting Shallow-water Bathymetry from Lidar Point Clouds Using Pulse Attribute Data: Merging Density-based and Machine Learning Approaches, Marine Geodesy, vol. 44(4) (DOI: Taylor and Francis, pp. 259-286, 2021.
K. Lowell and Calder, B. R., Operational Performance of a Combined Density- and Clustering-based Approach to Extract Bathymetry Returns from LiDAR Point Clouds, International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation (Special Issue: Recent Advances in Geocomputation and GeoAI for Mapping), vol. 107. p. 102699, 2022.
shallow water
L. P. Snyder, Nyberg, J., Smith, S. M., Pe'eri, S., Madore, B., Rogers, J., Lowell, J., and DeAngelis, R., Chart Adequacy Evaluation of the Coastal Water of Haiti Using Satellite-Derived Bathymetry, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), National Ocean Survey (NOS), Silver Spring, MD, 2016.PDF icon TM_NOS_CS35_FY16_Snyder_ChartAdequacyEval.pdf (19.13 MB)
A. A. Armstrong, Owen, H., Bothner, W. A., Ward, L. G., and Moyles, D., Shallow Water Multibeam Data Analysis of Complex Bedrock Geology in Penobscot Bay, Maine, 8th Annual International Conference on High Resolution Surveys in Shallow Water. p. St. John's, NL, Canada, 2018.
Sensor technology
T. Karlsson, Pe'eri, S., and Axelsson, A., The Impact of Sea State Condition on Airborne Lidar Bathymetry Measurements, SPIE Defense, Security and Sensing (Laser Radar Technology and Applications XVII). Baltimore, MD, 2012.
S. Pe'eri and Shwaery, G., Light Field and Water Clarity Simulation of Natural Environments in Laboratory Conditions, SPIE Defense, Security and Sensing (Ocean remote sensing and monitoring IV ). Baltimore, MD, 2012.
sensor policy
J. E. Barber, Pe'eri, S., Klemm, A., Nyberg, J., and Powell, J., Sensor-Derived Policy and Localized Chart Updates at NOAA’s Marine Chart Division, 2016 Canadian Hydrographic Conference. Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, 2016.
Sensor Fusion
C. Moreno, Schmidt, V., Calder, B. R., and Mayer, L. A., Sensing for Hydrographic Autonomous Surface Vehicles, U.S. Hydrographic Conference (US HYDRO). The Hydrographic Society of America, Biloxi, MS, 2019.
Semi-Global Matching
H. Hu, Rzhanov, Y., Hatcher, P. J., and R. Bergeron, D., Binary Adaptive Semi-Global Matching Based on Image Edges, 7th International Conference on Digital Image Processing, vol. 9631. SPIE, Los Angeles, CA, 2015.PDF icon yuri-SICDIP-96311D.pdf (572.27 KB)
L. G. Ward, McAvoy, Z. S., and Vallee-Anziani, M., New Hampshire and Vicinity Continental Shelf: Sand and Gravel Resources, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) Marine Minerals Branch, Herndon, VA, 2016.
Seismic sources
J. Miksis-Olds and Nichols, S. M., Is Low Frequency Ocean Sound Increasing Globally?, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 139. Acoustical Society of America, pp. 501-511, 2016.
J. Backman, Jakobsson, M., Lovlie, R., and Polyak, L., Rates of Sedimentation in the Central Arctic Ocean, 2002 Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union. American Geophysical Union , San Francisco, CA, 2002.Image icon Backman_2002_AGU_Rates_of_seimentation_central_arctic_ocean.jpg (1 MB)
M. L. H. Cheng, Lippmann, T. C., Dijkstra, J. A., Bradt, G., Cook, S., Choi, J. - G., and Brown, B. L., A Deposition Baseline for Microplastic Particle Distribution in an Estuary, Marine Pollution Bulletin, vol. 170. ScienceDirect, p., 2021.
sediment transport
M. E. Wengrove, Foster, D. L., de Schipper, M. A., and Lippmann, T. C., Wave and Current Induced Ripple Formation and Migration During a Storm, Coastal Dynamics '17, vol. 129. Helsingør, Denmark, pp. 955-965, 2017.PDF icon 27_wengrove_etal_2017.pdf (960.42 KB)
sediment texture
N. W. Corcoran, Ward, L. G., and McAvoy, Z. S., Temporal and Spatial Variability in Sediment Texture on Northern, Paraglacial Beaches: New Hampshire, Geological Society of America (GSA) Annual Meeting, Northeastern Section. p. Burlington, VT, 2018.
