The Shell Ocean Discovery XPRIZE Competition Impact on the Development of Ocean Mapping Possibilities

TitleThe Shell Ocean Discovery XPRIZE Competition Impact on the Development of Ocean Mapping Possibilities
Publication TypeJournal Article
AuthorsZwolak, K, Proctor, A, Zarayskaya, Y, Wigley, R
JournalAnnual of Navigation
Date PublishedDecember 1
KeywordsGEBCO, gebco-nippon foundation, ocean mapping, seabed 2030, shell ocean discovery, xprize

The paper presents the impact that the XPRIZE Foundation competition, the Shell Ocean Discovery XPRIZE, has had on the development of current ocean mapping possibilities. A race for the prize has accelerated the development of innovative seabed mapping approaches that concentrated on new systems engineering or cutting-edge and innovative methods of existing equipment exploitation. The GEBCO-Nippon Foundation (NF) Alumni Team's entry is presented in details as a state of the art example of mature and robust ocean-mapping solution utilizing a high degree of autonomy and providing the possibilities of deep-ocean mapping that were unattainable before.

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