
Author Keyword [ Title(Asc)] Type Year
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C. Kastrisios and Tsoulos, L., A Cohesive Methodology for the Delimitation of Maritime Zones and Boundaries, Ocean & Coastal Management, vol. 130. Elsevier, pp. 188–195, 2016.
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S. Moghimi, Myers, E., Funakoshi, Y., Calzada, J., Seroka, G., Burnett, Z., Velissariou, P., Britzolakis, G., Burke, P., Snowden, D., Weston, N., and Pe'eri, S., Coastal Ocean Modelling Infrastructure Development at the National Ocean Service in Support of Disaster Mitigation and Marine Navigation, 2020 Fall Meeting American Geological Union. 2020.
K. Mello, Dijkstra, J. A., Malik, M. A., Sowers, D., McKenna, L., and Lobecker, E., Coarse and Fine Scale Patterns of Community Structure of Benthic Habitats Along the US Atlantic Continental Margin, Benthic Ecology Meeting. Portland, ME, 2016.
A. M. Hartwell, Voight, J. R., and Wheat, C. G., Clusters of Deep-Sea Egg-Brooding Octopods Associated with Warm Fluid Discharge: An Ill-Fated Fragment of a Larger, Discrete Population?, Deep Sea Research Part I Oceanographic Research Papers, vol. 135. ELSEVIER, pp. 1-8, 2018.PDF icon Hartwell et al 2018.pdf (4.44 MB)
E. L. Westerman, Dijkstra, J. A., and Harris, L. G., Climate Change, Sex, and Community State Changes in the Gulf of Maine, Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology. p. San Francisco, CA, 2018.
N. E. Kinner, Lippmann, T. C., Ravens, T., and Zufeldt, J., Climate Change Impacts and Research Needs for DoD Assets in Alaska's Coastal Regions, U.S. Army, Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL), 2009.PDF icon 22_kinner_etal_2009.pdf (1.16 MB)
L. A. Mayer, Climate Change and the Legal Effects of Sea Level Rise: An Introduction to the Science, in New Knowledge and Changing Circumstances in the Law of the Sea, T. Heidar, Ed. Brill Nijhoff Press, 2020, pp. 343-357.
J. Pierce, Butler, M. J., Rzhanov, Y., Lowell, K., and Dijkstra, J. A., Classifying 3-D Models of Coral Reefs Using Structure-from-Motion and Multi-View Semantic Segmentation, Frontiers in Marine Science, vol. 8:706674. 2021.
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J. V. Gardner and Mayer, L. A., Chatham Fan and Adjacent Upper Baranof Fan Channels and Levee, U.S. Gulf of Alaska Margin, in Atlas of Submarine Glacial Landforms: Modern, Quaternary and Ancient, vol. Memoirs, London, UK: Geological Society of London , 2016, p. 387.
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L. Gur Arie, Kamaruddin, Y., Kimeli, A., Klemm, A., Kurita, H., Pe'eri, S., Prasetyawan, I. B., Roh, J. - Y., Roperez, J., Samarakoon, N., Sydenham, J., Vallee-Anziani, M., and Wigley, R., Chart Adequacy: Workshop and GEBCO Training, GEBCO Science Day. Kuala Lampur, Malaysia, 2015.
A. Klemm, Pe'eri, S., Sartor, C., Nyberg, J., and Barber, J. E., Chart Adequacy Procedure Using Publicly-Available Information, 2016 Canadian Hydrographic Conference. Canadian Hydrographic Association, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, 2016.
A. Klemm, Pe'eri, S., and Nyberg, J., Chart Adequacy Procedure Using Publically-Available Information, GEBCO Science Day. Kuala Lampur, Malaysia, 2015.
L. P. Snyder, Nyberg, J., Smith, S. M., Pe'eri, S., Madore, B., Rogers, J., Lowell, J., and DeAngelis, R., Chart Adequacy Evaluation of the Coastal Water of Haiti Using Satellite-Derived Bathymetry, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), National Ocean Survey (NOS), Silver Spring, MD, 2016.PDF icon TM_NOS_CS35_FY16_Snyder_ChartAdequacyEval.pdf (19.13 MB)
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O. Fadahunsi, Pe'eri, S., and Armstrong, A. A., Characterization of the Nigerian Shoreline using Publicly-Available Satellite Imagery, Hydro International, vol. 18(1). pp. 22-25, 2014.PDF icon Fadahunsi_et_al_2014_Hydro_Int.pdf (769.56 KB)
F. Eren, Pe'eri, S., and Thein, M. - W., Characterization of optical communication in a leader-follower unmanned underwater vehicle formation, SPIE Defense, Security and Sensing (Ocean remote sensing and monitoring V ), vol. 8724. SPIE, Baltimore, MD, USA, 2013.PDF icon SPIE 2013_Eren_Peeri_Thein_final.pdf (658.27 KB)
D. J. Pate, Cook, D. A., Lyons, A. P., and Hansen, R. E., Characterization of Internal Waves in Synthetic Aperture Sonar Imagery Via Ray Tracing, 175th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America. p. Minneapolis, MN, 2018.
A. Tripathy, Miller, J. H., Potty, G. R., Amaral, J., Vigness-Raposa, K. J., Frankel, A. S., and Lin, Y. - T., Characteristics of the soundscape before and after the construction of the Block Island Wind Farm, The Journal of Acoustic Society of America, vol. 144(3). Acoustical Society of America, pp. 1856–1856, 2018.
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M. A. Malik, Mayer, L. A., Weber, T. C., Calder, B. R., and Huff, L. C., Challenges of defining uncertainty in multibeam sonar derived seafloor backscatter, International Underwater Acoustic Conference and Exhibition. Corfu, Greece, 2013.
G. Seroka, Nagel, E., Greenlaw, J., Kelley, J. G., Weston, N., Myers, E., Pe'eri, S., and Powell, J., Challenges in Generating S-104/HDF5 Files of Water Level Forecast Guidance from NOAA/NOS’s Operational Ocean Forecast Systems (OFS), 101th AMS Annual Meeting. 2021.
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C. Ware, Wiley, D. N., Friedlaender, A. S., Weinrich, M. T., Abernathy, K., Hazen, E., Bocconcelli, A., Stimpert, A. K., and Thompson, M. A., Bottom-Roll Feeding by Humpback Whales (Megaptera Novaeangliae) in the Southern Gulf of Maine, Marine Mammal Science, vol. 30, Issue 2. pp. 495-511, 2014.
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J. L. Pirtle, Weber, T. C., Wilson, C. D., and Rooper, C. N., Assessment of Trawlable and Untrawlable Seafloor Using Multibeam-Derived Metrics, Methods in Oceanography, vol. 12. Elsevier, pp. 18–35, 2015.PDF icon pirtle-weber-methods-oceanography-05-2015.pdf (1.34 MB)
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