2019-2020 GEBCO Scholars


Diego Billings


Diego Billings is from Jamaica located in the West Indies, which is an archipelago of islands between southeast United States and northern South America. It is surrounded by the Caribbean Sea. He received his B.Sc. from the University of Technology, Jamaica in Surveying and Geographic Information Sciences. He works at the National Land Agency assigned to the Surveys and Mapping Division in the Department of Hydrographic and Topographic Surveys as an Assistant Hydrographic Surveyor.


Danai Lampridou


Danai Lampridou is a geologist from Greece. She has an M.Sc. in Marine Geology and she is currently a Ph.D. student in Marine Geology-Geophysics at the National Kapodistrian University of Athens. Her interests are mainly focused on submarire geomorphology and tectonics. So far, she has participated in several reseach cruises acquiring and processing bathymetric data, as well as multichannel-seismic data. Danai is seeking opportunities to develop her skills in hydrography and expand her knowledge. Her work experience includes both the Academic and private sector.


Ana Carolina Lavagnino


Ana Carolina Lavagnino is from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. She obtained an Oceanography degree in 2016 and a Master of Marine Geology and Geophysics in 2018. Her work mainly consists of acquiring and processing multi-beam data as well as interpreting them for habitat mapping construction and geomorphometry analysis.


Simitrio Morales Lopez


Simitrio Morales is a Commander in the Mexican Navy. He graduated from the Naval Academy in 2003. In 2010, he studied the specialty of hydrography and cartography. He has done field work with survey teams and research vessels. From 01/12 to 07/14, he was the Executive Officer of research vessel ARM Antares BI-04. His commission before becoming a GEBCO Fellow was deputy director of hydrography and cartography of DIGAOHM (Deputy General Directorate of Oceanography, Hydrography and Meteorology).


Ryosuke Nagasawa


Ryosuke Nagasawa (Rio) earned a master's degree by studying planetary geodesy, especially the precise determination of lunar motion, at the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan. This experience led the former economics student into the world of numerical simulation in physics.

After graduation, Rio moved away from celestial bodies to underwater phenomena. Working for the Hydrographic and Oceanographic Department of the Japan Coast Guard (JHOD), Rio gained experience in all aspects of AUV-based hydrographic surveys, including survey planning, operations, and data analysis.

Through the GEBCO/NF training program, acoustic oceanography has become a new major area of interest. Rio continues to pursue the visualization of fluctuations in multibeam water column images to better understand the physical structure of the ocean. Rio enjoys programming in Python and is always looking for something interesting to visualize in the water column data.

Outside of work, Rio enjoys nature walks, stargazing, mapgazing and listening to music from 60s-80s.


Tion Uriam


Tion Uriam is from the Republic of Kiribati, a small group of islands in the South Pacific Ocean. He has a diploma in Geospatial Science from the University of the South Pacific in Fiji, and a Bachelor of Applied Science from RMIT University in Australia. Previously, he was working with Ministry of Fisheries as a GIS Officer for over 10 years, but is now working for the Ministry of Communications Transport and Tourism Development as head of the Hydrographic Unit, of the Marine Division. Upon returning home, Tion wishes to further promote and raise the profile of hydrography and to encourage more people to be interested in this field, especially, the younger generation.