2018-2019 GEBCO Scholars


Kemron Beache

St. Vincent and the Grenadines

Kemron Beache is from St.Vincent and the Grenadines, located in the South Eastern side of the Caribbean. Kemron holds a master's degree in Mechanical Engineering. He works for the Coast Guard as a Sub lieutenant and was last assigned to the Maritime Administration where his duties involved being the contact point for St.Vincent to the International Maritime Organisation, Inspection of Vessels: flag and port state, and relaying information back to the United Kingdom Hydrographic Office to keep our charts up to date.


Victor Chilamba


Victor Chilamba is from the Republic of Angola. He obtained a B.S. in Fisheries and Aquatic Science in 2012 from the University of Namibia and a Master of Science in International Fisheries Management from the Arctic University of Norway in 2014. He works as a senior Fisheries Officer in the Angolan Ministry of Fisheries and Sea and has been involved in some regional marine environmental projects in southern Africa.

Now pursuing a post graduate certificate program in ocean mapping, Victor plans to use this knowledge to develop solutions to problems in seafloor mapping related to some ongoing projects in Angola, e.g., Marine Spatial Planning and Marine Protected Areas.


Mekayla Dale

Northern Ireland

Mekayla Dale is a Marine Scientist working on the INFOMAR project (INtegrated Mapping FOr the Sustainable Development of Ireland's MArine Resource), with the Marine Institute in Ireland. Her work mainly consists of acquiring and processing multi-beam data aboard the Marine Institutes fleet of research vessels.

In 2017, Mekayla graduated from Ulster University with a BSc in Marine Science with DPP (Diploma in Professional PRACTICE).


Victoria Obura


Victoria Obura is a Kenyan Land Surveyor, working for Government's Ministry of Lands and Physical Planning, Ddepartment of Hydrography, in the coastal city of Mombasa. She holds a bachelor's degree in Land Surveying and has 7 years of working experience in both Land and Hydrographic survey and mapping, aboard their research vessel RV-MTAFITI. Victoria is a member of both Kenya National Hydrographic and Oceanographic Committee (KeNHOC) secretariat (an umbrella body that brings together all marine stakeholders in the country), and the Institution of Surveyors of Kenya (ISK)


Rafeq Paimin


Lieutenant Rafeq Paimin RMN is a Hydrographic Surveyor with the National Hydrographic Centre of the Royal Malaysian Navy. He received his B.Sc. (Maritime Technology) from National Defence University of Malaysia in 2010. He started his career as a seaman naval officer and later join the specialization of hydrography in 2014. Rafeq is a certified Category B hydrographic surveyor from the University of Technology Malaysia. He has been actively involved in many hydrographic survey around Malaysian waters.


Keshav Sauba


Keshav Sauba is currently a Research and Development Officer working for the Department for Continental Shelf, Maritime Zones Administration and Exploration under the aegis of the Ministry of Defence and Rodrigues of the Republic of Mauritius. He received a Bachelor of Engineering degree (Biotechnology) in 2011 from Manipal Institute of Technology (India) and an M.S. (Water Resources Engineering) from SUNY- ESF (U.S.A) in 2015. He is currently working in the Hydrocarbon/Mineral Exploration Unit.