
Upcoming Seminars

There are no upcoming Seminars at this point in time. Please check back soon!

Past Seminars

Elizabeth Reed-Weidner
Postdoctoral Fellow

Marine Physical Lab
Scripps Institution of Oceanography 

May. 3, 2024
Gabrielle Trudeau
Ph.D. Student


May. 1, 2024
Sara Santos
Ph.D. Candidate and Graduate Ostrach Fellow

Dept. of Engineering
Brown University

Apr. 26, 2024
Christopher Parrish
Professor and the Plasker Faculty Scholar in Geomatics

Oregon State University

Apr. 19, 2024
Sjoerd van den Brom
Survey Director


Apr. 18, 2024
Peter Traykovski
Assoc. Scientist with Tenure

Applied Ocean Physics and Engineering Dept.
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Apr. 12, 2024
Matthew Zimmerman
Chief Executive Officer

FarSounder, Inc.

Apr. 5, 2024
Cassie Bongiovanni
Marine Geologist

Applied Research Laboratories
University of Texas

Mar. 15, 2024
Peter Ramsay and Moe Doucet

Klein Marine Systems

Mar. 1, 2024
