Upcoming Seminars
Kaelyn Gamel
Research Scientist
Naval Undersea Warfare Center
Division Newport
Friday, Feb. 7, 2025, 3:10pm
Past Seminars
Louis L. Whitcomb
Director, Laboratory for Computational Sensing and Robotics
Johns Hopkins University
Adjunct Scientist, Applied Ocean Physics and Engineering
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Mar. 5, 2010
James Daniell
GEBCO Program
University of New Hampshire
Feb. 19, 2010
Danny Brothers, Ph.D.
Mendenhall Postdoc Fellow
US Geological Survey
Woods Hole, MA
Feb. 12, 2010
Dana Yoerger, Ph.D.
Senior Scientist
Applied Ocean Physics & Engineering
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Feb. 5, 2010
Thomas Butkiewicz
Postdoctoral Candidate
University of North Carolina, Charlotte
Jan. 28, 2010
John K. Hall
Geological Survey of Israel, Retired
Jan. 22, 2010
Mashkoor Malik and Meme Lobecker
Physical Scientists
NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and Research (OER)
Dec. 11, 2009
Val Schmidt
Research Scientist
University of New Hampshire
Dec. 4, 2009
Douglas Vandermark
Research Associate Professor
Air-Sea Interaction and Ocean Remote Sensing
Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans and Space
University of New Hampshire
Nov. 20, 2009
Joe Souney
Project Director
Complex Systems Research Center
Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans and Space
University of New Hampshire
Nov. 13, 2009