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Daniel Tauriello

Research Project Manager II
Office S122D

Center for Coastal & Ocean Mapping/Joint Hydrographic Center
Jere A. Chase Ocean Engineering Lab
24 Colovos Road
Durham, New Hampshire 03824

603.862.0622 (tel)
603.862.0839 (fax)

Dan graduated from UNH with a bachelor's degree in Marine Biology—with a minor in Ocean Engineering—then earned a master's degree in Earth Science with an Ocean Mapping focus from CCOM. He occupies several roles as a research project manager, including service as relief captain, first mate, and scientific equipment manager aboard R/V Gulf Surveyor. He also instructs field components of graduate courses in CCOM's ocean mapping curriculum. 

In his spare moments, he is collaborating with CCOM's ASV team to develop a novel method for leveraging low-cost recreational sidescan sonars to autonomously collect seafloor imagery from uncrewed vessels.