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Clint Marcus

Physical Scientist
Office S220H

Center for Coastal & Ocean Mapping/Joint Hydrographic Center
Jere A. Chase Ocean Engineering Lab
24 Colovos Road
Durham, New Hampshire 03824

603.862.3438 (tel)
603.862.0839 (fax)
541.264.6406 (cell)

Clint Marcus is a Physical Scientist at the NOAA Hydrographic Surveys Division Operations Branch. Prior to working for NOAA, Clint served as a Sonar Technician (Submarines) in the U.S. Navy for nine years. After his service, Clint attended Maine Maritime Academy where he received his B.S. in Marine Science in 2010. Clint started working for NOAA in 2007 as a summer intern and has sailed on seven NOAA ships, including six years as a Hydrographic Senior Survey Technician on the NOAA Ship Fairweather conducting surveys all the way from LA/Long Beach, CA to Barrow, AK. Clint then worked for NOAA's Atlantic Hydrographic Branch and was selected to attend the University of New Hampshire, where he received his M.S. in Earth Sciences/Ocean Mapping in 2021.