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Bradley Barr

Affiliate Research Professor
603.862.3438 (tel)
603.862.0839 (fax)

Brad Barr received a B.S. from the University of Maine, an M.S. from the University of Massachusetts, and a Ph.D. from the University of Alaska. He is currently a Senior Advisor in the NOAA Office of National Marine Sanctuaries’ Maritime Heritage Program, Affiliate Professor at the School of Marine Sciences and Ocean Engineering at the University of New Hampshire, and a Visiting Professor at the University Center of the Westfjords in Iceland. He was a 2017-2018 Fulbright-NSF Arctic Research Scholar, conducting research entitled “Whaling Heritage in Iceland: Forgotten History”, in collaboration with the Stefansson Arctic Research Institute and University Center of the Westfjords in Iceland. In 2015, he was also Expedition Coordinator and Chief Scientist for the Search for the Lost Whaling Fleets of the Western Arctic, conducted off the Arctic Coast of Alaska. He is a member of the IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas, the International Committee on Marine Mammal Protected Areas/IUCN Marine Mammal Protected Areas Task Force. He has also served on the Boards of Directors of the George Wright Society in the U.S., the Science and Management of Protected Areas Association (SAMPAA), and the Coastal Zone Canada Association (CZCA) in Canada. His research interests include maritime cultural landscapes, whaling history, Arctic place-based maritime heritage preservation, marine protected areas science and management, and the identification and management of ocean wilderness.

Selected Papers

Barr, B. (2017).  “An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure”: Adopting Landscape-Level Precautionary Approaches to Preserve Arctic Coastal Heritage Resources.  Resources 6:18; doi:10.3390/resources602001.

Barr, B.W., J.P. Delgado, M.S. Lawrence and H.K. Van Tilburg.  (2017).  The Search for the 1871 Whaling Fleet of the Western Arctic:  writing the final chapter.  International Journal of Nautical Archaeology 46(1):149-163.

Barr, B.W. and J.P. Delgado.  (2014).  Preserving Whaling Heritage:  The role of marine protected areas as “Underwater Museums of the Sea.”  Pp. 123-136 in:  J.E. Ringstad, ed., Whaling and History IV:  Papers Presented at a Symposium in Sandefjord on the 20th and 21st of June 2012.  Publikasjon nr. 35, Kommandør Chr. Christensens Hvalfangstmuseum, Sandefjord, Norway. 

Barr, B.W. and A.D. Kliskey.  (2014).  Perceptions of wilderness and their application to ocean and coastal waters.  Ocean and Coastal Management 96:1-11.

Barr, B.W. and A.D. Kliskey.  (2014).  "I know it when I see it":  Identifying ocean wilderness using a photo-based survey approach.  Global Ecology and Conservation 2:72-80.

Barr, B.W. (2013).  Understanding and managing marine protected areas through integrating ecosystem based management within maritime cultural landscapes: Moving from theory to practice.  Ocean and Coastal Management 84:184-1292.

Barr, B.W. (2009). The Lost Fleets of the Western Arctic: Preserving a Significant Element of the Maritime and Cultural Heritage of Alaska and the United States.  Alaska Park Sci. 8(2):61-63.

Kliskey, A., L. Alessa, and B. Barr (2009).  Integrating Local and Traditional Ecological Knowledge.  Pp. 145-162 in:  K.L. McLeod, H.M. Leslie, eds., Ecosystem Based Management for the Oceans, Island Press, Washington, DC.

Landres, P., B. Barr, and C. Kormos (2008).  The Matrix:  A Comparison of International Wilderness Laws.  Pp. 31-56 in:  C.F. Kormos, ed., A Handbook on International Wilderness Law and Policy.  Fulcrum Publishing, Golden, Colorado.

Barr, B.W. and K. Van Dine.  (2006).  Application of the Antiquities Act to the Oceans:  Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue.  Pp. 271-284 in:  D. Harmon, F.P. McManamon, D.T. Pitcaithley, eds.  The Antiquities Act: A Century of American Archaeology, Historic Preservation, and Nature Conservation.  University of Arizona Press, Tucson, Arizona.  

Barr, B.W., R. Ehler, and P. Wiley.  (2003).  Ishmael’s Inclinations:  Non-Use Values of Marine Protected Areas.  Pp. 157-168 in:  D. Harmon, A.D. Putney, eds., The Full Value of Parks and Protected Areas: From Economics to the Intangible.  Rowman and Littlefield Press, Lanham, Maryland.

Barr, B.W.  (2002).  Establishing Effective Marine Protected Areas Networks.  Pp. 1204-1216 in S. Bondrup-Nielsen, T. Herman, N. Munro, G. Nelson, J.L.M. Willison, eds., Terrestrial and Marine Protected Areas: Globalization, Ecological Integrity and the Human Dimension.  Proceedings of the 4th Int. Conf. on Science and the Management of Protected Areas)., SAMPAA, Wolfville, Nova Scotia.

Lindholm, J. and B. Barr.  (2001). Comparison of marine and terrestrial protected areas under Federal jurisdiction in the United States.  Conservation Biology 15(5):1441-1444.

Barr, B.W.  (1997).  Aquaculture in Offshore Critical Areas:  Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary Case Study.  Ocean and Coastal Law Journal 2(2):  273-287.