
E.g., 2024-07-26
E.g., 2024-07-26
E.g., 2024-07-26
KIDK News 8
Mar. 2, 2023
CCOM researchers were on hand with the BEN ASV to assist a world-renowned team that found the pristine wreck of the Ironton at the bottom of Lake Huron.
Mar. 2, 2023
CCOM researchers were on hand with the BEN ASV to assist a world-renowned team that found the pristine wreck of the Ironton at the bottom of Lake Huron.
Mar. 2, 2023
CCOM researchers were on hand with the BEN ASV to assist a world-renowned team that found the pristine wreck of the Ironton at the bottom of Lake Huron.
National Marine Sanctuaries Website
Mar. 2, 2023
CCOM researchers were on hand with the BEN ASV to assist a world-renowned team that found the pristine wreck of the Ironton at the bottom of Lake Huron.
Interlochen Public Radio
Mar. 1, 2023
CCOM researchers were on hand with the BEN ASV to assist a world-renowned team that found the pristine wreck of the Ironton at the bottom of Lake Huron.
UNH Today
Mar. 1, 2023
The CCOM ASV Team was were part of a multi-institutional effort that discovered an intact shipwreck from the 19th century hundreds of feet below the surface of Lake Huron.
Mar. 1, 2023
CCOM ASV Team Leader Val Schmidt discusses the discovery of the Ironton in Lake Huron.
Coastal News Today
Feb. 13, 2023
The role of women in hydrography is increasing worldwide. In 2022, NOAA participated in the international Empowering Women in Hydrography (EWH) programme initiated by Canada and the International Hydrographic Organization, by sponsoring three early career hydrographers for underway experience aboard NOAA hydrographic ships.
Hydro International
Feb. 7, 2023
JHC Co-Director Andy Armstrong co-authored this article for Hydro International about the ever-expanding role of women in NOAA hydrography.
Hydro International
Jan. 31, 2023
Map the Gaps, a global community of ocean explorers, conservationists, educators, and early-career scientists, is approaching ocean discovery through networking, diversity, and wide-ranging projects.
Hydro International
Jan. 16, 2023
While ASVs are revolutionizing the field of hydrography, CCOM researchers find that the support of hydrographic ships is still necessary.
Dec. 17, 2022
Deep ocean missions, like the Okeanos Explorer's, explore little-known — or just never-visited — places on Earth.
Deep Blue
Nov. 21, 2022
An update on some of the discoveries made by CCOM research professor Jen Miksis-Olds and her team about ocean noise levels during the pandemic.
UNH Today
Nov. 15, 2022
Before heading out to sea, researchers practice for emergencies with marine safety drills in the Chase engineering tank.
Nov. 3, 2022
Here is an update on some of the discoveries made by CCOM research professor Jen Miksis-Olds and her team about ocean noise levels during the pandemic.
UNH Today
Nov. 3, 2022
New data presented in a paper published by CCOM research professor Jen Miksis-Olds reveals that the COVID-19 lockdown did not lead to a quieter offshore ocean.
Phys Org
Nov. 3, 2022
Here is an update on some of the discoveries made by CCOM research professor Jen Miksis-Olds and her team about ocean noise levels during the pandemic.
UNH Today
Oct. 31, 2022
CCOM professor emeritus Colin Ware has been selected to receive the Visualization Lifetime Achievement Award from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers’ Visualization and Graphics Technical Committee. 
UNH Today
Sep. 20, 2022
CCOM research associate professor Larry Ward, and research assistant Rachel Morrison are co-authors of a paper that examines how the contribution of beach profiling data collected by citizen scientists can lead to increased coastal resilience and informed management decisions in the future.
Popular Science
Sep. 14, 2022
Shannon Hoy, a NOAA Physical Scientist, lends her expertise as Popular Science checks in on progress towards one of our most ambitious promises—mapping the seafloor.
Boston Chronicle, WCVB
Sep. 13, 2022
CCOM Research Associate Professor Jenn Djikstra explains how an invasive red seaweed is killing off the kelp forests in New England's coastal waters.
6Park News
Aug. 22, 2022
Overview of the DriX's specs and capabilities.
Marine Technology News
Aug. 22, 2022
The Aleutians Uncrewed Ocean Exploration expedition, a public-private partnership facilitated and led by the NOAA OECI, is collecting ocean mapping and environmental data in unexplored waters around the Aleutian Islands with the innovative Saildrone Surveyor—the world’s largest and most advanced uncrewed surface vessel for ocean exploration. CCOM, along with Saildrone Inc. and NOAA Ocean Exploration staff, will manage at-sea operations. All work conducted will contribute to the Seascape Alaska regional mapping campaign.
NOAA Ocean Exploration
Aug. 18, 2022
The Aleutians Uncrewed Ocean Exploration expedition, a public-private partnership facilitated and led by the NOAA OECI, will collect ocean mapping and environmental data in unexplored waters around the Aleutian Islands with the Saildrone Surveyor.
Hawai'i Public Radio
Aug. 17, 2022
While E/V Nautilus scanned the deep ocean, an uncrewed surface vessel DriX mapped near shore waters during a recent expedition focused on the southwestern area of Papahānaumokuākea near Nihoa Island.
