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“Establishing an IALA AIS Binary Message Register: Recommended Process”, International Association of Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities (IALA-AISM). Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa, pp. 108-115, 2010.
, “A Marine GIS for the Oceania Region (MARGO); An Exploratory Project”, GEBCO Bathymetric Sciences Day. Lima, Peru, Peru, 2010.
, “New Standards for Providing Meteorological and Hydrographic Information via AIS Application-specific Messages”, International Hydrographic Review. Geomatics Information & Trading Center - GITC, Lemmers, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 37-44, 2010.
, “Establishing a Regional AIS Application Specific Message Register”, International Association of Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities (IALA-AISM). Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa, 2010.
, “Bathymetric Attributed Grids (BAGs): Discovery of Marine Datasets and Geospatial Metadata Visualization”, Canadian Hydrographic Conference (CHC). Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, 2010.
, “Traffic Analysis for the Calibration of Risk Assessment Models”, U.S. Hydrographic Conference (US HYDRO). Norfolk, VA, USA, 2009.
, “Minimizing Vessel Strikes to Endangered Whales: A Crash Course in Conservation Science and Policy”, Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History. Washington DC, Washington DC, USA, 2009.
, “Right Whale AIS Project (RAP): Acoustic Detections in the Boston Approaches”, Inland Navigation Technology. Vicksburg, MS, USA, 2009.
, “Enhancing AIS to Improve Whale-Ship Collision Avoidance and Maritime Security”, IEEE Oceans. Biloxi, MS, USA, 2009.
, “Concept: IALA AIS Binary Messages Web Site for Message Catalog and Register”, International Association of Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities (IALA-AISM). Key West, FL, USA, 2009.
, “Discovery of Marine Datasets and Geospatial Metadata Visualization”, American Geophysical Union (AGU). San Francisco, CA, USA, 2009.
, “Environmental Response Management Application (ERMA) - Web-based GIS Data Display and Management System for Oil Spill Planning and Environmental Response”, Coastal Geotools. Myrtle Beach, SC, USA, 2009.
, , “Visualizing the Operations of the Phoenix Mars Lander”, American Geophysical Union (AGU). San Francisco, CA, USA, 2008.
“Open Geoscience: Using Free and Open Source Software for Research and Education”, American Geophysical Union (AGU). Orlando, FL, USA, 2008.
, “Environmental Response Management Application”, International Oil Spill Conference (IOSP). Savannah, GA, USA, 2008.
, “Marine Technology Advances to Reduce Incidence of Whale Ship Strikes”, IEEE Oceans. Kobe, Kobe, Japan, 2008.
, “Google's Spatial Tools in the Marine Environment - Decision Support”, Google Tech Talk. San Francisco, CA, USA, 2008.
, “Characterizing the Relative Contributions of Large Vessels to Total Ocean Noise Fields: A Case Study Using the Gerry E. Studds Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary”, Environmental Management, vol. 42. Springer Publisher, New York, NY, USA, pp. 735-752, 2008.
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“GEBCO Visual Library, Proof of Concept”, International Bathymetric Science Day. Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, pp. 1-1, 2008.
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“GeoCoastPilot - Linking the Coast Pilot with Geo-referenced Imagery & Chart Information”, Shallow Water Survey Conference (SWS). Durham, NH, USA, 2008.
Schwehr_08_SNPWG_GeoCoastPilot.pdf (973.38 KB)
“Seismic-py: Reading Seismic Data with Python”, The Python Papers, vol. 3. The Python Papers, pp. 0-8, 2008.
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“Specification Format for AIS Binary Messages for Providing Hydrographic-related Information”, U.S. Hydrographic Conference (US HYDRO). Norfolk, VA, USA, pp. 0-21, 2007.
, “Tide Aware ENC: Demonstration of an Operational Concept”, U.S. Hydrographic Conference (US HYDRO). Norfolk, VA, USA, pp. 0-0, 2007.
, “Origin of continental margin morphology: submarine-slide or downslope current-controlled bedforms, a rock magnetic approach”, Marine Geology, vol. 240. Elsevier, New York, NY, USA, pp. 19-41, 2007.
, “Portsmouth Harbor Response Initiative Web Interface”, Coastal Response Research Center Workshop. Durham, NH, USA, 2007.
, “AIS Binary Messages, Domain Examples and a Case for a XML Message Definition Language”, USCG Puget Sound VTS. Seattle, WA, USA, pp. 1-47, 2007.
, “Encoding AIS Binary Messages in XML Format for Providing Hydrographic-related Information”, International Hydrographic Review, vol. 8. Geomatics Information & Trading Center - GITC, Lemmers, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 36-57, 2007.
, “Proposed AIS Binary Message Format Using XML for Providing Hydrographic-related Information”, U.S. Hydrographic Conference (US HYDRO). Norfolk, VA, USA, 2007.
, “Marine Ship Automatic Identification System (AIS) for Enhanced Coastal Security Capabilities: An Oil Spill Tracking Application”, IEEE Oceans. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, pp. 1-9, 2007.
, “AIS Binary Message Format Using XML to Provide Hydrographic-related Information”, U.S. Hydrographic Conference (US HYDRO). The Hydrographic Society of America, Norfolk, VA, 2007.
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“Google Earth Visualizations: Preview and Delivery of Hydrographic and Other Marine Datasets”, U.S. Hydrographic Conference (US HYDRO). Norfolk, VA, USA, pp. 0-0, 2007.
Schwehr_2007_USHYDRO_Google_Earth_Visualizations.pdf (62.86 KB)
“Detecting Compaction Disequilibrium with Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility”, Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, vol. 7. American Geophysical Union , Washington DC, Washington DC, USA, pp. 0-18, 2006.
, “Self-Positioning Smart Buoys, The 'Un-Buoy' Solution: Logistic Considerations Using Autonomous Surface Craft Technology and Improved Communications Infrastructure”, IEEE Oceans. Boston, MA, USA, pp. 0-5, 2006.