Hybrid Millidecade Spectra: A Practical Format for Exchange of Long-term Ambient Sound Data

TitleHybrid Millidecade Spectra: A Practical Format for Exchange of Long-term Ambient Sound Data
Publication TypeJournal Article
AuthorsMartin, SB, Gaudet, BJ, Klinck, H, Miksis-Olds, J, Dugan, PJ, Mellinger, DK, Mann, DA, Boebel, O, Wilson, CC, Ponirakis, DW, Moors-Murphy, H
JournalJournal of the Acoustical Society of America – Express Letters
Volume1(1) 081201
Date PublishedJanuary 29

This Letter proposes a frequency scaling for processing, storing, and sharing high-bandwidth, passive acoustic spectral data that optimizes data volume while maintaining reasonable data resolution. The format is a hybrid that uses 1 Hz resolution up to 455 Hz and millidecade frequency bands above 455 Hz. This hybrid is appropriate for many types of soundscape analysis, including detecting different types of soundscapes and regulatory applications like computing weighted sound exposure levels. Hybrid millidecade files are compressed compared to the 1 Hz equivalent such that one research center could feasibly store data from hundreds of projects for sharing among researchers globally.

Refereed DesignationRefereed