To use the application in command line interface (CLI) mode, the user can set -console as an application argument. After that, they can start inputting all other commands listed below. Alternatively, the user can proceed with commands in the original argument list, such as:

-console -NEXT_COMMAND -NEXT ...

Command signature:





Prints help for all commands or for a specific command.


  • command_name (Optional): The name of the command to print help for. Default: (prints help for all commands)



Loads a file from the specified path.


  • filepath (Required): The path of the file to load.



Saves the current state to a file at the specified path.


  • filepath (Required): The path of the file to save.



Execute a sequence of commands from a specified script(text) file. Each command in the file should be on a new line.


  • filepath (Required): The path of the script file to execute.



Creates a job to add complexity layer of a model based on the specified type.


  • type (Required): Specifies the type of complexity calculation. Possible Values: 'HEIGHT', 'AREA', 'RUGOSITY', 'TRIANGLE_EDGE', 'TRIANGLE_COUNT', 'VECTOR_DISPERSION', 'FRACTAL_DIMENSION', 'COMPARE'

  • resolution (Optional): Specifies the resolution in meters for the complexity calculation. Alternative to relative_resolution. Default: Minimal possible

  • relative_resolution (Optional): Specifies the resolution as a float between 0.0 and 1.0, where 0.0 represents the lowest possible resolution and 1.0 represents the highest. Alternative to resolution. Default: 0.0

  • jitter_quality (Optional): Specifies the quality of jitter applied to the model. Higher values mean more jitters and potentially smoother results but slower processing. Possible Values: 1, 7, 13, 25, 37, 55, 73 Default: 55

  • run_on_whole_model (Optional): Specifies if the calculation should be run on the whole model without jitter. Default: "false"

  • triangle_edges_mode (Optional): Specifies the mode of triangle edges calculation. Relevant only for 'TRIANGLE_EDGE' complexity type. Default: MAX_LEHGTH

  • rugosity_algorithm (Optional): Specifies the algorithm for rugosity calculation. Relevant only for 'RUGOSITY' complexity type. Possible Values: 'AVERAGE', 'MIN', 'LSF(CGAL)' Default: MIN

  • rugosity_is_using_unique_projected_area (Optional): Specifies if the unique projected area should be used for rugosity calculation. Relevant only for 'RUGOSITY' complexity type. Default: "false"

  • rugosity_is_unique_projected_area_approximated (Optional): Specifies if the approximation should be used for unique projected area rugosity calculation(Speeds Up by Over 100x). Relevant only for ‘RUGOSITY’ complexity type. Default: "true"

  • rugosity_delete_outliers (Optional): Specifies if the outliers should be deleted from the rugosity calculation. Relevant only for 'RUGOSITY' complexity type. Default: "false"

  • rugosity_min_algorithm_quality (Optional): Specifies the quality of the rugosity calculation. Relevant only for 'RUGOSITY' complexity type and when the rugosity_algorithm is set to 'MIN'. Possible Values: 1, 9, 19, 33, 51, 73, 91, 99, 129, 163, 201, 289, 339, 393, 441 Default: 91

  • fractal_dimension_should_filter_values (Optional): Specifies if the app should filter values that are less that 2.0. Relevant only for 'FRACTAL_DIMENSION' complexity type. Default: "true"

  • is_standard_deviation_needed (Optional): Specifies if the app should also add layer with standard deviation. Default: "false"

  • compare_first_layer_index (Required): Specifies the index of the first layer to compare. Relevant only for 'COMPARE' complexity type.

  • compare_second_layer_index (Required): Specifies the index of the second layer to compare. Relevant only for 'COMPARE' complexity type.

  • compare_normalize (Optional): Specifies if the app should normalize the layers before comparing. Relevant only for 'COMPARE' complexity type. Default: "true"



Creates an evaluation job with the specified settings to test a layer or other objects.


  • type (Required): Specifies the type of evaluation. Possible Values: 'COMPLEXITY'

  • subtype (Required): Specifies the subtype of evaluation. Possible Values: 'MEAN_LAYER_VALUE', 'MEDIAN_LAYER_VALUE', 'MAX_LAYER_VALUE', 'MIN_LAYER_VALUE'

  • expected_value (Required): Specifies the expected value for the evaluation.

  • tolerance (Required): Specifies the tolerance for the evaluation.

  • layer_index (Optional): Specifies the index of the layer to evaluate. Relevant only for 'COMPLEXITY' evaluation type. Default: '-1' Which means the last layer.

  • convert_to_script (Optional): Specifies if the job should be converted to a script that later can be used to run the same job but with actual values.(Mostly used to make it easier to create a script file for new models) Default: "false"



Sets a global setting for the application.


  • type (Required): Specifies the type of global setting. Possible Values: 'EVALUATION_JOB_TO_SCRIPT', 'OUTPUT_LOG_TO_FILE'

  • int_value (Optional): Specifies the integer value for the global setting. Default: 0

  • float_value (Optional): Specifies the float value for the global setting. Default: 0.0

  • bool_value (Optional): Specifies the boolean value for the global setting. Default: "false"



Exports a layer as an image.


  • export_mode (Required): Specifies the mode of the export. Possible Values: 'MIN', 'MAX', 'MEAN', 'CUMULATIVE'

  • save_mode (Required): Specifies the type of image file. Possible Values: 'PNG', 'GEOTIF', 'GEOTIF_32_BITS'

  • filepath (Required): Specifies the path of the file to save.

  • resolution (Required): Specifies the resolution in meters for the image.

  • resolution_in_pixels (Optional): Specifies the resolution in pixels for the image. Default:

  • layer_index (Required): Specifies the index of the layer to export.

  • force_projection_vector (Optional): Specifies the projection vector for the image. Possible Values: 'X', 'Y', 'Z' Default: Calculated on fly

  • persent_of_area_that_would_be_red (Optional): Specifies the persent of area that would be considered outliers and would be red. Default: 5.0



With this command, users can query information to be outputted to the console or log.


  • request (Required): Specifies what to query. Possible Values: 'EVALUATION_SUMMARY'


-load filepath="C:/data/mesh.obj"
-save filepath="C:/data/processed_mesh.rug"
-complexity type=RUGOSITY rugosity_algorithm=MIN jitter_quality=73
-evaluation type=COMPLEXITY subtype=MAX_LAYER_VALUE expected_value=5.02 tolerance=0.01


  • For Boolean settings, use "true" or "false".
  • Paths must be enclosed in quotes.