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Garrett Mitchell

M.S. Student - Earth Sciences/Ocean Mapping
Office 220L

Center for Coastal & Ocean Mapping/Joint Hydrographic Center
Jere A. Chase Ocean Engineering Lab
24 Colovos Road
Durham, New Hampshire 03824

603.862.0564 (tel)
603.862.0839 (fax)

Garrett Mitchell received a Master of Science in Geology from the University of Maryland in 2010. His master’s thesis was "Stability of ridge-ridge-ridge triple junctions based on the mechanics of rift interaction: The Northern Galápagos and Rodriguez Triple Junctions." Garrett also holds Bachelor of Science degrees in both Geology and Geography/GIS from the University of Maryland. His research project at CCOM is the construction of a 3-D seafloor data visualization that includes video mosaicking and texture mapping of deep submergence vehicle data from an exploration cruise in 2010 aboard the E/V Nautilus. Other seafloor mapping interests includes deep submergence technology (AUVs and ROVs) to study marine geomorphology, geohazard assessment surveying, seafloor characterization, and global mid-ocean ridge exploration.

Garrett’s prior experience includes seafloor mapping internships within NOAA’s Office of Coast Survey and Biogeography Team, and has previously worked as a land surveyor and GIS analyst, and scuba divemaster. His hobbies include technical diving – mixed gas, cave, wreck, and deep – and spending time with his wife, Susannah. He is also an avid saltwater aquarist and enjoys live music.


Transient rifting north of the Galápagos triple junction
G.A. Mitchell, L. G.J. Montési, W. Zhu, H. Schouten, D.K. Smith
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Volume 307, Issues 3-4, 15 July 2011

Stability of ridge-ridge-ridge triple junctions based on the mechanics of rift interaction: The Galápagos and Rodriguez triple junctions 
M.Sc. Thesis, Department of Geology, University of Maryland, 2010

Stability of ridge-ridge-ridge triple junctions based on the mechanics of rift interaction: Examples of the Galápagos and Rodriguez triple junctions 
G.A. Mitchell, L. G.J. Montési, W. Zhu, H. Schouten, D.K. Smith, J.R. Cann
AGU Fall Meeting, 2009

The Galápagos Plate Revealed
D.K. Smith, H. Schouten, J.R. Cann, W. Zhu, L. G.J. Montési, G.A. Mitchell
AGU Fall Meeting, 2009

Transient Cracks and Triple Junctions Induced by Cocos-Nazca Propagating Rift 
H. Schouten, D.K. Smith, W. Zhu, L. G.J. Montési, G.A. Mitchell, J.R. Cann
AGU Fall Meeting, 2009

Cutting through the plate: Rift interaction north of the Galápagos triple junction
H. Schouten, D.K. Smith, W. Zhu, L. G.J. Montési, G.A. Mitchell, J.R. Cann
AGU Fall Meeting, 2008