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L. C. Huff, Fonseca, L., Hou, T., and McConnaughey, R., Comparison Between Physical Sediment Samples and Grain-size Estimates from GeoCoder, International Hydrographic Conference (HYDRO). Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa, 2009.
L. C. Huff, Fonseca, L., Hou, T., and McConnaughey, R., A Workable Schema for Editing Multibeam Backscatter, Shallow Water Survey Conference (SWS). Durham, NH, USA, 2008.
A. A. Armstrong, Calder, B. R., Fonseca, L., Gardner, J. V., and Mayer, L. A., US UNCLOS Multibeam Data: The Processing of Multibeam Bathymetry and Backcatter, Hydro International, vol. 8. Geomatics Information & Trading Center - GITC, Lemmers, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 14-17, 2008.PDF icon Fonseca_al_2008_hydro_intl.pdf (1.42 MB)
L. Fonseca and Mayer, L. A., Remote estimation of surficial seafloor properties through the application Angular Range Analysis to multibeam sonar data, Marine Geophysical Researches, vol. 28. Springer Publisher, New York, NY, USA, pp. 119-126, 2007.
L. Fonseca and Calder, B. R., Clustering Acoustic Backscatter in the Angular Response Space, U.S. Hydrographic Conference (US HYDRO). Norfolk, VA, USA, pp. 0-0, 2007.
F. Pohner, Bakke, J., Nilsen, O., Kjaer, T., and Fonseca, L., Integrating Imagery from Hull Mounted Sidescan Sonars with Multibeam Bathymetry, U.S. Hydrographic Conference (US HYDRO). Norfolk, VA, USA, pp. 0-0, 2007.
L. Fonseca, Acoustic Backscatter and Remote Seafloor Characterization, International Marine Technicians Symposium (INMARTECH). Woods Hole, MA, USA, 2006.
B. J. Kraft, Ressler, J., Mayer, L. A., Fonseca, L., and McGillicuddy, G., Insitu Measurement of Sediment Acoustic Properties, International Conference for Underwater Acoustic Measurements (ICUAM). Heraklion, Crete, Greece, pp. 0-0, 2005.
L. Fonseca and Calder, B. R., Geocoder: An Efficient Backscatter Map Constructor, U.S. Hydrographic Conference (US HYDRO). San Diego, CA, USA, pp. 0-0, 2005.
L. A. Mayer, Fonseca, L., and Kraft, B. J., Measurement of InSitu Acoustic Properties for the ONR Geoclutter Program, Annual Report, Geoclutter Program, University of New Hampshire (UNH), Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping (CCOM)/Joint Hydrographic Center (JHC), 2005.
L. A. Mayer, Kraft, B. J., and Fonseca, L., Measurement of In Situ Acoustic Properties for the ONR Geoclutter Program, University of New Hampshire (UNH), Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping (CCOM)/Joint Hydrographic Center (JHC), 2004.
L. Fonseca, Mayer, L. A., Kraft, B. J., Brandsdottir, B., and Richter, B., AVO Analysis of Multibeam Backscatter, an Example from Little Bay, NH and Skjalfandi Bay, Iceland, EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union . San Francisco, CA, USA, pp. 0-0, 2004.Image icon Fonseca_2004_AVO_Analysis_of_backscatter_little_bay_Skjalfandi_bay.jpg (1.16 MB)
L. Fonseca and Mayer, L. A., Detection Near-surface Gas with Acoustic Remote Sensing Data, Latin-American Congress on Organic Geochemistry (LACOG). Cartagena, Cartagena, Columbia, pp. 0-0, 2002.
B. R. Calder, Rzhanov, Y., Fonseca, L., Mayer, L. A., and Flood, R. D., Statistical Processing of Multibeam Sonar Data from SAX-99, EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union , vol. 81. San Francisco, CA, USA, pp. 0-0, 2000.
L. A. Mayer, Fonseca, L., Pacheco, M., Galway, S., Martinez, J., and Hou, T., The STRATAFORM GIS, U.S. Office of Naval Research (ONR). St. Andrews, New Brunswick, Canada, pp. 0-0, 1999.
P. Piauilino, Fonseca, L., and Maldonado, P., Acquisition of sonography, bathymetric and high-frequency profile data in Campos Basin, International Congress of Geophysics. Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1995.
C. Bentz, Fonseca, L., Miranda, F. P., and Cunha, F., The GIS and image processing state of the art in PETROBRAS, International Symposium on Resource and Environmental Monitoring. Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1994.