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2014 IHO/FIG/ICA Category A Course Program Submission, 1st ed., vol. 1, 2 vol. 2024, p. 770.
, “Introducing Programming to Ocean Mapping Students”, International Hydrographic Review, vol. 28. International Hydrographic Office (IHO), Monaco, pp. 108-120, 2022.
, “A Design for a Trusted Community Bathymetry System”, Marine Geodesy. Taylor and Francis, 2020.
, “The e-Learning Python for Ocean Mapping project - Empowering the Next Generation of Ocean Mappers with Effective Programming Skills”, 2020 Canadian Hydrographic Conference. Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, 2020. ePOM_CHC2010_abstract.pdf (36.64 KB)
, “Danger to Navigation Report - 2019 Summer Hydrographic Field Course CCOM-UNH”, Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping / Joint Hydrographic Center, Durham, NH, 2019. SH2019_DTON_Report_.pdf (3.33 MB)
, “Data Acquisition and Processing Report - Summer Hydro 2019”, Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping / Joint Hydrographic Center, Durham, NH, 2019. SH2019_DAPR.pdf (3.16 MB)
, “Descriptive Report - Summer Hydro 2019”, Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping / Joint Hydrographic Center, Durham, NH, 2019. SH2019_DescriptiveReport.pdf (7.34 MB)
, “Horizontal and Vertical Control Report - Gulf of Maine Survey”, Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping / Joint Hydrographic Center, Durham, NH, 2019. SH2019_HVCR.pdf (554.45 KB)
, “Design of a Trusted Community Bathymetry System”, 2018 Canadian Hydrographic Conference. Canadian Hydrographic Association, Victoria, BC, Canada, 2018. 2018-02-19_Calder_etal_TrustedCommunityBathymetry_CHC18.pdf (1.6 MB)
, IHO/FIG/ICA Category A Course Program Submission, 1st ed., vol. 1, 2 vol. 2018, p. 736.
, “Comparing Acoustic- and Aerial Imagery-based Methods of Eelgrass Mapping at Two New England Sites”, Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation Biennial Conference. p. Providence, RI, 2017. Norton_Abstract_CERF2017_final.pdf (140.67 KB)
, “Development of a New Acoustic Mapping Method for Eelgrass Using a Multi-Beam Echo-Sounder”, GeoHab 2017. p. Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, 2017. Norton_GeoHab2017_Abstract.pdf (203.77 KB)
, “Three-Dimensional Assessment of Seaweed Habitats Using Remote Sensing”, Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation. p. Providence, RI, 2017.
, “Developments in Eelgrass Mapping Methodology Using Hydrographic Multi-beam Sonar”, 25th Annual Zosterapalooza. EPA District 1 Offices, Boston, MA, 2016. Zosterapalooza2016poster.pdf (1.42 MB)
, “Observations of Acoustic Backscatter and Current Velocity Above an Eelgrass Canopy Over Multiple Tidal Cycles”, New England Estuarine Research Society Fall Meeting. p. Block Island, RI, 2016. Norton_FallNEERSAbstract.pdf (97.52 KB)
, “Detecting and Characterizing the Deep Edge and Canopy Height of Eelgrass Beds Using a Multi-beam Echosounder”, Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation Biennial Conference. Portland, OR, 2015.
, “Mapping and Measuring Eelgrass Beds With an MB1 Sonar”, Teledyne Marine Technology Workshop. San Diego, CA, 2015.
, “Mapping and Measuring Eelgrass with a Multi-beam Sonar in the Great Bay Estuary, New Hampshire”, 24th Annual Zosterapalooza. EPA District 1, Boston, MA, 2015. 2015_03_21ZosterapaloozaPoster.pdf (2.98 MB)
, “CCOM-JHC Summer Hydro 2012: A High-Res Survey Under 12 Flags”, Eighth Annual GEBCO Bathymetric Science Day. Venice, Italy, 2013. ccom_poster_gebco_2013.pdf (730.59 KB)
, “On the Horizon: Better Bottom Detection for Areas of Sub-Aquatic Vegetation”, U.S. Hydrographic Conference (US HYDRO). Tampa, FL, USA, 2011. Beduhn_Dijkstra_2011_on_the_horizon_better_bottom_detection.pdf (1.7 MB)
, “IHO/FIG/ICA Category A Course Program Submission”, Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping/ Joint Hydrographic Center, Durham, NH, USA, 2011.
, “Mapping and Characterizing Oyster Reefs using Acoustic Techniques, Underwater Videography and Quadrat Sampling”, Benthic Habitats and the Effects of Fishing, no. P.W. Barnes & J.P. Thomas. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, MD, USA, pp. 153-159, 2005.
, “Waveform characterization, clustering and segmentation of SHOALS”, Joint Airborne LIDAR Bathymetry Technical Center of Expertise Coastal Mapping and Charting Workshop (JALBTCX). St. Andrews, New Brunswick, Canada, pp. 0-0, 2004.
, “Bottom Segmentation and Classification Using Expectation-maximization Clustering Methods on SHOALS Data”, American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS). Denver, CO, USA, pp. 0-0, 2004.
, “Robust Characterization of SHOALS Lidar Signals for Bottom Segmentation and Classification: A Combined Parameter-estimation and Curve Fitting Approach”, American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS). Denver, CO, USA, pp. 0-0, 2004.
, “Quantitative Inter-channel Calibration of SHOALS Signals for Consistent Bottom Segmentation and Characterization”, American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS). Denver, CO, USA, pp. 0-0, 2004. Dijkstra_2004_ASPRS_Quantitative_inter-channel_calibration_SHOALS_signals_for_segmentation_and_characterization.jpg (1.46 MB)
, “Hydrographic Learning 24/7”, U.S. Hydrographic Conference (US HYDRO). Biloxi, MS, USA, pp. 0-0, 2003.
, “Do Quaternary Sediments Register Paleoseismicity or Neotectonic Rejuvenation of Ancient Faults Beneath Lake Ontario?”, Geological Society of America (GSA). Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, pp. 0-0, 2003.
, Mapping and Characterizing Subtidal Oyster Reefs Using Acoustic Techniques, Underwater Videography and Quadrat Counts, no. P.W. Barnes & J.P. Thomas. Bethesda, MD, USA: American Fisheries Society, 2003.
, “Mapping Benthic Habitat at Various scales in the Olympic National Marine Sanctuary, WA”, National Shellfisheries Association (NSA). New Orleans, LA, USA, pp. 0-0, 2002.
, “Automated Interpretation of Sidescan and Single-beam Sonar for Characterization and Mapping the Extent of Subtidal Oyster Reefs”, National Shellfisheries Association (NSA). Mystic, CT, USA, pp. 0-0, 2002.
, “Open Access Learning at Sea”, Canadian Hydrographic Conference (CHC). Toronto, Ontario, Canada, pp. 0-0, 2002.
, “Comparison of Acoustic Techniques, Videography, and Quadrant Sampling for Characterizing Subtidal Oyster Reefs”, National Shellfisheries Association (NSA). Mystic, CT, USA, 2001.
, “Seafloor Characterization Using Vertical Incidence Echosounders: A Study in Portsmouth Harbor and the Great Bay Estuary, New Hampshire”, International Conference on High-Resolution Survey in Shallow Water (HRSSW). Portsmouth, NH, USA, pp. 0-0, 2001.
, “TracEd: A Remote Acoustic Seafloor Characterization System for Use with Vertical Incidence Echosounders”, IEEE Oceans. IEEE, Washington DC, Washington DC, USA, pp. 1211-1217, 2000.