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D. Sowers, Mayer, L. A., Masetti, G., Cordes, E., Gasbarro, R., Lobecker, E., Cantwell, K., Candio, S., Hoy, S., Malik, M. A., White, M., and Dornback, M., Mapping and Geomorphic Characterization of the Vast Cold-Water Coral Mounds of the Blake Plateau, Geomatics, vol. 4(1). MDPI, pp. 17-47, 2024.
D. Sowers, Mayer, L. A., Masetti, G., Cordes, E., Gasbarro, R., Lobecker, E., Cantwell, K., Hoy, S., White, M., Candio, S., Malik, M. A., and Dornback, M., Mapping and Geomorphic Characterization of the Vast Cold-Water Coral Mounds of the Blake Plateau, 8th International Symposium Deep-Sea Corals. Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, 2023.PDF icon ISDSC8_Sowers_et_al_Poster_Final.pdf (4.02 MB)
B. J. Stablow, Lovejoy, T. E., Salerno, J. L., Wood, T. C., Dijkstra, J. A., Malik, M. A., and Peters, E. C., Spatial Distributions of Cold-Water Coral Mound Associates with Respect to Biotope Boundaries, Benthic Ecology Meeting. p. Portsmouth, 2022.
D. Sowers, Mayer, L. A., Masetti, G., Cordes, E., Gasbarro, R., Lobecker, E., Cantwell, K., Hoy, S., White, M., Candio, S., Malik, M. A., and Dornback, M., Standardized Geomorphic Characterization of the Extensive Cold-Water Coral Mound Province of the Blake Plateau, USA, Ocean Sciences Meeting 2022. 2022.
K. Mello, Sowers, D., Malik, M. A., Watling, L., Mayer, L. A., and Dijkstra, J. A., Environmental and Geomorphological Effects on the Distribution of Deep-Sea Canyon and Seamount Communities in the Northwest Atlantic, Frontiers in Marine Science, vol. 8:691668. 2021.
J. A. Dijkstra, Mello, K., Sowers, D., Malik, M. A., Watling, L., and Mayer, L. A., Fine-scale Mapping of Deep-Sea Habitat-Forming Species Densities Reveals Taxonomic Specific Environmental Drivers, Global Ecology and Biogeography, vol. 30. Wiley, pp. 1286-1298, 2021.
D. Sowers, Dijkstra, J. A., Mello, K., Masetti, G., Malik, M. A., and Mayer, L. A., Application of the Coastal and Marine Ecological Classification Standard to Gosnold Seamount, North Atlantic Ocean, in Seafloor Geomorphology as Benthic Habitat, 2nd nd ed., P. Harris and Baker, E., Eds. Elsevier, 2020, pp. 903-916.
M. Smith, Masetti, G., Mayer, L. A., Malik, M. A., Augustin, J. - M., Poncelet, C., and Parnum, I., Open Backscatter Toolchain (OpenBST) - A Community-Vetted Workflow for Backscatter Processing, 2020 Canadian Hydrographic Conference. Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, 2020.PDF icon chc2020_openbst_abstract.pdf (291.51 KB)
M. A. Malik, Estimation of Measurement Uncertainty of Seafloor Acoustic Backscatter, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2019.PDF icon mashkoor-malik-Estimation_of_Measurement_Unce.pdf (5.67 MB)
D. Sowers, White, M., Malik, M. A., Lobecker, E., Hoy, S., and Wilkins, C., NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer 2018 Ocean Mapping Achievements, Oceanography, vol. 32(1). pp. 92-95, 2019.PDF icon Okeanos_Mapping_2018_32-1_supplement.pdf (1.23 MB)
G. Masetti, Augustin, J. - M., Malik, M. A., Poncelet, C., Lurton, X., Mayer, L. A., Rice, G., and Smith, M., The Open Backscatter Toolchain (OpenBST) Project: Towards an Open-Source and Metadata-Rich Modular Implementation, U.S. Hydro 2019. p. Biloxi, MS, 2019.PDF icon US_Hydro_2019_OpenBST_abstract.pdf (66.36 KB)
D. Sowers, Malik, M. A., Lobecker, E., and White, M., Over a Decade of Training the Next Generation: the Explorer-in-Training Program, Oceanography, vol. 32(1). pp. 114-115, 2019.PDF icon EiT_2018_32-1_supplement.pdf (1.13 MB)
M. A. Malik, Masetti, G., Schimel, A. C. G., Roche, M., Dolan, M., and Le Deunf, J., Preliminary Evaluation of Multibeam Backscatter Consistency Through Comparison of Intermediate Processing Results, U.S. Hydro 2019. p. Biloxi, MS, 2019.PDF icon US_Hydro_2019_BSIP_Abstract.pdf (128.49 KB)
M. A. Malik, Masetti, G., Schimel, A. C. G., Roche, M., Dolan, M., and Le Deunf, J., Preliminary Evaluation of Multibeam Backscatter Consistency through Comparison of Intermediate Processing Results, GeoHab 2019 - BSWG Meeting. p. Saint-Petersburg, Russia, 2019.PDF icon BSWG_GEOHAB2019_BSIP_MR.pdf (2.21 MB)
M. A. Malik, Schimel, A. C. G., Masetti, G., Roche, M., Le Deunf, J., Dolan, M., Beaudoin, J., Augustin, J. - M., Hamilton, T., and Parnum, I., Results from the First Phase of the Seafloor Backscatter Processing Software Inter-Comparison Project, Geosciences, vol. 9(12). MDPI, p. 516, 2019.
M. A. Malik, Schimel, A. C. G., Roche, M., Masetti, G., Dolan, M., and Le Deunf, J., A First Step Towards Consistency of Multibeam Backscatter Estimation Requesting and Comparing Intermediate Backscatter Processing Results From Backscatter Processing Software, Shallow Survey 2018. p. St. John's, NL, Canada, 2018.PDF icon SS2018_Abstract_Malik_Mashkoor.pdf (417.53 KB)
M. A. Malik, Lurton, X., and Mayer, L. A., A Framework to Quantify Uncertainties of Seafloor Backscatter from Swath Mapping Echosounders, Marine Geophysical Research, vol. 39(1-2). Springer, pp. 151-168, 2018.
J. A. Dijkstra, Mello, K., Malik, M. A., Sowers, D., and Mayer, L. A., Mapping Community Structure of Canyons and Seamounts of the Northeastern US Atlantic Margin, 15th Deep-Sea Biology Symposium. p. Monterey Bay, CA, 2018.
A. C. G. Schimel, Roche, M., Malik, M. A., Vrignaud, C., Masetti, G., and Dolan, M., Requesting and Comparing Intermediate Results from Several Backscatter Data Processing Software: A First Step Towards Future Consistency of Multibeam Backscatter Estimation, GeoHab 2018. p. Santa Barbara, CA, 2018.PDF icon Schimel_et_al_GeoHab_2018_Requesting_and_Comparing_Intermediate_Results.pdf (121.69 KB)
P. J. Etnoyer, Malik, M. A., Sowers, D., Ruby, C., Bassett, R., Dijkstra, J. A., Pawlenko, N., Gottfried, S., Mello, K., Finkbeiner, M., and Sallis, A., Working with Video to Improve Deep-Sea Habitat Characterization, Oceanography, vol. 31, No.1, Supplement. The Oceanographic Society, pp. 64-67, 2018.PDF icon WorkingWithVideo_Oceanography31-1-2018_supplement.pdf (1.75 MB)
E. Lobecker, Sowers, D., and Malik, M. A., New Technologies for Ocean Mapping, Oceanography, vol. 30(1). Oceanography Society, pp. 43-45, 2017.PDF icon oceanography_30-1_supplement.pdf (22.32 MB)
K. Mello, Dijkstra, J. A., Malik, M. A., Sowers, D., McKenna, L., and Lobecker, E., Coarse and Fine Scale Patterns of Community Structure of Benthic Habitats Along the US Atlantic Continental Margin, Benthic Ecology Meeting. Portland, ME, 2016.
L. G. Ward, Depositional Environments of Jeffreys Ledge, Western Gulf of Maine: Impacts of Glaciation, Sea-level Fluctuations and Marine Processes Assessed Using High Resolution Multibeam Bathymetry, Subbottom Seismics, Videography, and Direct Sampling, 2014 Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union (AGU). San Francisco, CA, 2014.
M. A. Malik, Mayer, L. A., Weber, T. C., Calder, B. R., and Huff, L. C., Challenges of defining uncertainty in multibeam sonar derived seafloor backscatter, International Underwater Acoustic Conference and Exhibition. Corfu, Greece, 2013.
J. V. Gardner, Calder, B. R., and Malik, M. A., Geomorphometry and processes that built Necker Ridge, central North Pacific Ocean, Marine Geology, vol. 346. Elsevier, pp. 310-325, 2013.PDF icon Necker_Ridge_Marine_Geology_published.pdf (4.66 MB)
M. A. Malik, Lobecker, E., and Skarke, A., Lessons learned during exploration mapping of US East Coast 2011 – 2012 onboard NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer using water column backscatter data, Kongsberg FEMME 2013. 2013.
J. Beaudoin, Weber, T. C., Jerram, K., Rice, G., Malik, M. A., and Mayer, L. A., Multibeam Echosounder System Optimization for Water Column Mapping of Undersea Gas Seeps, FEMME-2013. Boston, MA, United States, 2013.
M. A. Malik, Valette-Silver, N., Lobecker, E., Skarke, A., Elliott, K., and McDonough, J., To Explore or to Research: Trends in modern age ocean studies, 2013 Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union (AGU). San Francisco, CA, 2013.
T. C. Weber, Mayer, L. A., Beaudoin, J., Jerram, K., Malik, M. A., Shedd, B., and Rice, G., Mapping Gas Seeps with the Deepwater Multibeam Echosounder on Okeanos Explorer, Oceanography, vol. 25. 2012.
J. Beaudoin, Weber, T. C., Jerram, K., Rice, G., Malik, M. A., and Mayer, L. A., Multibeam Echosounder System Optimization for Water Column Mapping of Undersea Gas Seeps, 2012 Canadian Hydrographic Conference. Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada, 2012.
A. Skarke, Lobecker, E., Malik, M. A., and VerPlanck, N., NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer 2012 Field Season in the Northern Gulf of Mexico and U.S. Continental Margin, 2012 Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union (AGU). San Francisco, CA, United States, 2012.
E. Lobecker, OS51E-1925. Integration of NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer Seafloor Mapping, Little Hercules ROV, and Sentry AUV Data into Ocean Exploration Operations and Public Data Holdings, 2012 Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union (AGU). 2012.PDF icon Integration of NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer Seafloor Mapping-120312.pdf (938 KB)
C. Russel, Pinner, W., Lovalvo, D., Skarke, A., Lobecker, E., Malik, M. A., and Nadeau, L. T. M., Technology: NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, Oceanography , vol. 25. pp. 12-15, 2012.
T. C. Weber, Beaudoin, J., Shedd, B., Malik, M. A., Jerram, K., Rice, G., and Mayer, L. A., Detecting and mapping gas seeps with a deepwater multibeam echosounder, Subsea and Arctic Leak Detection Symposium. Houston, TX, USA, 2011.
D. A. Butterfield, Holden, J. F., Shank, T. M., Tunnicliffe, V., Sherrin, J., Herrera, S., Baker, E. T., Lovalvo, D., Makarim, S., Malik, M. A., Wirasantosa, S., and Hammond, S., Video Observations by Telepresence Reveal Two Types of Hydrothermal Venting on Kawio Barat Seamount, American Geophysical Union (AGU). San Francisco, CA, USA, 2010.
S. L. Walker, Baker, E. T., Malik, M. A., Greene, R., Buck, N., Embley, R. W., Merle, S. G., Lupton, J. E., and Resing, J., Gorda Ridge Revisited: the R/V Okeanos Explorer Conducts its First Hydrothermal Plume Survey, Ocean Sciences Meeting. Portland, OR, USA, 2010.
L. A. Mayer, Weber, T. C., Gardner, J. V., Malik, M. A., Beaudoin, J., and Doucet, M., More than the Bottom: Multibeam Sonars and Water-column Imaging, American Geophysical Union (AGU). San Francisco, CA, USA, pp. 1-1, 2010.
E. Lobecker, Malik, M. A., Johnson, J., and Boettcher, M. S., EM302 Multibeam Survey of the Sangihe-Talaud Region, North Sulawesi, Indonesia, American Geophysical Union (AGU). San Francisco, CA, USA, 2010.
M. Doucet, Gee, L., Weber, T. C., Arsenault, R., Mayer, L. A., Ware, C., and Malik, M. A., Advanced Mid-Water Tools for 4D Marine Data Fusion and Visualization, IEEE Oceans. Biloxi, MS, USA, 2009.
R. E. Grizzle, Ward, L. G., Mayer, L. A., Malik, M. A., Cooper, A. B., Abeels, H. A., Greene, J. K., Brodeur, M. A., and Rosenberg, A. A., Effects of a Large Fishing Closure on Benthic Communitites in the Western Gulf of Maine: Recovery from the Effects of Gillnets and Otter Trawls, Fisheries Bulletin, vol. 107. National Marine Fisheries Service Scientific Publications Office, pp. 308-317, 2009.
R. E. Grizzle, Malik, M. A., and Ward, L. G., High-resolution Seafloor Mapping and an Assessment of the Effectiveness of the Western Gulf of Maine Closure Area (WGOMCA), Workshop on Integrating Seafloor Mapping and an Assessment of the Effectiveness of the Western Gulf of Maine. Portland, ME, USA, 2009.
M. A. Malik, Weirich, J., Russel, C., Stuart, E., Peters, C., Mayer, L. A., and Armstrong, A. A., Okeanos Explorer - Aligning Today's Technology to a New Paradigm of Ocean Exploration, FEMME - Kongsberg (users conference). Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal, 2009.
J. V. Gardner and Malik, M. A., Physiography of the Eastern Mendocino Ridge, NE Pacific Ocean, American Geophysical Union (AGU). San Francisco, CA, USA, 2009.
J. V. Gardner, Malik, M. A., and Walker, S., Plume 1400 Meters High Discovered at the Seafloor off the Northern California Margin, EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union, vol. 90. American Geophysical Union , Washington DC, Washington DC, USA, pp. 275-275, 2009.PDF icon Gardner_2009_EOS_plume_discovered.pdf (140.14 KB)
J. V. Gardner and Malik, M. A., U.S. Law of the Sea Cruise to Map the Eastern Mendocino Ridge, Eastern Pacific Ocean, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2009.PDF icon Gardner_09_cruise_report_EX0903_Mendocino.pdf (2.19 MB)
M. A. Malik, Mayer, L. A., Fonseca, L., Ward, L. G., Huff, L. C., and Calder, B. R., Approaches and Requirements of Quantitative Comparison of the Multibeam Sonar Benthic Acoustic Backscatter, Shallow Water Survey Conference (SWS). Durham, NH, USA, 2008.
M. A. Malik and Mayer, L. A., Investigation of Seabed Fishing Impacts on Benthic Structure using Multi-beam Sonar, Sidescan Sonar, and Video, ICES Journal of Marine Science, vol. 64. Elsevier, New York, NY, USA, pp. 1053-1065, 2007.
M. A. Malik and Mayer, L. A., Assessing Bottom Gear Impact in the WGOM Closure Area: A Multifaceted Approach, Western Gulf of Maine Closure Area Symposium. Durham, NH, USA, 2007.
M. A. Malik and Mayer, L. A., Detection of Bottom Fishing Impacts on Benthic Structure Using Multibeam Sonar, Side Scan Sonar, Video and Interactive 3-D GIS, GIS Conference. Cambridge, MA, USA, 2006.
R. E. Grizzle, Ward, L. G., Mayer, L. A., Cooper, A. B., Rosenberg, A. A., Brouder, M. A., Greene, J. K., Abeels, H. A., and Malik, M. A., Effects of the Western Gulf of Maine Closure Area on Bottom Habitats: A Preliminary GIS-based Assessment, GIS Conference. Cambridge, MA, USA, 2006.
L. G. Ward, Malik, M. A., Cutter Jr., R. G., Brouder, M. A., Grizzle, R. E., Mayer, L. A., and Huff, L. C., High Resolution Benthic Mapping Using Multibeam Sonar, Videography, and Sediment Sampling in the Gulf of Maine: Application to Geologic and Fisheries Research., Annual Meeting Geological Society of America (GSA), vol. 38. Boston, MA, USA, pp. 0-377, 2006.
M. A. Malik and Mayer, L. A., Bottom fishing impacts on benthic structure using multibeam sonar, sidescan and video, U.S. Hydrographic Conference (US HYDRO). San Diego, CA, USA, pp. 0-0, 2005.
B. R. Calder and Malik, M. A., Field Verification of MBES Error Models, International Conference on High-Resolution Survey in Shallow Water (HRSSW). Plymouth, Devon, UK, pp. 0-0, 2005.
M. A. Malik, Identification of Bottom Fishing Impacted Areas Using Multibeam Sonar and Videography, 2005.PDF icon Malik_2005_MS-Thesis_Identification_of_Bottom_Fishing_Impacted_Areas_Using_Multibeam_Sonar_and_Videography.pdf (8.56 MB)
L. A. Mayer, Gardner, J. V., Armstrong, A. A., Calder, B. R., Malik, M. A., Angwenyi, C., Karlipata, S., Montoro, H., Morishita, T., and Mustapha, A., New Views of the Gulf of Alaska Margin Mapped for UNCLOS Applications, University of New Hampshire (UNH), Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping (CCOM)/Joint Hydrographic Center (JHC), 2005.PDF icon Mayer_05_Gulf_of_Alaska_Margin_Mapped_for_UNCLOS_applications.pdf (65.49 KB)
L. C. Huff, Rzhanov, Y., Glang, G., Raymond, R., and Malik, M. A., Maintaining Intra-line Details in a Multi-line DEM, Shallow Water Survey Conference (SWS). St. Andrews, New Brunswick, Canada, pp. 0-0, 2003.