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“Voronoi Tessellation on the Ellipsoidal Earth for Vector Data”, International Journal of Geographical Information Science. Taylor & Francis, pp. 1-17, 2018.
, “Maritime Zones Delimitation Problems and Solutions”, International Cartographic Conference (ICC), vol. 1. International Cartographic Association (ICA), Washington, DC, 2017.
Kastrisios_Tsoulos_2017_ICC_Maritime zones delimitation-Problems and solutions_ICC 2017 Proceedings.pdf (1.25 MB)
“Toward the Development of a Marine Administration System Based on International Standards”, International Journal of Geo-Information , vol. 6(7). MDPI, 2017.
, “A Cohesive Methodology for the Delimitation of Maritime Zones and Boundaries”, Ocean & Coastal Management, vol. 130. Elsevier, pp. 188–195, 2016.
, “The Contribution of Marine Cartographers to the Efficient Management of Immigration Flows (In Greek with English Abstract)”, 14th Hellenic Cartographic Conference. Hellenic Cartographic Society, Thessaloniki, Greece, 2016.
Kastrisios_Tsoulos_2016_TheContribution_of_MarineCartographers_to_theEfficientManagement_of_ImmigrationFlows_InGreekEnglishAbstract.pdf (955.58 KB)
“Electronic Chart Display and Information Systems as Systems of Dynamic and Interactive Cartography (In Greek with English Abstract)”, 14th Hellenic Cartographic Conference. Hellenic Cartographic Society, Thessaloniki, Greece, 2016.
Kastrisios_Tsoulos_2016_ElectronicChartDisplay_and_InformationSystems_as_Systems_of_Dynamic_and_InteractiveCartography.pdf (792.13 KB)
“An Integrated GIS Methodology for the Determination and Delineation οf Juridical Bays”, Ocean & Coastal Management, vol. 122. Elsevier, pp. 30-36, 2016.
, “Management of Marine Rights, Restrictions and Responsibilities according to International Standards”, 5th International FIG 3D Cadastre Workshop. Athens, Greece, pp. 81-104, 2016.