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“A GEBCO Community Vision for Improving the Availability, Discoverability & Accessibility of Bathymetric Data, Proposed Action Plan 2023-2026: Prepared for the GEBCO Technical Sub-Committee for Ocean Mapping (TSCOM)”, GEBCO , Monaco, 2023.
TSCOM40_2023_5a_EN_A GEBCO Community Vision for Improving the Availability Discoverability Accessibility of Bathymetric Data Action Plan 2023-26.pdf (247.83 KB)
“Acoustic Predictors of Active Fluid Expulsion From a Hydrothermal Vent Field, Offshore Taupō Volcanic Zone, New Zealand”, Frontiers in Earth Science, vol. 9:785396. 2022.
, “Analysis of Acoustic Scattering Layers In and Around Petermann Fjord, Northwest Greenland”, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2022.
, “Deepwater Exploration of Kingman Reef, Palmyra Atoll, and Jarvis Island”, Oceanography, vol. 33(1). The Oceanography Society, pp. 38-39, 2020.
, “E/V Nautilus 2019 Mapping: Filling the Gaps in Seafloor Coverage of the Remote Pacific and Contributing to Global Seabed Mapping Initiatives”, Oceanography, vol. 33(1). The Oceanography Society, pp. 30-31, 2020.
, “Searching for Shipwrecks in Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary”, Oceanography, vol. 33(1). The Oceanography Society, pp. 32-33, 2020.
, “Contributing to Global Seabed Mapping Initiatives: Nautilus Maps Remote Pacific Areas”, Oceanography, vol. 32(1). The Oceanography Society, pp. 38-39, 2019.
, “Gas Bubble Forensics Team Surveils the New Zealand Ocean”, EOS, vol. 100. EOS, 2019.
, “Mapping the Lava Deltas of the 2018 Eruption of Kīlauea Volcano”, Oceanography, vol. 32(1). The Oceanography Society, pp. 46-47, 2019.
, ““Walking with the Ancients” in the Southern California Continental Borderland”, Oceanography, vol. vol. 32(1). The Oceanography Society, pp. 54-55, 2019.
, “E/V Nautilus Mapping and Exploration of North Pacific Seamounts During Expeditions in 2017 and 2018”, 2018 Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union (AGU). p. Washington, DC, 2018.
, “New Seafloor Bathymetry and Backscatter Mapping of the Southern California Borderland”, 2018 Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union (AGU). p. Washington, DC, 2018.
, “Submerged Sea Caves of Southern California's Continental Borderland”, Oceanography, vol. 31(1). pp. 30-31, 2018.
, “Correlating Sea Level Rise Still-stands to Marine Terraces and Undiscovered Submerged Shoreline Features in the Channel Islands (USA) Using Autonomous and Remotely Operated Systems”, 2017 Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union (AGU). p. New Orleans, LA, 2017.
, “Distribution of an Acoustic Scattering Layer, Petermann Fjord, Northwest Greenland”, 2017 Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union (AGU). p. New Orleans, LA, 2017.
AGU2017_HeffronEtAl_OS31A-1355_LowRes.pdf (4.78 MB)
“In Situ Quantitative Characterisation of the Ocean Water Column Using Acoustic Multibeam Backscatter Data”, 2017 Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union (AGU). p. New Orleans, LA, 2017.
, “Seep Detection Using E/V Nautilus Integrated Seafloor Mapping and Remotely Operated Vehicles on the United States West Coast”, 2017 Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union (AGU). p. New Orleans, LA, 2017.
, “Towards the Complete Characterization of Marine-Terminating Glacier Outlet Systems”, 2016 Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Society (AGU). p. San Francisco, CA, 2016.
, “Multibeam sonar backscatter data acquisition and processing: Guidelines and Recommendations from the GEOHAB Backscatter Working Group”, 2015 Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union (AGU). San Francisco, CA, 2015.
AGU_2015_BSWG_OS21A-1957.pdf (3.28 MB)