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“Challenges in Generating S-104/HDF5 Files of Water Level Forecast Guidance from NOAA/NOS’s Operational Ocean Forecast Systems (OFS)”, 101th AMS Annual Meeting. 2021.
, “Encoding Hydrodynamic Model Guidance from NOAA's Operational Forecast Systems in S-111 and S-104 International Standards to Support Precision Navigation”, 100th AMS Annual Meeting. p. Boston, MA, 2020.
, “Modernizing Marine Navigation using S-111 Surface Current Forecast Guidance Derived from NOS Operational Oceanographic Forecast Systems”, 2020 Fall Meeting American Geological Union. 2020.
, “The World of S-100: Data Standards for Navigation Systems and Beyond”, 100th AMS Annual Meeting. p. Boston, MA, 2020.
, “Modeling Oceanographic Data for Precision Navigation Applications”, EGU General Assembly, Nearshore Processes: Fluid Motions and Sediment Transport. p. Vienna, Austria, 2019.
, “The World of S-100: Data Standards for Navigation Systems and Beyond”, OceanPredict. 2019.
, “The Important Role of International Standards in Transforming Maritime Data into Usable Information for E-Navigation: Methods and Application”, NOAA General Modeling and Meeting Fair. College Park, MD, 2018.
, “The Important Role of International Standards in Transforming Maritime Data into Usable Information for E-Navigation: Methods and Application”, 2018 Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union (AGU). p. Washington, DC, 2018.
, “Mapping of the Major Morphologic Features and Seafloor Sediments of the New Hampshire Continental Shelf Using the Coastal and Marine Ecologic Classification Standard (CMECS)”, 2017 GeoHab Conference. p. Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada, 2017.
2017_Ward_GeoHab2017.pdf (5.66 MB)
“Intensity and Reflectance Mapping for Habitat Mapping and Seafloor Characterization Using the Superstorm Sandy Lidar Data”, JALBTCX. Silver Spring, MD, 2016.
, “R/V Neil Armstrong Multibeam Echosounder Sea Acceptance Trials - February 10-17, 2016”, Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping / Joint Hydrographic Center, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2016.
, “Western Gulf of Maine Bathymetry and Backscatter Synthesis”, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) Marine Minerals Branch, Herndon, VA, 2016.
, “Depositional Systems on the Northern Massachusetts and New Hampshire Inner Continental Shelf: Use of High Resolution Seafloor Mapping to Understand Impacts of Glaciation, Marine Processes and Sea-Level Fluctuations”, Geological Society of America (GSA) Annual Meeting. Baltimore, MD, 2015.
, “Developing methodology for efficient eelgrass habitat mapping across lidar systems”, Marine Geological and Biological Habitat Mapping (GEOHAB). Salvador, Brazil, 2015.
, “Update on NOAA's IOCM Sandy Project for Charting and Habitat Mapping Using Topobathymetric Lidar Surveys”, 16th Annual JALBTCX Airborne Coastal Mapping and Charting Workshop. Corvallis, OR, 2015.