Highlights from the Healy 0905 Arctic Cruise

Andy Armstrong
JHC Co-Director
Friday, Oct. 9, 2009, 3:00pm
Chase 130

Additional presentors: Brian Calder, Nikki Kuenzel, Will Fessenden

Participants from the Healy 0905 Arctic cruise will give brief accounts concerning the purpose of the cruise, the science that was conducted and the data collected, as well as descriptions of ship life and memorable events that occurred.


Andy Armstrong is the Co-Director of the JHC and a retired officer of NOAA, assigned to the Center as a civilian NOAA employee. Capt. Armstrong specialized in hydrographic surveying and served on several NOAA hydrographic ships, including the NOAA Ship Whiting where he was Commanding Officer and Chief Hydrographer. Before coming to the JHC, he was the Chief of NOAA’s Hydrographic Surveys Division, directing the agency's hydrographic survey activities. He has a B.S. in Geology from Tulane University and a M.S. in Technical Management from the Johns Hopkins University. Capt. Armstrong oversees the hydrographic and ocean mapping education and training program at UNH and coordinates the Center’s cooperative research with NOAA.