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D. Perkovic, Frasier, S. J., and Lippmann, T. C., Marine Doppler radar surface current measurements in the surf zone, 9th Current Measurement Technical Conference, vol. 1. IEEE/OES/CMTC, Charleston, SC, pp. 194-202, 2008.PDF icon 19_perkovic_etal_2008.pdf (679.79 KB)
D. Perkovic, Lippmann, T. C., and Frasier, S. J., Longshore Surface Currents Measured by Doppler Radar and Video PIV Techniques, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 47(8). IEEE, Washington DC, Washington DC, USA, pp. 2787-2800, 2009.PDF icon 14_perkovic_etal_2009.pdf (1.06 MB)