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habitat suitability model
R. Gasborro, Sowers, D., Margolin, A., and Cordes, E., Distribution and Predicted Climatic Refugia for a Reef-Building Cold-Water Coral on the Southeast US Margin, Global Change Biology, vol. 28(23). John Wiley and Sons Ltd. , Online, pp. 7108-7125, 2022.PDF icon Global_Change_Biology_Final_Published_Gasborr_et_al.pdf (9.14 MB)
species distribution model
R. Gasborro, Sowers, D., Margolin, A., and Cordes, E., Distribution and Predicted Climatic Refugia for a Reef-Building Cold-Water Coral on the Southeast US Margin, Global Change Biology, vol. 28(23). John Wiley and Sons Ltd. , Online, pp. 7108-7125, 2022.PDF icon Global_Change_Biology_Final_Published_Gasborr_et_al.pdf (9.14 MB)