
Author Keyword Title [ Type(Desc)] Year
Filters: Author is Shannon Byrne  [Clear All Filters]
Journal Article
B. R. Calder, Byrne, S., Lamey, B., Brennan, R. T., Mr. Case, J. D., Fabre, D., Gallagher, B., Ladner, R. W., Moggert, F., and Paton, M., The Open Navigation Surface Project, International Hydrographic Review, vol. 6. Geomatics Information & Trading Center - GITC, Lemmers, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 1-10, 2005.
S. Byrne, Schmidt, V., Hegrenaes, O., and Brodet, S., AUV-Acquired Bathymetry, Methods: Scrutinizing AUV Mission Planning, Operations and Data Processing, Sea Technology, vol. 11. pp. 17-22, 2015.