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., alet
.al, et
.Simkanin, C
2023, GEBCO Bathymetri
343, Expedition
Ababio, S. D
Abbot, Philip
Abbott, J L
Abdullahi, A
Abeels, Holly A
Abelev, Andrei
Abernathy, K
Able, K W
Abraham, D.A.
Abram, Greg
Abramova, Anastasia
Accettella, D
Accettella, Daniela
Ackerman, S
Adams, Thomas
Adams, J.R.
Adams, J R
Addo, A
Adediran, Elias
Adelman, S G
Affonso, Juliane
Agi, B
Agyekum, K
Ahonen-Rainio, P
Ahrens, James P
Ainsle, M.A.
Ainslie, M.A.
Airey, D
Akamatsu, Tomonari
Åkesson, Henning
Aksu, A E
al, et
al, et.
Al-Badrawi, M.H.
Al-Badrawi, MH
Al-Hanbali, H
al., et
Alexander, Lee
Alexanderson, H
Alexandrou, D
Aliani, S
Allen, Graham
Allen, I
Allin, J.
Alm, Goran
Almeida, R
Alstrup, Aage Kristian O
Alvarado, Jorge A
Amante, Chris
Amaral, Jennifer
Amblas, David
Amirebrahim, Sam
Amon, D.J.
An, Lu
An, J.
Ananiev, R.
Andaloro, F
Andersen, Ove
Anderson, Louise
Anderson, K.
Anderson, S.T.
Anderson, L
Anderson, Robert M
Andersson, M
Andersson, Leif
Andreasen, Nicki
Andreassen, K
Andres, P
Andresen, Katrine J.
Andresen, C.S.
Andrews, B
Andrews, B.D.
Andrews, J.T.
Andronikov, A
Angwenyi, Clive
Anker, P.
Archambault, P.
Arie, Limor Gur
Armstrong, Albert
Armstrong, R L
Armstrong, Andrew A.
Arndt, Jan Erik
Arndt, S.
Arnold, E M
Arrington, Eleanor C
Arsenault, Roland
Arthur, K
Asch, R.
Asgrimmsson, A L
Ashton, A
Aslaksen, M
Assmann, Karen
Astakov, Valery
Athanasiou, Katerina
Athens, Elise
Atkin, Ilya
Au, W W
Auclert, G.
Augustin, Jean-Marie
Auscavitch, Steven
Austeng, Andreas
Austin, J A
Ausubel, J
Aviado, Kimberly
Axelsson, Andreas
Aygar, Erol
Azpiroz-Zabala, M.
Azuike, Chukwuma
Babcock, J A
Babrow, R
Bachman, Jan
Bachmann, Charles M
Backman, Jan
Bacon, C R
Baechler, Neah
Baek, Yong
Bailey, J.
Bair, A
Bajor, Eric J.
Baker, B
Baker, E.M.
Baker, Elaine
Baker, E.T.
Bakke, J
Balakrishnan, Ravin
Baldauf, M
Baldwin, Ken C
Balir, H
Ballard, Robert
Ballard, Megan S.
Ballou, P
Bamber, J.L.
Barao, T
Barber, John E.
Barbieri, E
Barbor, K
Barglett, J
Barker, Laughlin D.L.
Barnes, P
Barnhardt, W.A.
Barnhardt, W
Barón, Belén Jiménez
Barrientos, Natalia
Barrios, Felipe R
Bartlett, M.
Bartlett, Megan
Barton, K L
Bartram, L
Bashir, Muhammad
Bashirova, Leyla
Bassett, Christopher
Bassett, Rachel
Bastidas, C.
Bastos, Alex
Battaglia, P
Battista, Tim
Battista, Timothy
Baukus, A J
Baumert, Kevin A.
Baxter, C
Bayley, H.
Bazhenova, Evgenia
Beardsley, R C
Beatty, J C
Beaudoin, Jonathan
Beaulieu, J.
Beaulieu, Stace E.
Beaulieu, S E
Becker, K.
Becker, K
Beduhn, Tami
Beets, Peter
Behn, Mark D
Behn, Mark
Beisl, C
Bekins, Barbara A
Belknap, D.F.
Bell, J M
Bell, K L
Bellabad, Fahima
Ben-Avraham, Z
Benes, K.
Bennert, E
Bennett, R.
Bennett, R
Bentz, C
Beregovyi, Kindrat
Bergeron, Daniel
Berggren, P.
Bergmann, M
Berking, B
Bernard, E.
Bernardini, Alesandra
Bernhardt, W
Berrino, G
Berry, Anna
Bethell, Amber
Bhavsar, V
Bianchi, Thomas S.
Bienhoff, P
Bignami, C
Bilgili, A
Bilodeau, G
Birch, F S
Birkebak, Matthew
Birklhuber, L
Bjarndottir, L R
Bjork, G
Bjorno, L
Black, Jenny
Blackwood, D.
Blair, A D
Blasco, S M
Blasco, S.
Bledsoe, E.K.
Blichert-Toft, Janne
Blomberg, Ann EA
Blondel, Philippe
Bloomer, Stephen
Bobrow, R
Bocconcelli, A
Bochenek, Rob
Boebel, O
Boebel, Olaf
Boetius, A.
Boettcher, Margaret S
Bogdan, O
Boggild, K.
Bogonko, Michael
Bohan, Margot L.
Bohan, Aileen
Bohannon, R G
Bohoyo, Fernando
Bokuniewicz, Henry
Bolan, Daniel
Bollinger, M.
Bongiovanni, Cassandra
Bonner, J
Booth, Kellogg S
Borba, Cesar
Borgeld, J C
Borgognoni, L
Bornold, B D
Borrelli, M
Bortoluzzi, G
Bose, Santanu
Boswell, K
Bothner, W A
Boudreau, J.
Bowen, Tony
Bowen, Andrew
Boyd, R
Boyen, Thierry
Boyle, Bret
Boze, Lee-Gray
Bradford, J
Bradley, D
Bradley, David L
Bradt, G.
Brandsdottir, B
Brandt, Angelika
Braswell, Rob
Brazier, David
Brennan, Rick T
Brennan, M L
Brian, Calder
Brian, M.
Bringensparr, Caroline
Bringensparr, C.
Brink, U.S ten
Brink, U S
Brink, K H
Brinkhuis, H
Britt, T
Britzolakis, George
Broad, Kenneth
Broadus, M
Brock, John
Brodet, Steve
Brodet, S
Brodeur, Melissa A
Brodsky, Emily E
Broekman, Rogier
Brogan, Daniel S
Brook, E.
Brook, Anna
Brooks, V
Brooks, C.
Brothers, L.L.
Brothers, Daniel S.
Brothers, D. S.
Brothers, Laura
Brouder, M A
Brown, Alexander F.
Brown, Craig
Brown, B.L.
Brown, Clancy
Brown, Bonnie
Brown, Colin
Brown, Moira W
Brown, T
Brown, M
Brown, D.C.
Brown, Bonnie
Brown, A.
Brown, D
Brownstead, C.F.
Bruce, Samantha
Bruce, Samm
Brüchert, Volker
Brucker, S
Brucker, R.L.P.
Brumley, Kelley
Brumley, K
Brunt, D
Bryant, J
Bryce, Julie
Bub, F L
Buck, N
Buck, J.R.
Buckman, K L
Bujack, Roxana
Buktanica, M
Buktenica, M
Bull, S.
Bullard, S.G.
Bumbera, Nicole
Bünz, Stefan
Buongiorno, F
Burant, J.B.
Burdick, David M
Burdicki, Dave M
Burgess, D.
Burke, Patrick
Burnett, Zachery
Burnett, William C.
Burns, W
Burns, Christine
Bursek, Julie
Bustamante, J L
Butkiewicz, Thomas
Butkiewicz, Thomas
Butler, John
Butler, Mark J.
Butler, J L
Butterfield, D.A.
Buttgenbach, G
Buynevich, I
Byrne, John S.
Byrne, Shannon
Byrnes, J.
Byrnes, J.E.K.
Caceres, H M
Cade, David E.
Calantoni, J.
Calder, B. R.
Calder, Brian R
Calderon, Hilario
Caliro, S
Callahan, Daniel
Callow, H.J.
Calrton, J.T.
Calvert, T
Calvo, D. C.
Calzada, Jaime
Camerlenghi, A
Campbell, D.C.
Canals, Miquel
Canals, M
Cândido, Miguel
Candio, Samuel
Candio, Sam
Canese, S
Canning, C
Canter, P
Cantwell, K.
Cantwell, Kasey
Cao, Y
Capaccioni, B
Capone, D.E.
Capus, C G
Cardigos, Sara
Carery, S
Caress, D.W.
Carey, Drew A.
Carey, S
Carlton, JT
Carman, M.
Carman, MR
Carman, M.R.
Carmisciano, C
Carnevale, L.
Carney, R S
Carr, J
Carrasco, B
Carter, W E
Cartigny, Matthieu J.B.
Cartwright, Doug
Caruso, M
Cary, C
Casamor, José
Case, James D
Casey, M J
Castillo, Julio
Castro, C.F.
Catania, G.
Cater, R
Cato, D.H.
Catoire, Matthew
Catro, Carlos
Celikkol, Barbaros
Ceperley, E.
Cervenka, P
Cezairle, Yunus
Chan, E
Chance, J
Chapman, B
Chapman, D
Chappell, A G
Chapuis, L
Charters, J S
Chase, A.L.
Chauche, N.
Chawarski, Julek
Chayes, M
Chayes, Dale N
Chaytor, J.D.
Cheel, R.
Chemykh, Denis
Chen, W
Chen, C Y
Cheng, Mathew L.H.
Cheng, Tina
Cheng, M.L.H
Cherkis, Norman
Chernykh, D.
Cheseby, M.
Chester, Frederick M
Chian, D
Childs, J R
Chin, A
Chintala, MM
Chiodini, G
Choi, J.-G.
Cholewaik, D
Chopakatla, Sreenivas
Chormann, F.
Chowdhury, Mohammad
Christiansen, Philip S.
Christie, Ence
Christodoulou, Dimitris
Christodoulou, Dimitrios
Christopher, Parrish
Christou, N
Chu, D
Church, I
Church, Ian
Claesson, S
Clare, M.A.
Clark, Timothy B.
Clark, Tyler J
Clark, E
Clark, C
Clarke, D
Clarke, S
Clarke, G
Clarke, J.E. Hughes
Clay, A
Clemente-Colon, Pablo
Clyde, W C
Coakley, Bernie
Coakley, Bernard
Coakley, J P
Cocchi, L.
Cocchi, L
Cochran, Kirk
Cochrane, G R
Cockburn, S
Coffin, R
Cohen, A.
Cohen, A.S.
Colarusso, PD
Colarusso, P.D.
Colbo, K.
Cole, Marcus A.
Cole, Justin P
Cole, Mason R
Coleman, D F
Colleoni, F
Collie, J.
Collin, SP
Collins, J A
Collins, John A
Colpoys, L
Compton, John
Condiotty, J
Conin, Marianne
Conner, J
Connolly, J
Connor, R.C.
Connors, W.A.
Conrad, Rebecca
Conrad, James E.
Contarinis, Stilianos
Conway, K.
Cook, S.
Cook, Becky
Cook, D.A.
Cook, D.C.
Cooper, Andrew B
Corcoran, F.
Corcoran, E
Corcoran, Nathan W.
Cordero, Jose R
Cordero, Jose
Cordero, Jose R
Cordes, Erik
Cormier, Marie H
Cornish, Natalie
Cornwell, K
Cossu, R.
Costa, B.
Costa, Daniel P
Costello, Wellsley J.
Costello, M.J.
Costello, G
Côté, M.
Courtney, R.C.
Cowan, W B
Cowan, E A
Cowan, Killian
Coward, Georgia
Cox, M.J.
Coxall, Helen K.
Craig, J.
Craig, R
Crain, D
Crawford, A J
Crawford, G B
Crawford, M
Crees, T
Cronin, Thomas M.
Cronin, Tomas
Cross, A R
Cruicifix, M
Cullen, V.
Culver, R L
Cunha, F
Curcio, J
Currimjee, Z
Cushing, Colby W.
Cute, K
Cutter Jr., Randy G
Cziraki, Erin
D'Amore, Andrew
D'Sa, E.J.
Dadey, Kathy
Dagenais, D A
Dahlgren, Thomas G.
Dahlgren, Thomas
Dahm, T
Dalerum, F.
Dallimore, S.R.
Damaske, Daniel
Daniel, S.
Daniell, James
Danielson, Seth
Darby, D
Dare, P
Dartnell, Peter
Dauer, D M
Davey, Craig
David, A.A.
Davidson, J
Davidson, Michael
Davidson, Sam R
Davidson, J.
Davis, J
Davis, P T
Davis, Earl E
Davis, Gary
Davis, Dexter
Dawe, E
de Boer, A.
de Deus, João Celso Silv
De Floriani, Leila
De Jong, E.
de Jong, C.A.F.
de Moustier, Christian
De Natale, G
De Robertis, Alex
De Santis, Laura
de Schipper, Matthieu
de Schipper, M. A.
DeAngelis, Robert
Debroisse, Patrick J.
Debusschere, Elizabeth
DeCastro, LT Calandria
Decew, Jud
Deen, R
Delaney, J R
Demarte, Maurizio
Demer, D
Demidov, I
Denes, S.L.
Denney, Sean
denToom, Wildfred
Depner, J
Detlef, Henrieka
Detrick, R S
Devassy, RP
Devey, Colin W.
Dewhurst, Toby
DeYoung, C
Di Franco, David
Di Stefano, Massimo
Dialti, L
Dias, G
Diaz, R J
Dickson, Mary-Lynn
Dietrich, P.
Dijkstra, Semme J
Dijkstra, Jennifer A.
DiMarzio, N.
DiMarzio, Nancy
Dimas, Xenophon
Dimitriadis, I
Dimitriadis, Charis
Dimopoulou, Efi
Dingler, J A
Dingman, S L
Dionne, M
Dionne, Michele
Dodd, D
Doerner, R
Dolan, Margaret
Donaghay, P.L.
Donahue, B T
Donaldson, Paul
Dong, Junyu
Dornback, Matt
Dorokhov, Dmitry
Dorokhova, Evgenia
Dorschel, B.
Dorschel, Boris
Dorsey, Shirley
Doucet, Maurice
Dove, D
Dowdeswell, E.K.
Dowdeswell, J
Dowdeswell, Julian
Dowdewell, J
Downs, Rob
Drennon, H.
Drennon, Hayley
Dreutter, Simon
Driscoll, Neal W
Du, M
Duarte, João C.
Duarte, CM
Duarte, C M
Duda, Timothy F
Dudkov, Ivan
Dudley, T
Duffey, S.
Duffy, G
Duffy, Garret
Dugan, PJ
Dugan, Peter J.
Duman, M
Dumitru, T A
Duong, Minh
Dupré, Stéphanie
Durrheim, R
Dutrieux, Pierre
Dutton, A.
Duval, C
Dyer, Noel
Dyke, L.M.
Dyson, Glenna
Dziak, Robert P.
Dziak, R.
Eager, Matthew K.
Eakins, B.
Eakins, Barry
Eaton, Jr. T S
Eberhardt, Alyson L
Eckert, G L
Eder, D.L.
Edquist, S K
Edsall, R
Edwards, Margo
Edwards, D B
Egilsson, A.
Eguchi, Nobuhisa
Eguiluz, VM
Einarsson, P
Einarsson, D.
Eisenberg, J
El-Rabbany, A
Elfwing, Tina
Elgar, S.
Elliott, B
Elliott, S.
Elliott, Kelley
Elmore, Paul A.
Elston, Gareth R
Embley, R W
Embley, Robert W
Emerson, Chris
Emmons, C.
Emond, Marc
Ence, C.
Ence, Christie
England, J H
Englert, Chris
Engstrom, Stefan
Enkin, R.J.
Enomoto, Catherine B
Erbe, C
Eren, Firat
Erickson, R
Ericson, J P
Eriksson, J
Eriksson, Bjorn
Erkisson, D.B.
Esposito, V
et, al
et, al.
et., al
Etherington, L
Etiope, G
Etnoyer, Peter J.
Eudeline, Guillaume
Evangaletos, J
Evans, R L
Evans, D W
Evans, Karen
Exon, N
Fabre, D
Fabrikant, O S
Fadahunsi, Olumide
Fahy, Jason
Fairbarn, Kenneth G.
Fakiris, E
Fakiris, Elias
Falconer, Robin
Fall, Kevin
Fandel, Christina
Farell, John
Farr, Stephen
Faulkes, Tyanne
Febo, L A
Felix, J
Felzenberg, Janice
Fenstermacher, L E
Fenty, I.
Fequet, D
Fer, I
Ferentinos, George
Ferguson, Jeff
Ferrante, V
Ferrario, F.
Ferreras, Sheila Cáceres
Ferrini, Vicki L
Feymueller, J
Fialkowski, J. M.
Filippone, M
Finkbeiner, Mark
Finney, B P
Fischman, David
Fisher, Charles R.
Fisher, A.T.
Fisk, J
Fitzgerald, Ken
Fleet, D
Fleisher, G
Flemings, Peter B
Fletcher, J B
Flinders, Ashton F
Floc'h, Henri
Floden, Tom
Flood, R D
Fofonoff, P.W.
Fogarty, Michael
Foglini, Federica
Fonseca, Luciano
Foote, K G
Forbes, S
Forbes, B
Ford, J.K.B.
Forestall, Michele
Forfinski, Nick
Formanek, Rebecca
Fornair, D
Fornari, D J
Forrest, A. L.
Forrest, A L
Forsyth, D A
Fortino, N
Foster, D. L.
Foster, Diane
Fournier, T.
Fowler, D
Fox, S
Fox, S.
Fox, Peter A.
Fralick, C M
Franchi, F
Franck, Glenn
Francolin, Joao B
Frank, M
Frankel, Adam S.
Frasier, Steve J
Frederick, Short
Fredriksson, Jonas
Fredriksson, David W
Freire, Ricardo
Freire, Francis F
Fremand, Alice
Fridman, B
Friedlaender, Ari S.
Friedlaender, A S
Friedrich, A
Friedrichs, C T
Froelich, Grant
Frojd, C.
Fruge, F
Fry, John C
Fryer, P.
Fuhrmann, S
Fukuto, J
Fulthorpe, C
Fulton, P M
Funakoshi, Yuji
Funck, T.
Funct, T
Funder, S
Fundis, Allison
Furlong, A
Furze, M.F.A.
Fusillo, Larry
Fusina, Robert A
Gabel, P
Gabrielson, T B
Gabrielson, T.B.
Gagnon, J
Gaillot, Arnaud
Gales, J.
Gales, Jenny A.
Galgani, L.
Gallager, S
Gallagher, Barry
Gallagher, B
Gallagher, E L
Gallaudet, T C
Galway, S
Gamble, Robert
Gammelseter, Ole Bernt
Gandulla, Stephanie
Garcia, Dante D.
Gårdfeldt, Katarina
Gardner, James V.
Gardner, Joan
Garner, Y
Gasbarro, Ryan
Gasborro, Ryan
Gataulin, V.
Gaudet, BJ
Gaumet, Morgane
Gauss, R. C.
Gauthier, M F
Gawarkiewicz, Glen G
Gayes, P T
GEBCO Bathymetric Compilation Group 2024
Gebhardt, C.
Gedamke, Jason
Gee, Lindsay
Gehrels, G E
Geleg, Phuntsok
Gelfenbaum, G
Gemery, Laura
Genthon, C
George, M
Georgiev, Georgi
Georgiou, Nikolaos
Georgiou, Nikos
Geraga, Maria
German, Christopher R
German, C R
Ghienne, J.-F.
Gibbons, Adam M.
Gibson, J.
Giguère, P.
Gill, Stephen
Gillis, D
Gilman, Anne T
Giordano, P
Gittenberger, A
Gjerding, K
Gjøsæter, Harald
Glang, Gerd
Glenn, K
Glickson, D.
Glueder, Anna
Glueder, A.
Glynn, Jim
Gobrecht, Cyril
Goes, J.I.
Goff, John A
Goldman, C R
Golub, Anna
Gomes, H.D.R.
Gomes de Araujo, Leonardo
Gomez-Ibanez, D
Goncalves, Daniela
Gonin, I
Gonsalves, Michael
Good, James W
Goode, W
Goodwin, A.
Gordó-Vilaseca, C.
Gordon, TA
Gorjian, Z.
Gottfried, Susan
Gottfried, S.
Gottschalk, Chris
Govindarajan, A.
Grabowski, J
Gracia, A
Grady, SP
Grady, S.P.
Grall, Sebastien
Granding, Philip Sigaard
Granger, Andrea
Grant, David
Grantz, Arthur
Grassi, M
Graves, D.
Gray, Deric
Grebner, D.M.
Green-Gavrielidis, L.
Greenaway, Samuel F
Greenaway, Megan
Greene, Craig
Greene, Jennifer K
Greene, R
Greenlaw, C.F.
Greenlaw, Jason
Greenslade, B
Greenwood, Sarah
Greenwood, S.
Gregory, Thomas K
Greinert, Jens
Greinert, J
Griffith-Charles, Charisse
Grimsditch, G
Grizzle, Raymond E
Gross, T
Gross, C
Grove, M.
Grunbaum, D.
Grund, M.D.
Grunden, DW
Grunden, D.W.
Grządziel, Artur
Gu, Fan
Guan, Q
Guarinello, Marisa L.
Guenther, G
Guideri, M
Guilford, James
Guimaraes, Ivan
Guinda, X
Guinda Salsamendi, Xabier
Guitard, R
Gulick, Sean P
Gunasinghage , Prasadh
Guo, Xiao
Gur-Arieh, Limor
Gurshin, C W
Gustafson, M J
Gustafson, Orjan
Gustafsson, Bo
Gutelius, B
Gwiazda, R.
Gyllencreutz, R.
Gyllencreutz, Richard
Hage, S.
Hagelburg, Terri
Hager, C.A.
Hagg, Rob
Hall, John K
Hall, John
Hallenborg, Eric
Haller, Merrick
Hally, Bryan
Halpern, BS
Halpin, P N
Hamano, A.
Hamel, Jonathan
Hamilton, T
Hamilton, A K
Hammar, T R
Hammond, S
Han, Jen-Yu
Handegard, Nils Olav
Handl, Tamara
Hanley, Kevin
Hansen, R. E.
Hansen, Roy E.
Hansen, R.E.
Hansen, J.
Hanslik, D
Hanson, M.B.
Hansson, Jim
Hapke, C
Haralabus, Georgios
Haralabus, G
Haram, L
Harding, HR
Harding, A J
Hare, Jenna
Hare, Jonathan A.
Hare, R
Harmon, Colby
Harper, H.A.
Harris, L.G.
Harris, R N
Harris, Larry G.
Harris, Danielle V
Harris, James P.
Harris, Peter
Hart, P E
Hart, D
Hartoyo, Djoko
Hartwell, A.M.
Hassan, Norhizam
Hastings, M.C.
Hatch, Leila
Hatcher, Philip J.
Hatzky, Jorn
Hauser, Olivia
Haver, Samara M.
Haver, S.
Havlik, MN
Hawkins, A.
Hawkins, R.S.
Hawkins, A.D.
Hay, A. E.
Hazen, E.
Hazen, E L
Healey, C G
Healy, T R
Heaney, Kevin
Heap, Brian
Heaton, John L
Hecht, H
Hedman, U.
Heffron, Erin
Heffron, Eron
Heggøy, E
Hegrenaes, Oyvind
Hehemann, Laura
Heidar, Tomas
Heidemann, H K
Heifetz, Jon
Heifetz, J
Heinig, Chris
Heinonen, K.
Heintz, Matthew
Heinze, Florian
Heirman, K.
Heithaus, M.R.
Helgadottir, G
Hell, B
Hellequin, L
Hemond, Harold F
Henriksen, M
Henyey, F S
Hermann, Joan
Herrera, S.
Herwindya, Athur Y
Herzfeld, Ute C
Hesketh, A.
Hess, Kurt
Hestvik, O
Heuze, C.
Hewitt, A T
Heyvaert, A C
Hickerson, E L
Hickman, Stephen H
Hiebert, J
Hildebrand, John A
Hiley, Alexandra
Hill, R
Hill, P.R.
Hill, V
Hillaire-Marcel, C
Hiller, T
Hiller, R
Hillstrom, CDR Briana
Himschoot, Kenneth
Hinckley, K
Hine, A
Hine, E
Hines, P.C.
Hiroji, Anand D.
Hiscott, R N
Hitshew, Josh
Hizzet, J.
Hizzett, J.
Hizzett, J.L.
Hjort, C
Hobbs, N.-V.
Hobbs, NV
Hodnesdal, H
Hogan, K
Hogan, Kelly
Hogarth, P
Holden, J.F.
Holland, C W
Holland, Todd
Holland, David
Holliday, D.V.
Holm, C.
Holm, N
Holman, Robert
Holman, Rob
Holmberg, Peter
Holmes, Felicity A.
Hong, J.K.
Hong, Jongkuk
Hopkinson, C
Horvei, Berit
Hosuru, Madhu
Hou, Tianhang
Hourigan, Thomas
House, Don H
Hovland, M
Howard, Daniel R.
Howat, I.
Howd, P A
Howden, D
Howe, BM
Howe, Bruce
Howell, W H
Howland, J
Hoy, S.
Hoy, Shannon
Hsieh, Paul A
Hsing, Pen-Yuan
Hu, Han
Hubbard, A.
Hubbard, S.M.
Hubble, T
Hubble, T.
Huckstadt, Luis
Huet, M
Huff, Lloyd C
Hufnagle Jr., L C
Hughes Clarke, John E.
Humberston, J. H.
Humberston, Joshua
Humborg, Christoph
Humphreys, Jennifer
Humphris, S
Hunt, J.
Hunt, Jonathan
Hurst, T
Hutchinson, D. R.
Hutton, B.
Huvenne, Veerle A.I.
Hylas, T
Hyndman, R D
I.B.C.A.O Board Members
Iafolla, V
Iannaccone, G
Ibarra, S N
Ierodiaconou, Daniel
Ikedo, William
Illin, Vicky
Imahori, G.
Imahori, Gretchen
Immenga, Dirk
Infantino, Jason
Ingolfsson, O
Ingvaldsen, Randi B.
Intelmann, S
Interrante, V
Irani, P
Irish, J. D.
Irish, James D
Irish, Onni
Ishikawa, T
Isler, Tea
Italiano, F
Ito, Koji
Ivaldi, Roberta
Ivaldi, R
Iwachiw, John
Jablonski, Holly
Jabs, E
Jacinto, R.
Jackson, E
Jackson, R
Jacob, R K
Jacobi, Michele
Jacobi, R D
Jaeger, John M
Jaffee, Bruce
Jakobsson, Martin
Jakuba, Michael
Jakubiak, C.J.
Jan, Sen
Janke, J
Jarmusz, Sally
Jarrin, M. J. Marin
Jech, Michael
Jech, J M
Jegat, Veronique
Jellison, Brittany
Jencks, Jennifer
Jenkins, Chris
Jennings, A
Jeong, Inseong
Jeppson, Tamara
Jerram, Kevin
Jessome, D
Jin, Y.K.
Jinadasa, Priyantha
Jo, Y.-H.
Johansson, Carina
Johnson, S.B.
Johnson, Jennifer
Johnson, L.
Johnson, M P
Johnson, Paul
Johnson, Joel
Johnson, G
Johnson, Blair A
Johnston, Malcolm J
Johnston, Gordon
Jokat, W
Jonas, M
Jones, D T
Jones, Christopher A
Jones, J.
Jones, Darin
Jordan, Kevin
Jordan, Thomas
Jr., ER Urban
Juanes, Ruben
Juanes, J A
Judd, A G
Judge, C.
Jung, W
Jung, J.
Jurley, M
Kaiser, C L
Kaiser, Karl
Kalbas, Jay
Kalnejais, Linda
Kamaruddin, Y.
Kameda, Jun
Kameda, J
Kamla, E.
Kammerer, Timothy
Kammerer, E
Kampfer, A
Kampia, Andrew
Kane, Renato
Kano, Y
Kappel, E.S.
Karasti, M.
Karlin, R
Karlin, A
Karlipata, Srinivas
Karlsson, Torbjorn
Karlsson, Marcus
Karson, J
Kashyap, Amith
Kastner, Ryan
Kastrisios, Christos
Kates Varghese, Hilary
Katlein, C.
Kawaguchi, S.
Kayen, R E
Kearney, M S
Kearse, W B
Keene, J
Keith, Gordon
Kellermann, Matthias Y
Kelley, D S
Kelley, John G
Kelley, Christopher
Kelley, J.T.
Kennedy, Brian
Kennedy, C.
Kennedy, J M
Kent, G M
Kenyon, N H
Keown, Patrick
Kessler, John D
Kessler, K
Ketter, Tomer
Khortov, Alexey
Kidd, John
Kief, K.
Kilmon, Marcus
Kim, K.H.
Kim, W
Kim, Y.-G.
Kim, D.-W.
Kimeli, Amon
King, R.
King, J.L.
King, Chad
King, J W
Kinnaman, Franklin S
Kinner, Nancy E
Kinney, Juliet
Kinsey, J
Kirchner, Nina
Kirchner, N
Kirillin, Georgiy
Kirk, Katherine A.
Kirkpatrick, J
Kirkpatrick, James D
Kirsch, N.J.
Kitts, C
Kjaer, T
Kjartansson, E
Kjeldsen, K.K.
Klaucke, I
Kleiner, A
Kleinrock, M C
Kleman, Johan
Klemm, Anthony
Klien, A
Klinck, Holger
Klinck, H.
Klinck, H
Klutenaar, P
Kluytenaar, P
Knight, N.S.
Knight, W
Knutsen, J O
Knutsen, Tor
Knutz, Paul
Knuuti, K.
Kohlbrenner, Sean M.
Kohli, Arjun
Kokoszka, Tyler
Komerska, Rick
Konnaris, K
Konrad, Kevin
Konstantinou, A.
Kopf, A.
Kordella, Stavroula
Korneliussen, Rolf
Korwan, D
Kosara, R
Koshurnikov, Andrey
Koua, E L
Kouhi, S.
Koyama, K
Kozlov, Igor
Kraft, Barbara J
Kranosky, Kristopher
Krasnosky, Kristopher
Krastel, S.
Krawczyk, Diana
Kretovic, Elizabeth
Krinner, G
Kristmar, Kristian Villadsen
Kristoffersen, Yngue
Kristoffersen, Yngve
Kristtorn, S K
Kruge, M A
Krutzfeld, J.
Kubbat, W
Kuenzel, Nikki A
Kum, J.
Kum, Jamie
Kumar, Amaresh M
Kung, R
Kuramura, K
Kurita, H.
Kurz, S
Kuus, P.
La Spada, G
Laberg, J-S
Lacono, V
Ladner, R W
Ladroit, Yoann
Laferriere, Alix M.
Lagonsin, Apolonio M
Laidlaw, D H
Lajeunesse, P.
Lakeman, T.
Lalonde, J.-F.
Lamarche, Geoffroy
Lambert, Walter J.
Lambert, CC
Lambert, S.
Lambert, G.
Lambert, W J
Lambert, WJ
Lamey, B
Lammers, M O
Lamplugh, Mike
Landvik, J Y
Lane, E.
Laney, S.
Langan, R.
Langan, Richard
Langdahl, Kasper
Lanziner, H H
Lanzoni, Carlo
Laramee, R
Larson, N K
Larson, K.
Larter, R.D.
Lastras, Galderic
Lauchle, G C
Laval, B E
Lavery, Andone
Lavin, C.
Lavoie, P
Lawhead, R M
Lawlor, J.
Le, N
Le Bas, Tim
Le Deunf, Julian
Le Gonidec, Yves
Le Sy, Xinh
Leach, Tim
Lear, R
Lebedeva-Ivanova, N
LeBlanc, L R
Leck, Caroline
Lee, K
Lee, H J
Lee, Seojeong
Lee, Krista
Lee, Bo-Young
Lee, Y C
Lee, Kevin M.
Legere, C.
Legg, Mark R
Lemmon, M.
Leong, Z. Q.
Leonte, Mihai
Lethbridge, T C
Leung, C
Levano, Michelle
Levoe, S
Lewald, Robert D
Lewis, C F
Lewis, J
Lewis, Marlon
Li, Rong-Rong
Li, Y
Li, Rongxing
Li, Q
Lian, Ergang
Lien, R
Ligi, M
Lilley, M D
Lillycrop, J
Lim, Darlene S.S.
Lim, Elliot
Limeburner, R
Limoges, S
Lin, Weiren
Lin, Ying-Tsong
Lin, W
Linder, Ernst
Lindzey, Laura
Lingzhi, Wu
Lintern, D.G.
Lintern, G.
Lintern, Gwyn
Lippmann, T. C.
Lippmann, Thomas C
Lipsky, Andrew
List, J.
Litterer, A.
Litterer, A S
Litterer, Amber
Litvaitis, Marianne
Liu, Jung-Kuan
Lobecker, E.
Lobecker, Elizabeth
Lobkovsky, Leopold
Locat, J
Locker, S D
Lomac-MacNair, K.
Long, Ronán
Long, Bernard
Lonsdale, P F
Lorang, Mark
Loranger, Scott
Lovalvo, D.
Lovejoy, Thomas E.
Lovlie, Reidar
Lowe, Lindsay A
Lowell, John
Lowell, Kim
Lowemark, L
Lowther, Kathy
Lucchi, Renata
Lucieer, Vanessa
Lucking, Gregory
Lundgren, Ian
Lundsten, L.
Lundsten, E.
Lunkka, J P
Luo, L.
Lupton, J E
Lurton, Xavier
Lutcavage, Molly E
Lutz, N
Luyendyk, Bruce P
Lyle, Mitchell
Lynch, James F
Lyon, Vincent
Lyons, J
Lyons, Anthony P.
Lønmo, T.I.B.
Lønmo, Tor Inge B
M., Rebesco
Macaulay, G.J.
Macek, J.
Machado, Casey
Mackay, K.
Mackay, Kevin
MacKenzie, R.A.
MacKenzie, I S
Mackinnon, S
MacLean, B
MacLean, B.
Macnab, Ron
Macnab, M
Macon, Christopher L
Madden, L.E.
Maddock, David
Madin, I
Madlener, S.
Madore, Brian
Maffei, Andrew
Magnusson, A
Mahabier, Bernice G
Maher, S.M.
Maher, Sarah M
Maingot, Brandon
Makarim, S
Makovsky, Y
Maksym, Ted
Maksym, T.L.
Maldonado, P
Malik, Mashkoor A
Mallace, D
Malzone, C
Mamaenko, Anton
Mammerickx, Jacqueline
Manda, Damian
Mandel, Tracy L
Mandeville, Caitlin P.
Mangerud, Jan
Mann, David A.
Mann, DA
Marani, M
Marchel, Lukasz
Marcott, S.A.
Marcus, Clint
Marcus, J
Marcussen, C
Margolin, Alex
Marinelli, K
Marks, Karen
Marlow, M S
Marques, AC
Marsh, Leigh
Marsh, Gordon
Martin, T.V.
Martin, Tinah V
Martin, B.
Martin, S. Bruce
Martin, S C
Martinez, J
Martinez, Brian
Martinolich, R
Marziani, F
Masetti, Giuseppe
Masnadi-Shirazi, M A
Masry, Mark
Masson, D G
Masticka, Natalie C.
Matal, Yanarbek
Mathai, Daina
Matheson, K
Matheson, K.
Mathieson, Arthur
Mathieson, AC
Mathieu, Rondeau
Matsumoto, Haruyoshi
Mauk, A.
Mayer, Larry A
Mayer, Larry
McAvoy, Zachary S.
McBride, Cody
McCartin, L.
McClung, G
McConnaughey, Robert
McConnel, J A
McCord, Kieren H.
McCracken, Mark
McCuller, M.
McCuller, M
McDonald, D
McDonald, G.
McDonald, Birgitte I
McDonough, John
McDowell, William
McFarland, C.
McGarr, Art
McGehee, D.E.
McGill, M
McGillicuddy, Glenn
McGillivary, Philip A
McGonigle, C
McGuire, Jeffrey J
McHuron, Elizabeth A
McHuron, Elizabet
McIlhany, K
McIntyre, CM
McKay, J.L
McKay, J.
McKenna, Lindsay
McKenzie, C
McKenzie, C.
McLean, Susan J.
McLean, C
McLeay, C
McLeod, Andy
McLeod, Pam
McLeod, M A
McManus, J.
McManus, M.M.
McMichael-Phillips, J.
McMichael-Phillips, Jamie
McNaught, D.
McNeese, AndrewR.
McNinch, J.
McNutt, Marcia K
McPherran, K.A.
McPherran, K.
Meadows, Diane
Meekan, M
Meijer, T.
Meisling, K.E.
Meiton, A.
Melling, H.
Mellinger, David K.
Mellinger, D.K.
Mellinger, DK
Mello, Kristen
Melvin, G
Mendes, S
Mercedes, Alexander
Merchant, ND
Merie, Lorenz
Merke, David
Merle, Susan G.
Merle, S G
Merrick, R
Merten, Amy A
Mesick, S
Meybeck, M
Meyer, Kelsey
Meyer, Jason
Miao, Dandan
Micallef, A.
Michalopoulou, Z
Mickiewicz, M
Mihtsentu, Mezgeb Tesfayesus
Mikaelian, H
Mikkelsen, N
Miksis-Olds, Jennifer
Miles, Brian
Milev, A
Millan, R.
Millar, W D
Millar, David
Miller, Ricky
Miller, R.
Miller, J H
Miller, David W
Miller, James
Miller, D
Miller, James J.
Miller, Joyce E.
Miller, E L
Milliman, T
Milne, Grant
Minami, Hiroki
Miranda, F P
Mirelis, Gonzalez
Mishima, Toshiaki
Mishra, V
Mitchell, Peter
Mitchell, Garrett
Mitchell, D E
Mitchell, J
Mittelstaedt, Eric
Mix, Alan
Mix, A C
Mizobata, K.
Moggert, Friedhelm
Moghimi, Saeed
Mohammad, R
Mohammad, Rezwan
Molin, M.
Moller, P
Moller, J C
Monahan, Dave
Monfort, Chad
Montanye, B.R.
Montes, Marcos J
Montoro, Hugo
Monty, J
Moon, I.-J.
Mooney, Walter D
Moore, J C
Moore, Norton
Moore, Gregg
Moore, Jesse T.
Moore, B
Moore, Casey J
Moore, J M
Moore, T C
Moors-Murphy, H
Moran, K
Moran, Kathryn
Moreno, Coral
Moretti, David
Moretti, D.
Morgan, Mallory
Morgan, C W
Morgan, Lynnette V
Mori, James J
Morishita, Taisei
Morlighem, Mathieu
Morlighem, M.
Moros, Matthias
Morris, Abby
Morrison, John R
Morrison, Rachel C
Morrison, C.L.
Morrow, D.
Mörth, C-M.
Mörth, Carl-Magnus
Mortimer, Kolleen
Moser, C.
Moser, Marc S
Mosher, David C
Motz, F
Mouginot, J.
Mountjoy, J.
Mouw, Colleen
Mouw, C.B.
Moyles, Dean
Mozzato, A.
Muccini, F
Muccini, F.
Muchowski, Julia Christin
Muchowski, Julia
Mudie, P
Mueller, D
Mueller, C.
Muenchow, A.
Muggah, J
Mukasa, S B
Mukhopadhyay, P K
Müller, J.D.
Munene, Tiziana
Munk, Ole Lajord
Munoz, J.
Murphy, S.M.
Murphy, P.
Murphy, A.
Murray, Andrew
Murray, Bryan
Musatov, E
Muschitiello, Francesco
Musser, Joseph
Mustapha, Abubakar
Myers, Edward
Naar, D L
Nada, Tamer
Nadeau, LT M
Nagel, Erin
Nakamura, Yasuyuki
Nakos, Byron
Napp, J.M.
Natham, Karthikyan A
Nau, Amy
Navarrete, Luis
Navratil, P.
Neckles, H
Neckles, H.
Neefus, C.
Neelands, P.
Nellemann, C
Nelson, Philip H
Nelson, E.P.
Nelson, EP
Nelson, J
Neufeld, E M
Newhall, Arthur E
Newman, K S
Nghiem, S V
Nguyen, Thanh
Niccolini, F
Nicholas, M.
Nicholls, K.W.
Nichols, C R
Nichols, Reid C
Nichols, S.M.
Nickerson, B
Nicolaides, S
Nicolas, L.
Nicolaus, M.
Niedenzu, S.
Nielsen, Tove
Nielsen, T.
Nieminski, N.M.
Niessen, F
Nieukirk, S.
Nifong, Kelly
Nifong, K.
Nifong, K
Nikolskaya, O
Niles, A
Nilsen, O
Nilsson, Björn
Nilsson, Johan
Nitsche, Frank O
Nitsche, F.O.
Niu, X.M.
Nixon, MatthewE.
Noad, M.J.
Noel, B.P.Y.
Nolan, R.
Nomikou, P
Noormets, Riko
Noormets, R
Nordfjord, Sylvia
Nordquist, M.
Norgaard-Pedersen, N
Norgard, Tammy
Norkko, Joanna
Norkko, Alf
Normandeau, A.
Normark, W R
Normark, E.
Norton, Ashley R
Novak, M
Nowacek, D.L.
Nowacek, D P
Nowak, Robert D
Nuesslya, K
Nyberg, John
Nycander, J
Nystuen, J.A.
O'Brien, T M
O'Brien, Brandon
O'Brien, B.
O'Brien, Elaina
O'Cofaigh, C.
O'hara, L
O'Heran, Casey
O'Neil-Dunne, Jarlath
O'Neil-Dunne, J.P.M.
O'Regan, Matt
O'Regan, M. A
Oakey, G
Obura, Victoria
Oei, P
Okada, Chiaki
Ollerenshaw, R
Olsen, N.
Olsen, M J
Olson, D. R.
Olson, Hilary C
Ona, Egil
Orange, Dan
Orcutt, B.N.
Orcutt, B.
Oroshnik, David
Orsi, G
Orsini, F.
Osborne, S
Osborne, K.
Osiri, Rachot
Overeem, I
Owen, Wayne
Owen, Hadley
Owen, L A
P, S. A. T. Rand
P., Lyons A.
Pacheco, M
Pack, R T
Padilla, Alexandra M
Padman, J.
Padman, June
Pailhas, Y.
Pallentin, Arne
Palmer, S.
Palsson, B H
Pantzartzis, D
Papatheodorou, George
Pappal, AL
Pappal, A.L.
Paquin, Nathan
Par, L.
Parcheta, Carolyn
Park, J.
Parker, J
Parker, Greg
Parkhi, G
Parks, S
Parks, S.
Parks, Susan E.
Parnum, Iain M.
Parnum, Ian
Parrish, C.
Parrish, Julia K
Parrish, Christopher E
Parrott, R
Parsons, D.
Parsons, M
Participants, Improving Data Disco
Participants, 2023 Improving
Pate, D.J.
Pato, C W
Paton, Mark
Patterson, A
Patton, E.
Paul, C.
Paull, C.K.
Pavlicek, F V
Pavlis, Terry L
Pawlenko, Nikolai
Pe'eri, S.
Peakall, Jeffrey
Pearce, Christof
Pearce, Christof
Peçanha, Anderson
Pecher, I.
Pecnerova, P.
Pedersen, Terje
Pedersen, Geir
Pedersen, R
Pederson, J.
Pederson, J
Pedrosa, M T
Peller, T.
Pelletier, S
Pena, H
Pereira, A.
Perkovic, Dragana
Peter, Chris R
Peters, Colleen
Peters, Esther C.
Petersen, Yvonne Morville
Petersen, Mark
Peterson, Sara
Petrov, Oleg
Petry, Fredrick E
Petry, Fred
Pfennigbauer, M
Pham, Harrison
Pharaoh, A
Phelps, Amanda
Philips, Joseph
Phillips, B
Phillips, J C
Philpot, William D
Phommachanh, Nilan T.
Piauilino, P
Picard, Kim
Pickerell, C
Pie?kowski, A.J.
Piekowski, A.J.
Pierce, Jordan
Pietroniro, A
Pike, W
Pilar, David H F
Pilikou, Maria
Pillsbury, Liam
Pinchuk, A.I.
Pineo, Daniel
Pinner, W
Pioch, Nicholas
Piper, D.J.W.
Pirenne, B.
Pirtle, Jodi L
Pisias, N G
Pisias, Micklas
Pittman, Simon J.
Plagge, Amanda
Plaza-Faverola, Andreia
Plumlee, Matt D
Pochec, P R
Pockalny, Robert
Pohner, F
Polcari, M
Poll, R V
Polyak, Leonid
Pomponi, S.A.
Poncelet, Cyrille
Ponganis, Paul J
Ponirakis, Dimitri W.
Ponirakis, DW
Ponirakis, D
Pontbriand, C
Pope, E.
Popper, A.N.
Potter, D C
Potty, Gopu R.
Potvin, J.
Powell, Julia
Powell, Ross D
Pradith, Vitad
Praeg, D
Prahl, F
Prakash, Abhay
Prasad, L
Prasetyawan, Indra B.
Pratellesi, M
Prater, J.
Pratomo, D.G.
Pratson, L F
Predragovic, M
Preez, Cherisse Du
Prescott, Megan
Price, V.E.
Prigent, Cécile
Proctor, Alison
Prusky, Julie
Puente, A
Purchase, H
Purcuoco, Vincent
Purser, Autun
Quin, R
Quinn, Matthew
Quiroz, E
Rack, F
Radford, CA
Radford, AN
Rago, P
Raineault, Nicole A
Rainey, W
Ramsay, B
Ramsey, D W
Ranasinghe, Rosh
Ranaweera, Roshan
Randeni, S.
Ranmuthugala, D.
Rasmussen, Tine
Ratnarajah, L.
Ratnayake, Dulap
Rattray, J.E.
Raubenheimer, B.
Ravens, T
Raymond, Rick
Rebesco, Michele
Rebesco, M.
Redmond, M
Reed, Samuel
Reed, B
Reeder, D.B.
Regalla, C
Regalla, Christine
Rehm, E
Rehm, Eric
Reidel, M
Reilly, B.
Reilly, Brendan
Reitz, Anja
Remitti, F
Remitti, Francesca
Reser, B
Resing, J
Ressler, J
Reusche, M.
Reuter, J E
Reynolds, J.E.
Reynoso, Walter
Ricci, E
Rice, Glen
Richards, B C
Richardson, Thomas
Richardson, John
Richardson, M D
Richer, J
Richter, B
Riedel, C
Riedel, M.
Rieger, P
Ries, K L
Rignot, E.
Rignot, Eric
Riley, Jack
Rilov, Gil
Rinde, Eli
Rindle, P
Ringuette, G
Ritz, C
Roach, Ashley
Roach, J A
Robidoux, Lorraine
Robidoux, J.
Robinson, J E
Robinson, Starla
Rocha, R.M.
Roche, Marc
Rock-Blake, R
Roelvink, Dano
Roelvink, D
Rogers, J
Rogers, James
Rogers, David H
Rognstad, M
Roh, J-Y
Roland, Emily C.
Roman, Chris
Roman, D
Romeo, T
Rondeau, Mathieu
Rooper, Chris
Rooper, Christopher N
Roper, J.J.
Roperez, Jaya
Ros, Jose M. Cordero
Rose, Jeff
Rosen, D.A.S.
Rosen, D
Rosenberg, Andrew A
Rosencranz, G
Rosi, M
Ross, A.
Ross, T.
Roth, Ethan H
Rothschild, J.
Rowe, Christie D
Rowe, C
Rowell, Matt
Roy, Matthew
Ruby, Caitlin
Ruddick, Barry R
Rudels, J
Ruiz, G.
Ruiz, G.M.
Ruming, K
Rumrill, Steven S
Runghen, Hemanaden
Ruppel, Carolyn
Russel, Craig
Ryan, J F
Rychert, Kevin M
Rysgaard, S.
Rysgaard, Soren
Ryzhov, Ivan
Rzhanov, Yuri
Rzhanov, Y.
S'mundsson, K
Saarnisto, M
Sacile, R.
Sade, A
Saebo, T.O.
Saeed, Zeeshan
Sagen, H
Sagen, Hanne
Saito, Tsubasa
Salas-Romero, Silvia
Salerno, Jennifer L.
Salisbury, Joseph
Sallis, Angela
Salmia, Juho
Samarakoon, Nilupa
Sampath, A
Samsel, Francesca
Samsel, F
Sandwell, David T
Sangiorgi, F
Sanscartier, M
Santos, M
Santos, Isaac R.
Sarangapani, S.
Sardi, K
Sartor, Constance
Šaškov, Alex
Satriano, John H
Sault, Maryellen
Saunders, Miles
Saustrup, S
Sautter, L.
Scandella, Benjamin P
Scarpace, F L
Scharff, Dave
Scheirer, D
Schenke, H. W
Schiefele, J
Schimel, Alexandre C. G.
Schimmelpfennig, S.
Schladow, S G
Schläppy, Marie-Lise
Schlicht, L.
Schmal, G P
Schmidt, Val
Schmidt, Val
Schmidt, J S
Schmitt, Thierry
Schnaittacher, G.M.
Schock, Steven G
Schofield, Andrew
Schott, S.
Schott, S
Schouten, H
Schrenk, M O
Schroth-Miller, Madeline L
Schulze, B
Schwab, Bill
Schwarzbach, Patrick
Schwarzschild, A
Schwehr, Kurt
Schwenger, Lasse Mondberg
Scientists, Expedition KR13-08 343 &
Scientists, 343T
Scientists, Expedition 343 343T
Scientists}, KR13-08
Scientists}, 343T
Scott, G
Scott, D
Scranton, Mary I
Seavey, Jennifer
Sebastian, S
Seeboruth, Sattiabaruth
Seefeldt, Dieter
Seger, Kerri D
Seger, K.D.
Seitz, G G
Sekachev, V
Self Miller, Vanessa
Sell, R
Sellars, Jon
Sellen, E
Semiltov, I.
Seroka, Gregory
Seroussi, H.
Severmann, S.
Shackleton, N J
Shalaev, R
Shan, J
Shank, T M
Sharma, Shereen
Shashkov, Aleksej
Shashkov, A
Shaw, J
Shedd, B
Shellito, Shawn
Sheridan, K.
Sherman, A.
Sherman, H.
Sherrin, J.
Shimeld, J
Shinn, E
Shokalsky, Sergey
Shor, A N
Shorter, K A
Shrestha, Ramesh
Shrivastava, Piyush
Shumchenia, Emily J.
Shusta, S
Shwaery, Glenn
Siber, G
Siegert, M
Silvestri, M
Silyakova, Anna
Simkanin, C.
Simkanin, Christina
Simmons, S.
Simpkin, Peter G
Simpson, SD
Singh, R
Singh, H.
Sisneros, J.
Sivkov, Vadim
Sjöström, Arne
Skarke, Adam
Skarke, A D
Skjoldal, Hein Rune
Slabbekoorn, H
Slabon, P.
Sletten, Mark
Slipp, L
Slocum, Richard
Smart, Clara
Smith, Brian
Smith, Ben
Smith, JP
Smith, Gabriel M
Smith, Michael
Smith, T
Smith, D H
Smith, Dru
Smith, P
Smith, D M
Smith, Debra
Smith, Abigail J.R.
Smith, C.M.
Smith, Shep M
Smith, R B
Smith, Walter H
Smith, K
Smith, P W
Smultea, Mari Ann
Smyth, Stephen
Snaith, Helen
Snoeijs-Leijonmalm, Pauline
Snoejis-Leijonmalm, Pauline
Snow, Charlotte
Snowden, Derrick
Snyder, Leland P
Soares Rosa, Luis
Soler, Tomás
Solow, A.R.
Sommerfield, Christopher K
Song, Sasha
Sonne, Ian B.
Sonnichsen, G
Soraruf, Rachel E
Sorte, C
Soule, S A
Sowers, Derek
Spagnoli, F
Spain, Erica
Spathias, Hanae
Spence, G D
Spiess, F N
Spivack, Arthur J
Spottiswoode, S
St Jean, Carmen
Stabeno, P.J.
Stablow, Benjamin J.
Stacey, C.D.
Ståhl, Emelie
Stanton, T K
Stanton, Tim
Stark, Nina
Stasse, Alyssa
Stauffer, B.A.
Steele, S.M.
Stefanelli, P
Stefaniak, L
Stein, R
Stein, P
Sternlicht, D S
Stetson, M
Stevens, Andrew H.
Stevenson, J C
Stewart-Clark, S.
Stienessen, Sarah C
Stimpert, A K
Stive, Marcel
Stockwell, J D
Stoker, J
Stokes, M.D.
Stokesbury, K.D.E.
Stone, Maureen
Stone, J C
Stoner, A W
Stoner, J S
Stramondo, S
Straneo, F.
Straneo, Fiammetta
Stranne, Christian
Stuart, Elaine
Sudek, Mareike
Sukcharoenpong, Anuchit
Sulak, K J
Sullivan, J.M.
Sullivan, Briana M
Suman, S
Sumiyoshi, Masanao
Sumner, E.J.
Sumner, E.
Sundberg, Jonas Henati
Super, L.
Suskiewicz, T.
Sutherland, David
Sutherland, Michael
Suzuki, S
Svendsen, John I
Swaminagayan, S
Sweeney, Ed
Sweet, Graeme
Swift, Rob
Swift, Robinson
Sydenham, J.
Symonds, G
Symons, W.
Syvitski, J P
Szafir, Danielle Albers
Sæbø, T.O.
Sæbø, T. O.
Sørensen, Aqqaluk
Talling, P.J.
Tanaka, Hanae
Tang, D
Tanhua, T.
Taranik, J
Tate, Alex
Tauriello, Daniel
Tauxe, L
Taylor, Chris
Taylor, Christopher
Taylor, R
Taylor, J
Tazawa, M.
Team, PS 86 Scienti
Tedesco, K
Tenberge, Yvonne Schulze
Terrill, S
Terry, Emily
Tetreault, B
Tetteh, Eunice
the Phoenix Science Team
the Scientific Party of the N Ocean SeaMARC II exp
the Shipboard Scientific Party of Leg 138
Thein, Saw
Thein, May-Win
Thomas, H.
Thomas, L.
Thomisch, Karolin
Thompson, Michael A
Thomsen, Frank
Thornton, Brett
Thornton, Ed
Thorsteinsson, T.
Tibor, Gideon
Tingley, M
Tinmouth, Neil
Tivey, M
Toczko, S
Toczko, Sean
Todd, B J
Tolon, C
Torresan, M
Toy, Virginia
Toy, V
Tozer, B.
Trainer, K D
Travaglini, P G
Travaglini, Paola
Traykovski, P
Trembanis, Arthur
Trenholm, Nicole
Trenkel, Verena M
Trinhammer, P.
Tripathy, Aditi
Trites, A.W.
Trites, A
Troni, G.
Troupiotis-Kapeliaris, Alexandros
Trowbridge, Philip
Trucco, A.
Trudeau, Gabrielle
Truitt, B
Trusel, L D
Tsoulos, Lysandros
Tsutsumi, Akito
Tudino, T
Tuel, G H
Tunnicliffe, V.
Turanli, T
Turchik, Alan
Turton, Terece L
Tuttle, A
Tüzün, Suna
Twiggs, B
Tyack, Peter L
Tyack, PL
Tyce, Robert C
Tyler, Constance
Tyler, M.
Tyler, Matthew T.
Tyson, RB
Uddin, W
Uddin, Mohammad J
Ujihara, Naoto
Ujiie, K
Ujiie, Kohtaro
Ulfsbo, Adam
Ural, S
Urban, Peter
Urban, Ed
Vacek, Florian
Vagni, R.
Valdes, L
Valdes, L.
Valentine, P.C.
Valentine, P.
Valentine, David L
Valette-Silver, Nathalie
Vallee-Anziani, M.
Van Den Ameele, E J
van den Broeke, M.R.
Van Dover, Cindy
Van Norden, M F
Van Opzeeland, I.C.
Van Parijs, S
Van Pay, B
Van Volkom, Kaitlin
Van Volkom, K.
van Wijk, Esmee
Van Wychen, W.
Vandemark, Douglas
Vanderlaan, Angelia S.M.
VanDover, C L
Vanicek, P
Vardy, M.
Varghese, Kates
Vatslid, S
Velissariou, P.
Vellinga, A.
Vendettuoli, D.
Venegas, Gabriel R.
Venugopal, Rohit
Verhoef, J
Verlinden, C.
Vermassen, Flor
Vermillion, Michael
Vernon, J.
Vernon, J.A.
VerPlanck, Nicola
Vigness-Raposa, Kathleen J.
Vilaça, N
Villanueva, C
Villinger, H.
Vine, N
Viquerat, Sacha
Virnot, A D
Visbeck, Martin
Vogel, A
Vogt, Peter R
Voight, J.R.
von Benda-Beckman, A.M.
von Krusenstiern, Katherine
Vorosmarty, C J
Vougioukalakis, G
Vrignaud, Christophe
Wade, P.
Wagner, J K S
Wagner, T.
Wagstaff, M
Waite, William F
Wakefield, W
Walczak, M.H.
Walczak, P.
Walker, Kari
Walker, S L
Walker, Sharon
Walker, Brian
Wall, Carrie C.
Wallace, Luke
Wallace, Julia
Wallin, A
Waltham, D.
Walton, Maureen A. L.
Wand, D.
Wang, Faming
Wang, J.H.
Wang, Haili
Ward, D
Ward, Robert
Ward, R W
Ward, Larry G
Ward, Krystin
Wardwell, Nathan C
Ware, Colin
Ware, Colin
Warnke, Fynn
Warnken, Robin R.
Warren, J.
Warren, J.D.
Warren, Jessica
Warren, J
Washam, P.
Waters, K
Waters, Sarah
Watling, Les
Watson, Sally
Watt, G
Watts, C.
Weatherall, Pauline
Weaver, D C
Weber, M E
Weber, Thomas C
Weber, John
Wehof, J.
Weidemann, A
Weidner, Elizabeth
Weinrebe, W.
Weinrich, M T
Weinstein, Alexander
Weirathmueller, Michelle
Weirich, J
Wells, David E
Wells, C D
Wells, C.
Welton, Briana
Wengrove, M. E.
Wengrove, M.E.
Wengrove, Meagan
Werra, L
West, Gabriel
West, Patrick
Westerman, Erica L.
Westerman, E.L.
Westington, Meredith
Weston, Neil
Wever, T F
Wheat, G.C.
Wheat, C.G.
Wheat, A.
Wheatcroft, R.A.
Whitcomb, Louis L
White, Michael
White, M.
White, Stephen A
White, Easton
White, S.
Whitlatch, R.
Whittaker, Joanne M.
Whittaker, C
Wiafe, G
Widdel, H
Wiederspahn, M
Wiesenburg, D
Wiggins, E
Wiggins, Sean M
Wigley, Rochelle
Wijekoon, N
Wiley, David N
Wilford, Dylan C.
Wilkins, C.
Wilkins, Charlie
Wilkins, R
Wilkinson, Jeremy
Willems, Bryce A
Williams, K
Williams, C.N.
Williams, Christian
Williamson, M
Willis, Josh
Wills, Peter
Wilson, Christopher D
Wilson, Preston.S.
Wilson, Chris
Wilson, S
Wilson, Matthew J.
Wilson, Nicholas
Wilson, CC
Wirasantosa, S
Wisotzkey, LCDR Charles
Witmer, Joshua
Wittmann, M E
Wittrock, A.
Woelz, S.
Wölfl, Anne-Cathrin
Wolfskehl, Sarah
Wolfson-Schwehr, Monica L
Wong, MC
Wong, K W
Wong, M.C.
Wood, M.
Wood, Michael
Wood, Thomas C.
Wooden, J L
Woodward, P
Woolard, J
Wootton, Jeff
Worcester, Peter F
Worcester, PF
Wosnick, Martin
Wotherspoon, S.
Wozencraft, Jennifer
Wozumi, Toshi
Wright, Wayne
Wright, C. Wayne
Wulf, J
Wyllie, Katrina
Xu, Bochao
Yager, Ronald R
Yager, Ron
Yager, Patricia
Yakimov, M
Yang, S H
Yang, Yiing-Jang
Yao, Fang
Yao, Qingzhen
Yoerger, Dana
Yoklavich, M
Yoos, Charles J
York, A
Yoshida, Tsuyoshi
Young, J
Yu, Huaming
Yu, Zhigang
Yu, Y.
Yu, P
Yun, Janet
Yvon-Lewis, S
Zaprowski, B J
Zarayskaya, Yulia
Zedel, L.
Zetterberg, R
Zetterland, Virgil
Zhang, Qi
Zhang, Chen
Zhao, Bin
Zhoa, S.
Zhoa, Q.
Zietz, Stanley
Zimmerman, R
Zimmermann, Mark
Zinglersen, Karl
Zinglersen, K.B.
Zisk, Stanley H
Zissis, Dimitris
Zoeller, Michael
Zoksimovski, Arsen
Zoura, D
Zufeldt, J
Zwolak, Karolina
Journal Article
Conference Abstract
Book Section
Conference Proceedings
Poster - Conference
Poster - Not Conference
Directed Research Paper
Journal Abstract
Regions - Arctic
Regions - Atlantic
Regions - Bering Sea
Regions - Gulf of Alaska
Regions - Gulf of Mexico
Regions - Johnston Atoll
Regions - Line Islands
Regions - Marianas
Regions - Mendocino
Regions - Necker Ridge
12-kHz multibeam data
2d flow visualizations
2D gravity modelling
3-point porblem
3d chart of the future
3D models
3D reconstruction
3D Sound Propagation
Acoustic applications
Acoustic backscatter
Acoustic backscatter processing; Multibeam Echo Sounders; seafloor mapping
Acoustic Backscatter; M.S. in Earth Science
acoustic baskscatter
Acoustic Bearings
acoustic classification
Acoustic Dead Zone
Acoustic Echo Sounders
Acoustic Ecology
Acoustic Features
acoustic mapping
acoustic noise
acoustic positioning
acoustic rough interface scattering
Acoustic Scattering; Gas Bubbles;
Acoustic Scattering; Gas Bubbles; Multiple Scattering; Low-Frequency; Coal Oil Point Seep Field
acoustic seafloor scatter rock
Acoustic signal processing
Acoustic source identification
acoustical engineering
acoustical measurements
acoustical oceanographic
acoustical oceanography
Acoustical Optical Platform
Activity Budget
adaptive monitoring
Adaptive Sub-Sampling Recorder
Aegean Sea dispute
Affine transformation
Aids to Navigation
airborne bathymetric lidar
airborne lidar
airborne lidar bathymetry
airborne topographic-bathymetry lidar
AIS Application-Specific Messages
alpha ridge
alpha-mendeleev ridge complex
Ambient Noise
ambient ocean sound
Ambient Sound
amerasia basin
amerasian basin
Analytical cartography
and geophysics
angular range analysis
angular response analysis
angular response curve
anthropogenic noise
Applied sciences; ASV; Autonomous surface vessel; Control system; Hydrography; Path planning; Unmanned
Applied sciences; Asvs; Encs; Nautical charts; Obstacle avoidance
Applied sciences; Change detection; Nonlinear model; Satellite derived bathymetry; Total uncertainty propagation
Applied sciences; Earth sciences; Angular response; Backscattering; Gassy sediments; Petroleum exploration
Approaching Vessels
Aquatic Animals
aquatic life
ARA Analysis
archipelagic apron
arctic archipelago
arctic morphology
Arctic Ocean
Arctic Pinniped Vocalizations
arctic stratigraphy
article 76
Artificial substrate
Atlantic continental margin
Atlantic Deepwater Ecosystem Observatory Network/ADEON
Atlantic Margin
atlantic ocean
Atlantic water layer
augmented reality
Australian Humpback Whale
automated cartography
automated generalization
automated nautical cartography
automated procedures
automated solutions
automated tools
automatic image analysis
automatic processing
automation AI ASVs ROS
automation; AI; ASVs; ROS
Autonomous Navigation
Autonomous Survey Systems
Autonomous System
Autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs)
autonomous vehicle
AUV & Harbor Tracking
auv path planning
bag explorer
Baltic Sea
bare earth filtering
Basaltic outcrop
basin features
bat galim
Bathmetric Estimation
bathymetric chart
bathymetric data
bathymetric data portrayal
bathymetric data uncertainty
bathymetric depth change; multi-temporal imagery; Sentinel-2; Categorical Boosting; airborne LiDAR; ICESat-2
Bathymetric Estimation
bathymetric grid
bathymetric lidar
bathymetric mapping
Bathymetric Modeling
Bathymetric Processing
Bathymetry Fusion
Bathymetry grids; Arctic; Earth Sciences
Bay-closing lines
Bayesian Categorical Estimation
Bayesian estimator
beach erosion
beaked whale behavior
beam diagnostics
bedform migration
bedrock geology
Beer-Lambert law
Before-After Control-Impact
Behavioral Response
belfast bay
benthic cover estimation
benthic features
benthic habitat
benthic habitats
benthic-palagic coupling
Benthopelagic migrators
Bering Sea
Bering Sea Shelf
Bias Estimation
binary data formats
Biogenic Sediment Fraction
Biological Scatter
Blake Plateau
Botrylloides violaceus
Bottlenose Dolphin
Bottlenose Dolphins
bottom characteristics
bottom characterization
Bottom Foraging
bottom return characteristics
Bottom sample imagery
Bottom-trawl survey
Boundaries delimitation
Boundary Layer Flow
Breaking waves
Broadband acoustics
broadband split beam echo sounder
bubble dissolution models
Bubble fate
bubble washdown
ca tools
caledonian suture
california sea lions
Call Variation
Canary Basin
Canny Edges
canopy height
Canyon channels
cape cod bay
Captive Dolphins
Carbon Isotopes
cartographic constraint
cartographic knowledge acquisition
cartographic visualization
Case Study
categorical boosting
category zone of confidence
cavity flow
Central Arctic Ocean (CAO)
CFR index
change detection
change-point analysis
channel-lobe transition zone
chart adequacy
chart discrepancies
Chart of the Future
chart safety constraint
chart updates
Chesapeake Drift
Chukchi Borderland
Chukchi Sea
Ciona intestinalis
citizen science
climate change
climate warming
Cloud-enabled Data Processing
Coast Pilot
Coast Pilot.
coastal and marine ecological classification standard
coastal bathymetry
coastal management
Coastal processes
coastal resiliency
Coastal state jurisdiction
coastal vegetation
code generator
coherence factor
Cold Regime
cold-water coral
cold-water corals
cold-water corals; geomorphology; bathymetry; mapping; multibeam sonar; Lophelia; Desmophyllum; Blake Plateau; ocean exploration; reef; automated
Collocated Acoustic Recorders
colonial ascidians
color correction
color mapping
color reconstruction ambiguity
color underwater
combined flows
Combined onshore-offshore mapping
Communicating priorities
Community Composition
Community Structure
Community Structure; Benthic Habitat; Environmental Variability; North Pacific; Subarctic
Computational cartography
computational color constancy
Computational fluid dynamics technique
Computational geometry
computational modeling
computer assisted cartography
Computer cartography
Computer Vision
confusion matrix decomposition
Contiguous zone
continental margin
continental shelf
Continental shelf; hardground; Miocene; phosphorite; sea-level; Sr isotopes
continental shelf; maritime boundaries; Minamitorishima; sea level
continental slope
coral reef
coral reef habitats
coral reefs
crescentic bedform
Cross Platform Performance
Cross-over Analysis
Crowd-sourced Bathymetry
Crowdsourced Bathymetry
crude oil
cryospheric science
current-induced mixing
cyclic steps
Dangers to Navigation (DTONs)
data architecture
Data Compilation
Data Density Estimation
data discovery
data formats
Data Generalization
data management
data mining
Data Processing
Data Processing - CUBE
Data Processing; GeoCoder
data quality
data quality visualization
data re-use
data review
Data Scheduling
Data uncertainty
Data Visualization
Data Visualization - Flow Visualization
Data-driven Estimation
Decadal Trends
deep learning
Deep ocean bathymetry
Deep ocean gateway
Deep Sea
deep sea canyons
deep sea habitats
Deepwater Horizon
deep‐sea canyons
Delaunay Triangulation
dem correction
Dense Matching
density dependent target strength
Depth areas
depth contours
depth interpolation
depth measurement
descriptive analytics
design study
detector array
digital bathymetric model
Digital Elevation Model
digital terrain model
digital terrain modelling
Dissimilarity Index
Distributed Processing
Distributed-free Depth Estimation
Dorado Outcrop
dynamic biases
Dynamic Cartography
dynamic rivers
dynamic soundscape
e/v nautilus
Earth sciences; Artic Multibeam Sonar Data
Earth sciences; Deglacial; Glacial-marine sediments; Juan de Fuca Strait; Seafloor; Stratigraphy
Earth sciences; Depositional history; Estuarine; Paraglacial; Portsmouth harbor; Sedimentary environments
Earth sciences; Hydrography; Ocean mapping; Oceanography; Remote sensing; Surveying
East Pacific Rise
East Siberian Arctic Ocean
east siberian margin
eastern mendocino
eastern pacific
Eastern tropical Atlantic
ecosystem change
Ecosystem Protection Zone (EPZ)
ecosystem-based management
eelgrass mapping
effects of noise
Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS)
Electronic Chart Display and Information Systems (ECDIS)
Electronic Charting
Electronic Charts Display and Information Systems (ECDIS)
Electronic mail
Electronic Navigational Chart
Electronic Navigational Chart (ENC)
Electronic Navigational Charts
Electronic Navigational Charts ENC
Electronic Navigational Charts ENC; uncertainty visualization; visual variables
elevated seasonal temperatures
Ellipsoid-Referenced Survey
Ellipsoidal Survey Methods
ellipsoidal tessellation
EM 2040; Frequency dependency; Multibeam backscatter; Multifrequency backscatter; Seafloor characterization; Sonar equation
em302 multibeam
emergency response
Emery method
enc compilation
ENC gaps and overlaps
ENC Symbology
ENC validation checks
ENC validation checks; automated nautical cartography; digital terrain modelling; topographic surface; nautical surface; surface reconstruction;
ENCs Portrayal
environmental impacts
Environmental Noise
Environmental Predictors
Environmental Risk Contour (ERC)
Environmentally Sensitive Sea Areas (ESSA)
Error-band geometry
ESCI 854
Essential Fish Habitat
Essential Fish Habitat; Seafloor Characterization; Groundfish; Gulf of Alaska; Simrad ME70
essential ocean variable
estimation of errors
estuarine gradient; eelgrass beds; salt marsh communities
estuarine hydrodynamics
estuarine science
esturarine geochemistry
euclidean reconstruction
Eurasia basin
EV Nautilus
excess shear stress
Exclusive Economic Zone
Executable workflow
Extended Continental Shelf
Extreme Gradient Boosting
FAIR Principles
Fault segmentation
fault structure
feature-surface surveying
features color
field deployment
field experiment
Fin Whale
Fin Whales
Fine-Scale Pattern
Finfish cages
Fish Abundance
fish groups
Fish Habitat Restoration
FishPac LRSS Sonar
Florida Keys
Florida Manatee
flow patterns
Flow Visualization
Fluid Discharge
Fluid dynamics
flux and bubble fate
food webs
Foraging Habitats
forecast models
Forward modelling
Foundation species
free falling penetrometer
Frequency Correlation
frequency response
Functional traits
fusion adaptive algorithm
Fusion of geospatial data
Gambia Basin
gap filler
Gas flux
gas seep detection
gas seeps
Gaussian fitting
GEBCO 2024
GEBCO Scholar
gebco-nippon foundation
Geo-referenced data
geoacoustic properties
Geographic Information Systems
Geomorphic Characterization
geomorphological signatures
Geospatial Analysis
geostrophic current
GIS Database; Risk Index for Pollution Sites
GIS Database; Risk Index for Potentially Polluting Marine Sites; GML; PPMS; MaSiRI; shipwreck; IHO S-100
Glacial erosional landforms
glacial maximum
glacimarine sediment budget
GLC approach
Global Bathymetry
global bathymetry; Seabed 2030; Nippon Foundation/GEBCO; seafloor mapping technologies; seafloor mapping standards and protocols
Global Trends
global warming
GML Application
Google Maps
Grain Size
Graphical Methods of Delimitation
Great Bay
great bay estuary
grid citations
gridded bathymetric compilations
Ground truth
Ground-Truth Studies
Groundfish Populations
Groundfish Target Strenght
Guanabara Bay
gulf of alaska
Habitat architecture
habitat characterization
habitat classification
habitat complexity
habitat mapping
Habitat structure
habitat suitability model
habitat-forming species
hampton harbor inlet
hatteras outer ridge
Hatteras Transverse Canyon
Hearing Sensitivity
Heron Island
hierarchical model
High-resolution mapping
historic area remediation
Human-Made Model
hydroacoustic plumes
Hydrographic Data Processing
hydrographic survey
hydrographic survey validation
hydrographic survey; automated procedures; data review; nautical charts
Hydrographic surveys
Hydrographic Uncertainty
hydrographic uncertainty model
hydrographic workflow
Hydrography; interpolation-based digital bathymetric models; uncertainty estimation; geospatial analysis; machine learning; nautical charting
hydrography; set-line spacing surveys; survey designs; interpolation-based digital bathymetric models; uncertainty estimation; geospatial analysis; machine learning; nautical charting
hydrothermal activity
Hydrothermal ciruclation
hydrothermal vents
hypothesis testing
Ice Seal
ice sheet
ice shelf
IHO Product Specification
IHO S-100
IHO S-100 Data Model
IHO S-100 Standard
IHO S-122 Product Specification
image blending
image composite
imbalanced samples
In-Situ Data
Incidence angle
Indian Ocean
industrial laser scanner
Information and communication theory
Information Theory
Inlet Dynamics
inner continental shelf and coastline
Integrated Ocean and Coastal Mapping
Interfermometric data
interferometric sonar
internal waves
international networks
Internet of Things
interpolated bathymetry
interpolation-based digital bathymetric models
invasive species
inverse distance weighting
IPython notebook
island selection
ISO 19152
isolated islands
Jeffreys Ledge
Joint Prisoners of War;Missing in Action Accounting Command
Juridical bays
juyter notebooks
k-means clustering
Kane Gap
kelp loss
Killer Whale
kilo moana
kingman reef
lake tahoe
Lake Tanganyika
Land Administration Domain Model (LADM)
land-area generalization
Landscape mosaics
large igneous province
Larval substrate preference
laser beam diagnostics
Law of the Sea
Law of the Sea; coastal baselines; data stewardship; maritime zones; seafloor mapping
leaf area density
level of confidence
Lidar Data Processing
lidar metadata
lidar waveforms
lidar; bathymetry; uncertainty; surface waves
Lidar; Coastal Science; MS in Earth Science
LIDAR; Radiometric calibration; Coastal science applications
light attenuation
line islands
Lithologic Analysis
Little Ice Age
Littoral processes
Local Notice to Mariners
Lomb-Scargle Periodogram
lomonsov ridge
Lophelia pertusa
Low Duty Cycle Recorders
Machine Learning
Maching Learning
Macrophyte architecture
Magnetic anomaly
Makarov Basin
Manatee Habitats
Map projections
mapping depositional environments
Marcus Langseth
Mariana Trench
marine acoustics
Marine Administration System (MAS)
marine bio-acoustics
Marine Cadastre (MC)
Marine Data Model
marine debris
marine deformation
Marine Ecosystem Acoustic Diversity
marine environment
marine gas seeps
marine hydrokinetic turbines
Marine information data model
Marine Information Overlay (MIO)
marine mammal
Marine Mammal Habitat
Marine Mammal Indicators
marine mammals
marine methane
marine navigation
Marine Physical Environment
Marine Protected Areas
Marine Protected Areas (MPA)
Marine rights
marine spatial planning
Marine Spatial Planning (MSP)
marine traffic
Marine Traffic Management
Marine vehicle noise
Marine vessels
marine-terminating glacier outlet systems
maritime big data
Maritime boundaries disputes
Maritime delimitation
Maritime Limits and boundaries
maritime monitoring
maritime navigation
Maritime spatial planning
Maritime zones
Maritime zones and boundaries
martha's vineyard
mass-transport deposits
Match propagation
Mathematical models
mean tidal currents
Measuring Fish Swimming Speed
Median line delimitation
Melville Bay
mendocino ridge
mercury concentrations
methan flux
methane flux
methane gas
Methane gas bubbles
Methods of maritime delimitation
Micro-Scale Pattern
Mid-Atlantic Ridge
mid-pacific mountains
Mid-Water Mapping
Mid-Water Mapping of Inlet Currents
mine burial
Mobile Crowd Sensing
Model-aided inertial navigation system
Morphological resets
multi-agent modeling
multi-beam sonar
multi-purpose acoustic networks
multibeam advisory committee
Multibeam Advisory Committee ocean mapping multibeam assessment tools
multibeam advisory committy
multibeam analysis
multibeam backscatter
multibeam backscatter calibration
multibeam bathymetry
multibeam echosounder
multibeam echosounders
multibeam sonar
multibeam sonar backscatter BSWG GEOHAB
Multibeam Sonars
multibeam survey
Multibeam swath bathymetry
multibeam water column gas seeps
mutibeam echo sounders
nares strait
nathaniel palmer
Natural Hydrocarbon; Acoustic Techniques; Gas Flux Measurements; Direct In Situ Measurements; Coal Oil Point Seep Field
Nautical cartography
Nautical Cartogrpahy
Nautical Chart
Nautical chart constraints
nautical chart generalization
Nautical Charting
nautical charts
nautical surface
nautical surface test
nautical surface test; triangle test; selected soundings; automated nautical cartography; charted soundings
Navigation Risk
Navigational Services
near-shore bathymetry
necker ridge
New Hampshire
New Hampshire Continental Shelf
new hampshire shoreline
new jersey
nh inner continental shelf and coastline
Nippon Foundation
Nitrogen Isotopes
noaa nautical charts
NOAA Southwest Fisheries Science Center
Noise Level
Noise Level Marine ecology
Noise Levels
Non- navigational bathymetry
non-native seaweeds
non-native species
North Atlantic
North Mien-Hua Canyon
northern mariana islands
Northern Resident Killer Whales
northwest atlantic margin
northwest Greenland
Northwestern Atlantic
Notice to Mariners
numerical modeling
object segmentation
Observer Reputation
Obstacle Avoidance
ocean acoustic tomography
Ocean Basins
ocean data science
Ocean exploration
Ocean Exploration Trust
ocean map
ocean mapping
Ocean mapping Multibeam Advisory Committee
Ocean mapping Multibeam Advisory Committee HydrOffice assessment tools
Ocean Mapping Option
ocean mapping priorities
ocean mapping survey
Ocean Noise
Ocean Observing
Ocean of Things
ocean sciences
Ocean Sound
Oceanic transform and fracture zone processes
Oceanic transform fault structure
oceanographic techniques
oceanographic variability
Oil Concentration
oil fate
okeanos explorer
open access
open geospatial data
Open science
open source
open tools
optic imagery
optical communication
Optical Imagery
Order Weighted Average
orthogonal decomposition
Own-ship Risk
palmyra atoll
Parabolic Equations
paraglacial beaches
Parallel Processing
Parallel processing; CHRT; CUBE; Data-driven estimation; Branch and bound; Bathymetric data processing; Surface estimation
Passive Acoustic Monitoring
path planning
pattern mining
penobscot bay
perceptual optimization
petermann fjord
petermann glacier
Petermann Glacier; marine mammals; ice-tongue fjord; Arctic seals; sea ice; Pusa hispida; Erignathus barbatus; Crystophora cristata; Pagophilus groenlandicus
Physical Environment
physical oceanography
physical processes
Pinniped Sounds
Plankton acoustics
plunge pools
pockmark flow structure
point clouds
Polar Oceans
pore pressure
portsmouth harbor
Post-processed GNSS Solution
post-processed kinematic heights
Predator-prey dynamics
predictive analytics
probability decision threshold
programming skills
propulsive body acceleration
Pure sciences; Applied sciences; Earth sciences; Echosounder; Gulf of Mexico; Marine Gas Seep; Methane; Methane Hydrate; Sonar
Pygmy Blue Whale
qc tools
quality control
quality factor
Quality of Bathymetric Data
Quality Symbol
quantitative morphological analysis
quantum efficiency; camera sensor characterization; color constancy
r/v atlantis
Ranking System
ray tracing
Real-time Underkeel Clearance
recovery time scales
Recursive least squares optimisation
Red king crab · Paralithodes camtschaticus · Nursery habitat dynamics · Predator–prey interaction · Habitat complexity · Refuge · Gadus macrocephalus
reflectance mapping
refraction effects
regression trees
Remote Sensing
Resolution Detemination
Restrictions and Responsibilities (RRRs)
retreat dynamics
Ribbon Seals
Ridge Flank
Riegl VQ-880-G
risk assessment
Risk Index
Risk Models
Risk Monitoring
river delta; submarine landslides; turbidity current; geohazard; mass failure; sediment flow
river deltas
Roads of the Sea
Ron Brown
ROS marine robotics
S-121 Maritime Limits and Boundaries
S-121 Maritime limits and boundaries (MLB)
S-126 Physical Environment
safety of navigation
salt march
salt marsh vegetation
Sample size
satellite derived bathymetry
satellite-derived bathymetry
scale model testing
scale patterns
scattering layer
scattering layers
Scientific Aspects of the Law of the Sea
scientific computing
Scott Reef
SDB depth change
Sea coast
Sea grant; Geographic Information Systems; Ocean Management
sea ice
sea lions
Sea measurements
sea-going opportunities
seabed 2030
seabed mapping; marine geology; submarine topography; marine geomorphology; terrain analysis; multibeam echosounder
Seafloor Characterization
Seafloor Characterization - Multibeam Sonars
Seafloor Characterization - Optical Imagery
Seafloor Characterization; Fish Habitat; Groundfish; Bottom-trawling; Gulf of Alaska; Simrad ME70
Seafloor exploration
Seafloor Geology
seafloor height fields
Seafloor images
Seafloor Mapping
Seafloor morphology
Seafloor Photographs
Seafloor Photos
seafloor scattering
seafloor sediments
seafloor segmentation
Seasonal Community
Seasonal Variability
Seasonal Variations
sediment erosion
Sediment Grain Size Data
sediment nutrient release
Sediment Photographs
sediment resuspension
sediment strength
sediment texture
sediment transport
sedimentary analysis
Seismic Airgun Emissions
seismic reflection
seismic refraction
Seismic sources
Seismicity and tectonics
selected soundings
semantic segmentation
Semi-Global Matching
Sensor Fusion
sensor policy
Sensor technology
settling river plume
shallow water
shallow water bathymetry
Shallow Water Bedform Mapping
shallow-water bathymetry
shell ocean discovery
Shoreline Delineation
shoreline lidar
Shperical and Ellipsoidal models of Earth
siberian arctic
sidescan sonar; multibeam echosounder; multi-frequency acoustic backscatter; benthic habitat mapping; seagrass mapping; object-based image analysis (OBIA); angular backscatter responses; marine protected area (MPA)
signal detection
Signature Whistles
Simulated Vessel
Single beam echo-soundingDigital elevation modelReliefThe Baltic Sea
Single Beam Sonar
Social sciences; Health and environmental sciences; Article 76; Commission on the limits of the continental shelf; Extended continental shelf; United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea
software comparison
software intercomparison
software quality assurance
Sonar caliberation
Sonar Calibration
Sonar Capabilities
Sonar capabilties
sonar detection uncertainty
sonar mode
Sound Dynamics
Sound Floor
sound level
Sound Levels
Sound Propagation
sound sources
sound speed
sound speed manager
sound speed profiles
sound speed uncertainty
sounding generalization
Sounding Selection
Soundscape Levels
Soundscapes; Ocean ambient sound; Atlantic Ocean; Masking
Source Level
Sparse Arrays
Spartina alterniflora
Spartina alterniflora; random forests
spatial autocorrelation
spatial change
Spatial correlation
spatial data analysis
spatial data infrastructure
spatial data visualization
spatial ecology
spatial SQL
Spatial Standard
Spatial structure
Spatially-aware Data Distribution
spatio-temporal data mining
Species detection and recognition
species distribution model
species' classification
Spectrometers and spectroscopic instrumentation
Sri Lanka
steller sea lions
stellite imagery
Storm impact
strategic bottom sampling
stratigraphic completeness
streamline flow visualization
structural complexity
structure-from-motion (SfM) photogrammetry
Studies of Pockmark Origin and Maintenance
submarine canyons
submarine channel
submarine channels
submarine glacial landforms
submarine landslide
submarine landslides
submerged oil droplets
Submergence instruments: ROV
Subtidal Currents
Subtidal macroalgae
summit platform
super storm sandy
superstorm sandy lidar
supervised classsification
Surf zone
Surface Currents
Surface Fluke-Splashes
Surface reconstruction
Surface roughness
surface sediments
Surface waves Turbulence
Surficial Geology
surficial geology mapping
surficial seafloor sediment
Survey design
survey planning
swath geometry; multibeam spatial resolution; integration artefacts
swimming strokes
synthetic aperture sonar
synthetic aperture sonar seafloor scattering
System identification
target classification
target detection
temperate reef seascapes
Temporal Units of Analysis
Temporary Ice Retreat
terrain model
Territorial Sea
Territorial sea baselines
test site
The Nave Surface and BAG's
Theoretical Framework
thermal barriers reproduction
thermal structure
Thesis; Field Calibration; Multibeam echo sounder; Split beam sonar system
Thesis; Tides; Great Bay
Thesis; Viisualization; Flow fields
Thiessen Polygons
Thin layers
tidal asymmetry
tidal currents
tidal cycles
tidal energy
tidal estuary
tide/water level
Time series analysis
Tiny SVG
topobathymetric lidar
topographic surface
topographic-bathymetric lidar
total propagated uncertainty
trajectory analytics
transform fault
transform fault segmentation
transit planning
Transmission Characteristics
Transmission Loss
treenet stocgastuc graduebt boosting
Triangle Test
triangulated irregular network
Tropical Fishes
Trusted Community Bathymetry
turbidity current
turbidity current runout
turbidity current trigger frequency
turbidity current triggers
turbidity currents
Turf algae
tx/rx arrays
Tyrrhenian Sea
U.S. mid-Atlantic continental margin
Uncertainty Estimation
Uncertainty Management
uncertainty modelling
Uncertainty Visualization
Uncrewed surface vehicles
under ice
underwater acoustics
underwater detector array
Underwater image
Underwater image processing
underwater imagery
underwater imaging
Underwater localisation
underwater mosaics
underwater optical detector array
underwater sound
Underwater Soundscape
Underwater video
UNH Drop Camera
unmanned systems
Unmanned underwater vehicle
upper hatteras fan
Use case methodology
user surveys
Variable Resolution
variable salinity
vector graphs
vertical datum
vertical structure
Vessel Calibration
Vessel-Mounted Acoustic Echo Sounders
video mosaics
Viisualization; Flow fields
virtual reality
visual cognition
Visual Variables
volcanic flows
volcanic pinnacles
Volunteer Bathymetric Information
Volunteered Bathymetric Information
Volunteered Geographic Information
Volunteered Geographical Information
Voronoi diagram
Voronoi tessellation
Wake Island
Walleye pollock
water clarity
water column
Water Column Mapping
waveform analysis
waveform LiDAR
web services
web-based visualization
Weiner deconvolution
Weir Trap
Western Boundary Undercurrent
Western Gulf of Maine
Whale Tracking
wideband acoustic
women in hydrography
Xenon; Hydrate; Gas Dissolution; Mass Transfer Coefficient
XML catalog
XML schemas
yukon river
Zones of Confidence
Zostera marina
Ari S. Friedlaender
[Clear All Filters]
N. C. Masticka
Wiley, D. N.
Cade, D. E.
Ware, C.
Parks, S. E.
, and
Friedlaender, A. S.
The Effect of Group Size on Individual Behavior of Bubble-net Feeding Humpback Whales in the Southern Gulf of Maine.
Marine Mammal Science
. 2021.