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J. Backman, Jakobsson, M., Lovlie, R., Polyak, L., and Febo, L. A., Is the central Arctic Ocean a sediment-starved basin?, Geophysical Research Abstracts (GRA), vol. 5. St. Andrews, New Brunswick, Canada, pp. 0-0, 2003.
M. Jakobsson, Nilsson, J., O'Regan, M. A., Backman, J., Lowemark, L., Dowdewell, J., Mayer, L. A., Polyak, L., Colleoni, F., Anderson, L., Bjork, G., Darby, D., Eriksson, J., Hanslik, D., Hell, B., Marcussen, C., Sellen, E., and Wallin, A., An Arctic Ice Shelf During MIS 6 Constrained by New Geophysical and Geological Data, Quarternary Science Review, vol. 29. Wiley, pp. 3505-3517, 2010.
J. Backman, Jakobsson, M., Lovlie, R., and Polyak, L., Rates of Sedimentation in the Central Arctic Ocean, EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union , vol. 83. San Francisco, CA, USA, pp. 0-0, 2002.
M. Jakobsson, Lovlie, R., Arnold, E. M., Backman, J., Polyak, L., Knutsen, J. O., and Musatov, E., Pleistocene Stratigraphy and Paleoenvironmental Variation from Lomonosov Ridge Sediments Central Artic Ocean, Global and Planetary Change, vol. 31. Elsevier, New York, NY, USA, pp. 1-21, 2001.
J. Backman, Jakobsson, M., Lovlie, R., Polyak, L., and Febo, L. A., Central Arctic Ocean Sedimentation: mm/ka-scale or cm/ka-scale Rates?, XVI INQUA Congress. Reno, NV, USA, pp. 0-0, 2003.
J. Backman, Jakobsson, M., Lovlie, R., and Polyak, L., Rates of Sedimentation in the Central Arctic Ocean, 2002 Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union. American Geophysical Union , San Francisco, CA, 2002.Image icon Backman_2002_AGU_Rates_of_seimentation_central_arctic_ocean.jpg (1 MB)
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