Submarine Ridges and Submarine Elevations under the Law of the Sea Convention: A Further Look

TitleSubmarine Ridges and Submarine Elevations under the Law of the Sea Convention: A Further Look
Publication TypeBook Section
AuthorsBaumert, KA, Mayer, LA
EditorHeidar, T
Book TitleNew Knowledge and Changing Circumstances in the Law of the Sea
Date PublishedAugust 28
PublisherBrill Nijhoff Press

This Chapter presents a legal analysis of paragraph 6 of article 76 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. This paragraph sets forth rules for determining the outer limits of a coastal State’s continental shelf on “submarine ridges” and “submarine elevations.” Because its provisions are complex and not clearly drafted, paragraph 6 has proven challenging to interpret and apply for both coastal States and the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf. This Chapter examines alternative interpretations of this paragraph, and suggests an interpretation that would put the Commission’s future recommendations on firmer legal footing.
