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L. A. Mayer, Fonseca, L., and Kraft, B. J., Measurement of InSitu Acoustic Properties for the ONR Geoclutter Program, Annual Report, Geoclutter Program, University of New Hampshire (UNH), Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping (CCOM)/Joint Hydrographic Center (JHC), 2005.
W. H. Smith and Monahan, D., ABYSS-Lite: A Radar Altimeter for Bathymetry, Geodesy and Mesoscale Oceanography, A Mission Concept Submitted to the NRC Decadal Survey, University of New Hampshire (UNH), Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping (CCOM)/Joint Hydrographic Center (JHC), 2005.
C. de Moustier, WASSP sea tests M/V Acheron, US Army Corps of Engineers(USACE), 2006.
L. Alexander, Proposed Test Bed Project on Production of Large-scale ENCs in the MACHC Region, University of New Hampshire (UNH), Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping (CCOM)/Joint Hydrographic Center (JHC), 2006.
L. Alexander, Recommendation for Involving the Private Sector in Producing Small-scale ENCs from INT Charts, University of New Hampshire (UNH), Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping (CCOM)/Joint Hydrographic Center (JHC), 2006.
D. S. Brogan and de Moustier, C., Preliminary Report on Issues Affecting the Usability of Data Collected During October 2006 WASSP Tests in New Hampshire, University of New Hampshire (UNH), Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping (CCOM)/Joint Hydrographic Center (JHC), 2006.
D. S. Brogan and de Moustier, C., Upgraded Seafloor Detection Algorithm for Swath Bathymetry Applications of the Volume Search Sonar, University of New Hampshire (UNH), Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping (CCOM)/Joint Hydrographic Center (JHC), 2006.
J. V. Gardner, UNCLOS Mapping of Marianas Western Margin, Technical Report, University of New Hampshire (UNH), Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping (CCOM)/Joint Hydrographic Center (JHC), 2006.
G. McGillicuddy and Huff, L. C., FishPAC Field Report for the Free-fall Cone Penetrometer, University of New Hampshire (UNH), Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping (CCOM)/Joint Hydrographic Center (JHC), 2006.
L. Alexander, Inland Navigation Technology '09 - Digital Technology Impact on Safety and Efficiency, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Coastal and Hydrologic Laboratory, 2009.
L. Alexander, Precise Naviation and Maneuverin in Ports, Evaluation Report for EFFORTS Project Work Package 1.2, ISSUS/Hamberg Port Authority, EC Contract No FP6-031486, 2009.
L. Alexander, Port ECDIS. Evaluation Report for EFFORTS Project Work Package 1.3, ISSUS/Hamberg Port Authority, EC Contract No FP6-031486, 2009.
T. C. Lippmann, Africa Partnership Station, Department of Defense (DoD), Office of Naval Research (ONR), 2009.
T. C. Lippmann, The Vertical Structure of Shallow Water Flow in the Surf Zone, Department of Defense (DoD), Office of Naval Research (ONR), 2009.
T. C. Lippmann, Observations of River Topography and Flow Around Bridges, Ohio State University , USGS Water Resources Research Institute, 2009.
T. C. Lippmann, Daily Surface Currents from Argus Video at Benson Beach, WA, U.S. Army, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 2009.
T. C. Lippmann, Assimilation of Airborne Imagery with Lidar for Surf Zone Bathymetric Estimation, U.S. Army, Joint Airborne Lidar Bathymetry Technical Center of Expertise (JALBTCX), 2009.
M. H. Cormier, Vogt, P. R., Monahan, D., and Smith, W. H., A Proposal to Completely Chart the World's Oceans, National Oceanographic Partnership Program (NOPP), Ocean Research and Resources Advisory Panel (ORRAP), 2009.
L. G. Ward, Development and Analysis of a Bathymetric Database for Great Bay Estuary, New Hampshire, New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (DES), New Hampshire Coastal Program (NHCP), 2009.
L. Alexander, Results from Canadian User Needs Survey, Canadian Coast Guard and Ministry of Transport, 2010.
L. Alexander, Canadian e-Navigation User Needs Survey: Report on Comprehensive Results, Canadian Coast Guard, 2010.
C. Nellemann, Corcoran, E., Duarte, C. M., Valdes, L., DeYoung, C., Fonseca, L., and Grimsditch, G., Blue Carbon: The role of healthy oceans in binding carbon, 2010.PDF icon Nellemann_2010_BlueCarbon_book.pdf (17.54 MB)
J. Beaudoin and Schmidt, V., R/V Thompson EM302 SAT -- Cruise Report, University of New Hampshire (UNH), Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping (CCOM)/Joint Hydrographic Center (JHC), 2010.PDF icon Beaudoin_2010_Report_RV_Thompson_Cruise_Report.pdf (4.44 MB)
T. C. Lippmann, Large Scale Observations of Fine-scale Seabed Morphology and Sediment Characterization in Tidally Modulated Inlets, Office of Naval Reasearch (ONR) , 2010.
T. C. Lippmann and Wiafe, G., Africa Partnership Station: Developing Coastal Processes Research in Ghana, Office of Naval Reasearch (ONR) , 2010.
L. D. Trusel, Cochrane, G. R., Etherington, L., Powell, R. D., and Mayer, L. A., Marine Benthic Habitat Mapping of Muir Inlet, Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve, Alaska, with an Evaluation of the Coastal and Marine Ecological Classification Standard III, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Scientific Investigations Map 3122, 2010.
G. Rice, Trip Report for Nancy Foster IOCM Project 2010, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminiatration (NOAA), Internal Report, 2010.
S. Intelmann, Smith, K., McConnaughey, R., and Rzhanov, Y., Adding Ecological Context to Essestial Fish Habitat Models using Groundtruthing Technologies, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminiatration (NOAA), Tech Memo, NMFS-F/SPO-112, 2010.
C. de Moustier, Signal Processing for Swath Bathymetry and Concurrent Seafloor Acoustic Imaging, in Acoustic Signal Processing for Ocean Exploration, no. J.M. Moura & I.M. Lourtie, Amsterdam, North Holland, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic, 1993, pp. 329-354.
L. Fonseca, Mayer, L. A., and Paton, M., ArcView Objects in the Fledermaus Interactive 3-D Visualization System: Examples from the STRATAFORM GIS, in Undersea with GIS, no. D. Wright, Redlands, CA, USA: ESRI Press, 2001, p. 23.
L. Alexander, Chapter 14 - Electronic Charts, in The American Practical Navigator, 9th ed., Bethesda, MD, USA: National Imaging and Mapping Agency, 2002.
B. J. Kraft, Mayer, L. A., Simpkin, P. G., Lavoie, P., Jabs, E., and Goff, J. A., Calculation of in situ acoustic wave properties in marine sediments, in Impact of Littoral Environmental Variability on Acoustic Predictions and Sonar Performance, no. N.G. Pace & F.N. Jensen, Dordrecht, Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Press, 2002, pp. 115-130.
C. Ware and Plumlee, M. D., 3D Geovisualization and the Structure of Visual Space, in Exploring Geovisualization, no. J. Dykes, A.M. MacEachren & M.J. Kraak, New York, NY, USA: Elsevier, 2002, pp. 555-564.
C. Ware, Design as Applied Perception, in HCI Models, Theories and Frameworks, no. J. Carroll, Burlington, MA, USA: Morgan Kaufman, 2003, pp. 10-26.
C. de Moustier and Gallaudet, T. C., Detection of Sonar Induced Measurement Uncertainties in Environment Sensing: A Case Study with the Torodial Volume Search Sonar, in Impact of Littoral Environmental Variability on Acoustic Predictions and Sonar Performance, Dordrecht, Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Press, 2003, pp. 571-577.PDF icon deMoustier_2003_BookSec_Detection_of_sonar_induced_measurement_uncertainties_in_environmental_sensing.pdf (1.24 MB)
M. Jakobsson, Grantz, A., Kristoffersen, Y., and Macnab, M., Bathymetry and Physiography of the Arctic Ocean and Its Constituent Seas, in Arctic Ocean Organic Carbon Cycle: Present and Past, no. R. Stein & R.W. Macdonald, New York, NY, USA: Springer Publisher, 2003.
L. Alexander, Electronic Charts (Chapter 14), in The American Practical Navigator, Bethesda, MD, USA: National Imaging and Mapping Agency, 2003, pp. 199-215.PDF icon Alexander_2003_APN_Electronic_charts.pdf (278.37 KB)
L. A. Mayer, Jakobsson, M., and Armstrong, A. A., Evaluating U.S. data holdings relevant to the definition of continental shelf limits, in Legal and Scientific Aspects of Continental Shelf Limits, 8th ed., no. M.H Nordquist, J.N. Moore & T. Heider, Leiden, South Holland, The Netherlands: Martinus Nijhoff legacy_publishers, 2004, pp. 313-330.
D. Monahan, Determination of the Foot of the Continental Slope as the Point of Maximum Change in the Gradient at Its Base, in Legal and Scientific Aspects of Continental Shelf Limits, 8th ed., no. M.H Nordquist, J.N. Moore & T. Heider, Leiden, South Holland, The Netherlands: Martinus Nijhoff legacy_publishers, 2004, pp. 91-120.
S. Fuhrmann, Ahonen-Rainio, P., Edsall, R., Fabrikant, O. S., Koua, E. L., Tolon, C., Ware, C., and Wilson, S., Making Useful and Useable Geovisualization: Design and Evaluation Issues, in Exploring Geovisualization, no. J. Dykes, A.M. MacEachren & M.J. Kraak, New York, NY, USA: Elsevier, 2005, pp. 541-554.
C. Ware, Visual Queries: The Foundation of Visual Thinking, in Knowledge and Information Visualization: Searching for Synergies, no. S. Tergan & T. Keller, New York, NY, USA: Springer Publisher, 2005, pp. 25-33.
L. A. Mayer, Seafloor Mapping and Exploration in a Changing Arctic Sea Ice Environment, in Changes in the Arctic Environment and the Law of the Sea, vol. 33, no. M.H Nordquist, J.N. Moore & T. Heider, Leiden, South Holland, The Netherlands: Martinus Nijhoff legacy_publishers, 2010, pp. 83-106.
L. Fonseca and Mayer, L. A., Modeling High-Frequency Seafloor Backscattering of Gassy Sediments: The Eel River Margin Case. 2000.Image icon Fonseca_2000_Modeling_high-frequency_seafloor_backscattering_of_grassy_sed.jpg (1.3 MB)
L. Fonseca, Mayer, L. A., Yun, J., Driscoll, N. W., and Orange, D., Surficial Backscatter of the Eel River Margin: IT'S JUST GAS!. 2001.Image icon Fonseca_2001_Surficial_backscatter_of_Eel_river_margin-its_just_gas.jpg (499.55 KB)
J. I. Svendsen, Astakov, V., Alexanderson, H., Demidov, I., Dowdeswell, J., Gataulin, V., Henriksen, M., Hjort, C., and Jakobsson, M., The Maximum Extent of the Saalian and Weichselian Glaciations in Eurasis. 2001.Image icon Svendsen_2001_EUG_The_max_extent_of_Saalian_Weichselian_glaciations.jpg (761.75 KB)
L. A. Mayer, Martha's Vineyard Survey: Data collected by Bill Schwab and Bill Danforth - USGS. 2001.Image icon Mayer_2001_Marthas_Vineyard_survey.jpg (394.84 KB)
R. G. Cutter Jr., Rzhanov, Y., and Mayer, L. A., Automated Texture-based Segmentation of Multibeam Sonar Bathymetry Data for Benthic Habitat Mapping in the Piscataqua River, New Hampshire. 2002.Image icon Cutter_2002_BD_Automated_texture-based_seg_of_multibeam_sonar_for_benthic_habitat_mapping.jpg (825.58 KB)
B. Heap, Mariner Perceptions regarding the Display of Uncertainty on Nautical Charting Products. 2006.Image icon Heap_2006_Mariner_perceptions_regarding_display_of_uncertainty_on_nautical_charts.jpg (837.58 KB)
M. S. Boettcher, Mid-Ocean Ridge Transform Faults. 2009.Image icon Boettcher_2009_RTF_Mid-Ocean_ridge_transform_faults.jpg (1.12 MB)
H. Hecht, Berking, B., Buttgenbach, G., Jonas, M., and Alexander, L., The Electronic Chart: A Revolution in Marine Navigation. Lemmers, Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Geomatics Information & Trading Center - GITC, 2001.
H. Hecht, Berking, B., Buttgenbach, G., Jonas, M., and Alexander, L., The Electronic Chart. Functions, Potential and Limitations of a New Navigation System. Lemmers, Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Geomatics Information & Trading Center - GITC, 2006, p. 293.
H. Hecht, Berking, B., Jonas, M., and Alexander, L., The Electronic Chart: Functions, Potential and Limitations of a New Navigation System, 3rd ed., no. Adam Kerr. Lemmers, Amsterdam, The Netherlands: GeoMares Publishing, 2009, pp. 1-322.
H. Hecht, Berking, B., Jonas, M., and Alexander, L., The Electronic Chart: Functions, Potential and Limitations of a New Navigation System, 3rd ed., no. Adam Kerr. Lemmers, Amsterdam, The Netherlands: GeoMares Publishing, 2010, pp. 1-441.
G. Masetti and Orsini, F., La Missione Atalanta e la politica estera dell’Unione Europea. Rome, Rome, Italy: Aracne Editrice, 2010.
J. V. Gardner, The Seafloor off Greater Los Angeles: Visualizing Gigabytes of Data, EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union, vol. 83, pp. 0-0, 2002.
D. S. Brogan and de Moustier, C., Bathymetry and Seafloor Acoustic Backscatter Imagery with a Volume Search Sonar, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 115, pp. 0-1, 2004.
C. de Moustier, Brogan, D. S., and Schimel, A. C. G., Calibrated Seafloor Acoustic Backscatter Imagery with a 160 kHz Multibeam Sonar, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 116, pp. 0-2, 2004.
C. de Moustier and Brogan, D. S., Comparison of Extended Kalman Filtering with Split-aperture Processing for Angle of Arrival Estimation in Multibeam Echo-sounding, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 119, pp. 0-3, 2006.
B. J. Kraft, de Moustier, C., Calder, B. R., and Mayer, L. A., High Resolution Mapping and Backscatter Studies in Support of the Ripples Program, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 120, pp. 3180-3180, 2006.
J. R. Morrison, Trowbridge, P., Pe'eri, S., Gregory, T. K., and Novak, M., Hyperspectral Airborne Remost Sensing for Assesing Water Quality and Clarity in the Great Bay Estuary of New Hampshire, Ocean Sciences Meeting. Orlando, FL, USA, 2008.
B. R. Calder, On the Uncertainty of Archive Hydrographic Datasets, IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, vol. 31. IEEE, Washington DC, Washington DC, USA, pp. 249-265, 2006.
C. Ware, 3D Contour Perception for Flow Visualization, ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Applied Perception in Graphics and Visualization (APGV). Boston, MA, USA, pp. 101-106, 2006.PDF icon Ware-2006-SIGGRAPH-3D-Contour-Perception-for-Flow-Visualization.pdf (264.46 KB)
S. P. Gulick, Lowe, L. A., Pavlis, T. L., Mayer, L. A., and Gardner, J. V., New Iinsights into the Transition Fault Debate: Propagating Strike-slip in Response to Stalled Subduction in the Gulf of Alaska, Geology, vol. 35. The Geological Society of America (GSA), pp. 763-766, 2007.PDF icon Gulick et al, 2007.pdf (704.2 KB)
R. G. Bohannon and Gardner, J. V., Submarine landslides of San Pedro Sea Valley, southwest of Long Beach, California, Marine Geology, vol. 203. Elsevier, New York, NY, USA, pp. 261-268, 2004.PDF icon Bohannon-Gardner-2004.pdf (891.57 KB)
J. V. Gardner, Dartnell, P., Mayer, L. A., and Hughes Clarke, J. E., Geomorphology acoustic backscatter and processes in Santa Monica Bay from multibeam mapping, Marine Environmental Research, vol. 56. Elsevier, New York, NY, USA, pp. 15-46, 2003.PDF icon Gardner-et-al-2003-Santa-Monica.pdf (2.08 MB)
J. V. Gardner, Mapping Southern Puget Sound Delta Fronts after the 2001 Nisqually Earthquake, EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union, vol. 82. American Geophysical Union , Washington DC, Washington DC, USA, pp. 485-489, 2001.PDF icon Gardner-et-al-Puget-Sound-2001.pdf (487.42 KB)
J. V. Gardner, Dartnell, P., Sulak, K. J., Calder, B. R., and Hellequin, L., Physiography and Late Quaternary-Holocene Processes of Northeastern Gulf of Mexico Outer Continental Shelf off Mississippi and Alabama, Gulf of Mexico Science and International Journal. Marine Environmental Sciences Consortium of Alabama, pp. 132-157, 2001.PDF icon Gardner-Pinnacles-2001.pdf (14.48 MB)
J. V. Gardner, Dartnell, P., Mayer, L. A., Hughes Clarke, J. E., Calder, B. R., and Duffy, G., Shelf-edge Deltas and Drowned Barrier-island Complexes on the Northwest Florida Outer Continental Shelf, Geomorphology, vol. 64. Elsevier, New York, NY, USA, pp. 133-166, 2005.PDF icon Gardner-et-al-NWFlaPUBLISHED.pdf (8.56 MB)
D. Pineo and Ware, C., Data Visualization Optimization via a Computational Modeling of Perception, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, vol. 18. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), New York, NY, USA, pp. 309-320, 2012.
C. Ware, Friedlaender, A. S., and Nowacek, D. P., Shallow and Deep Lunge Feeding of Humpback Whales in Fjords of the West Antarctic Penninsula, Marine Mammal Science, vol. 27. Wiley, pp. 587-605, 2010.
M. L. Wolfson-Schwehr, Multibeam Observations of Mine Scour and Burial Near Clearwater, Florida, Including a Test of the VIMS 2D Burial Model, 2005.PDF icon Wolfson_2005_MS-Thesis_Multibeam_Observations_of_Mine_Scour_and_Burial.pdf (37.63 MB)
J. P. Ericson, Vorosmarty, C. J., Dingman, S. L., Ward, L. G., and Meybeck, M., Effective sea-level rise in deltas: Causes of change and human dimension implications, Global and Planetary Change, vol. 50. Elsevier, New York, NY, USA, pp. 63-82, 2006.PDF icon Ericson_2005_GPC_Effective_sea-level_rise_and_deltas.pdf (839.07 KB)
G. Masetti and Orsini, F., L'Unione Europea contro la pirateria marittima nel Golfo di Aden, Informazioni della Difesa, vol. 6. Italian Ministero Della Difesa, Rome, Rome, Italy, pp. 10-15, 2009.PDF icon Masetti_2009_LUnione_Europea_contro_la_pirateria_770Aden.pdf (570.55 KB)
L. A. Mayer, Calder, B. R., Schmidt, J. S., and Malzone, C., Providing the Third Dimension: High-resolution Multibeam Sonar as a Tool for Archaeological Investigations - An Example from the D-day Beaches of Normandy, U.S. Hydrographic Conference (US HYDRO). Biloxi, MS, USA, pp. 0-16, 2003.PDF icon d-day-1944.pdf (1.27 MB)
G. Masetti and Carnevale, L., GIS e GeoDB: due acronimi per capire il mondo. Elementi teorici e spunti argomentativi sull'integrazione dei dati geografici, Rivista Marittima, vol. 3. Italian Ministero Della Difesa, Rome, Rome, Italy, pp. 91-100, 2010.
G. Masetti and Orsini, F., Tutela dell’ambiente marino: Le responsabilità degli Stati costieri nell’individuazione e nel monitoraggio dei relitti marini presenti nelle acque di propria giurisdizione, Gazzetta Ambiente, vol. 5. Gazzetta Ambiente, Rome, Rome, Italy, pp. 26-31, 2009.
G. Masetti, Carte nautiche elettroniche dell'I.I.M. e cartografia tecnica regionale: studio di fattibilita per una necessaria integrazione, Atti 13a Conferenza Nazionale ASITA. Bari, Bari, Italy, pp. 1387-1392, 2009.PDF icon Masetti_Carte_nautiche_elettroniche.pdf (790.43 KB)
G. Symonds and Lippmann, T. C., Surf on Tropical Islands, in Encyclopedia of Islands, 1st ed., vol. 2, no. R.G. Gillespie & D.A. Clague, Los Angeles, CA, USA: University of California Press, 2009, pp. 879-883.PDF icon symonds_lippmann_2009.pdf (1.4 MB)
D. Perkovic, Lippmann, T. C., and Frasier, S. J., Longshore Surface Currents Measured by Doppler Radar and Video PIV Techniques, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 47(8). IEEE, Washington DC, Washington DC, USA, pp. 2787-2800, 2009.PDF icon 14_perkovic_etal_2009.pdf (1.06 MB)
T. C. Lippmann and Smith, G. M., Shallow Surveying in Hazardous Waters, U.S. Hydrographic Conference (US HYDRO). THSOA, Norfolk, VA, USA, pp. 1-12, 2009.PDF icon 21_lippmann_smith_2009.pdf (3.74 MB)
T. C. Lippmann, Analytic solution for the forced mean cross-shore flow in the surf zone, International Conference on Coastal Engineering (ICCE). ASCE, Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany, pp. 789-797, 2009.PDF icon 20_lippmann_2009.pdf (1.02 MB)
N. E. Kinner, Lippmann, T. C., Ravens, T., and Zufeldt, J., Climate Change Impacts and Research Needs for DoD Assets in Alaska's Coastal Regions, U.S. Army, Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL), 2009.PDF icon 22_kinner_etal_2009.pdf (1.16 MB)
T. C. Lippmann and Bowen, T., The Vertical Structure of Low Frequency Motions in the Nearshore, Part 2: Theory, Journal of Physical Oceanography , vol. 46(12). American Meteorological Society, Boston, MA, pp. 3713-3727, 2016.PDF icon jpo_final_part2.pdf (847.35 KB)
L. A. Mayer, Brumley, K., Andronikov, A., Chayes, D. N., Armstrong, A. A., Calder, B. R., Hall, J. K., Clyde, W. C., Bothner, W. A., and Gardner, J. V., Recent Mapping and Sampling on the Chukchi Borderland and Alpha/Medeleev Ridge, American Geophysical Union (AGU), vol. 89. San Francisco, CA, USA, 2008.
T. C. Weber, Lyons, A. P., and Bradley, D. L., An Estimate of the Gas Transfer Rate from Oceanic Bubbles Derived from Multibeam Sonar Observations of a Ship Wake, Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 110. American Geophysical Union, Washington, DC, pp. 1-11, 2005.
L. Fonseca and Carrasco, B., Use of geographical information system, digital image processing and terrestrial photogrametry for tracing elements and lithofacies on outcrop images, Herriot-Watt and Stanford University Reservoir Description Forum (HWSURDF). Edinburgh, UK, 1995.
C. de Moustier and Alexandrou, D., Angular dependence of 12-kHz seafloor acoustic backscatter, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 90. Acoustical Society of America, Melville, NY, USA, pp. 522-531, 1991.
L. A. Mayer, Hughes Clarke, J. E., Wells, D. E., and Ware, C., A multi-faceted acoustic ground-truthing experiment in the Bay of Fundy, Acoustic Classification and Mapping of the Seabed, vol. 15. Bath, UK, UK, pp. 203-220, 1993.
J. E. Hughes Clarke, Gardner, J. V., Torresan, M., and Mayer, L. A., The limits of spatial resolution achievable using a 30kHz multibeam sonar: model predictions and field results, IEEE Oceans, vol. 3. IEEE, Washington DC, Washington DC, USA, pp. 1823-1827, 1998.
J. V. Gardner, Hughes Clarke, J. E., Mayer, L. A., Kleiner, A., and Paton, M., Mapping a Continental Shelf and Slope in the 1990s: A Tale of Three Multibeams, Shallow Water Survey Conference (SWS). Sydney, Australia, pp. 0-11, 1999.
J. E. Hughes Clarke, Mayer, L. A., Shaw, J., Parrott, R., Lamplugh, M., and Bradford, J., Data handling methods and target detection results for multibeam and sidescan data collected as part of the search for SwissAir Flight 111, Shallow Water Survey Conference (SWS). St. Andrews, New Brunswick, Canada, pp. 0-11, 1999.
S. M. Smith, The Navigation Surface: A Multipurpose Bathymetric Database, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2003.
L. Alexander and Ward, R. W., We Visited for You - 2nd International ECDIS Conference, Hydro International, vol. 7. Geomatics Information & Trading Center - GITC, Lemmers, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 1-38, 2003.
Optical Imagery
S. Pe'eri and Rzhanov, Y., Mosaicking Tools for Aerial Imagery from a LIDAR Bathymetry Survey, International Hydrographic Review, vol. 9. Geomatics Information & Trading Center - GITC, Lemmers, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 35-44, 2008.
C. M. Bachmann, Montes, M. J., Fusina, R. A., Parrish, C. E., Sellars, J., Weidemann, A., Goode, W., Nichols, C. R., Woodward, P., McIlhany, K., Hill, V., Zimmerman, R., Korwan, D., Truitt, B., and Schwarzschild, A., Bathymetry Retrieval from Hyperspectral Imagery in the Very Shallow Water Limit: a Case Study from the 2007 Virginia Coast Reserve (VCR’07) Multi-Sensor Campaign, Marine Geodesy, vol. 33. Taylor & Francis, pp. 53-75, 2010.
C. M. Bachmann, Nichols, C. R., Montes, M. J., Li, R., Woodward, P., Fusina, R. A., Chen, W., Mishra, V., Kim, W., Monty, J., McIlhany, K., Kessler, K., Korwan, D., Millar, W. D., Bennert, E., Smith, G. M., Gillis, D., Sellars, J., Parrish, C. E., Schwarzschild, A., and Truitt, B., Retrieval of Substrate Bearing Strength from Hyperspectral Imagery during the Virginia Coast Reserve (VCR'07) Multi-Sensor Campaign, Marine Geodesy, vol. 33. Taylor & Francis, pp. 101-116, 2010.
C. E. Parrish, Sault, M., White, S. A., and Sellars, J., Empirical Analysis of Aerial Camera Filters for Shoreline Mapping, American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS). Baltimore, MD, USA, 2005.PDF icon Parrish_2005_Emperical_Anallysis_Of_Aerial_Camera_Filters.pdf (927.62 KB)
R. A. Fusina, Fry, J. C., Nichols, C. R., Bachmann, C. M., Li, R., Sellars, J., Parrish, C. E., Montes, M. J., Gross, C., White, S. A., Lee, K., and Jones, C. A., Geodatabase Development to Support Hyperspectral Imagery Exploitation, IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS). Honolulu, HI, USA, 2010.
S. Gallager, York, A., Howland, J., Taylor, R., Vine, N., Prasad, L., Swaminagayan, S., Mayer, L. A., Rzhanov, Y., Rosencranz, G., Hart, D., and Rago, P., Development of Advanced Technologies for Surveying Sea Scallops and Other Benthic Organisms, Joint Airborne LIDAR Bathymetry Technical Center of Expertise Coastal Mapping and Charting Workshop (JALBTCX). San Francisco, CA, USA, 2008.
S. Ackerman, Rzhanov, Y., and Barnhardt, W., Creating GeoTIFF Photomosaics from Seafloor Video, Coastal Geotools. Myrtle Beach, SC, USA, 2009.
S. Pe'eri, Morrison, J. R., Frederick, S., Mathieson, A., Brook, A., and Trowbridge, P., Macroalgae and Eelgrass Mapping in Great Bay Estuary Using AISA Hyperspectral Imagery., The New Hampshire Estuaries Project, Piscataqua Regional Estuary Program, 2009.
J. R. Morrison, Gregory, T. K., Pe'eri, S., McDowell, W., and Trowbridge, P., Using Moored Arrays and Hyperspectral Aerial Imagery to Develop Nutrient Criteria for New Hampshire's Estuaries, The New Hampshire Estuaries Project, Piscataqua Regional Estuary Program, 2009.PDF icon Morrison_2010_Report_Using_Moored_Arrays_and_Hyperspecral_Areial_Imagery_to_Develop_Nutrient_Criteria_NH_Estuaries.pdf (2.49 MB)
optic imagery
H. Hu, Euclidean Reconstruction of Natural Underwater Scenes Using Optic Imagery Sequence, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2015.PDF icon Han_Thesis.pdf (2.78 MB)
open tools
D. Manda and Masetti, G., Pydro & HydrOffice: Open Tools for Ocean Mappers, U.S. Hydro 2019. p. Biloxi, MS, 2019.
G. Masetti and Faulkes, T., Pydro and HydrOffice, Effective Seabed Mapping Workflow. Canberra, ACT, Australia, 2019.
G. Masetti, Faulkes, T., and Calder, B. R., Opening the Black Boxes in Ocean Mapping: Design and Implementation of the HydrOffice Framework, AMSA 2019. p. Freemantle, WA, Australia, 2019.
okeanos explorer
L. McKenna, Cantwell, K., Kennedy, B., Elliott, K., Lobecker, E., and Sowers, D., Exploring Deep Sea Habitats for Baseline Characterization Using NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, 2015 Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union (AGU). San Francisco, CA, 2015.
oil fate
S. Loranger and Weber, T. C., Detection and Quantification of Submerged Oil Droplets by a Broadband, High-frequency Echo Sounder, 2016 Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science Conference. p. Tampa, FL, 2016.
Oil Concentration
T. C. Weber, De Robertis, A., Greenaway, S. F., Smith, S. M., Mayer, L. A., and Rice, G., Estimating oil concentration and flow rate with calibrated vessel-mounted acoustic echo sounders, PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America), vol. 108. 2011.
M. Jakobsson, Mayer, L. A., and Monahan, D., Arctic Ocean Bathymetry: A Necessary Geospatial Framework, ARCTIC, vol. 68, No. 5. Arctic Institute of North America, Calgary, Canada, pp. 41-47, 2015.PDF icon jakobsson-mayer-monahan-arctic-2015.pdf (500.23 KB)
G. Masetti, Gallagher, B., Calder, B. R., Zhang, C., and Wilson, M. J., Sound Speed Manager: An Open-Source Application to Manage Sound Speed Profiles, International Hydrographic Review, vol. 17. International Hydrographic Bureau, Monaco, pp. 31-40, 2017.PDF icon IHR_May2017_SoundSpeedManager.pdf (836.81 KB)
oceanographic techniques
G. Masetti, Kelley, J. G., Johnson, P., and Beaudoin, J., A Ray-Tracing Uncertainty Estimation Tool for Ocean Mapping, IEEE Access, vol. 6. IEEE, pp. 2136 - 2144, 2017.PDF icon preprint_08183436.pdf (906.82 KB)
Oceanic transform fault structure
M. L. Wolfson-Schwehr and Boettcher, M. S., Global Characteristics of Oceanic Transform Fault Structure and Seismicity, in Transform Plate Boundaries and Fracture Zones, J. C. Duarte, Ed. Elsevier, 2019, pp. 21-59.PDF icon Wolfson-Schwehr_Elsevier_2019.pdf (2.27 MB)
Oceanic transform and fracture zone processes
M. L. Wolfson-Schwehr, Boettcher, M. S., McGuire, J. J., and Collins, J. A., The Relationship Between Seismicity and Fault Structure on the Discovery Transform Fault, East Pacific Rise, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, vol. 15. pp. 3698–3712, 2014.
Ocean Noise
J. Miksis-Olds, Global Trends in Ocean Noise, in Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life II, vol. 2, A. N. Popper and Hawkins, A., Eds. New York, NY: Springer Science & Business Media, LLC, 2016, pp. 713-718.
ocean mapping
N. A. Raineault, Mayer, L. A., Ballard, R., and Irish, O., Mapping the Eastern Pacific Ocean, Oceanography, vol. 29, No.1, Supplement. The Oceanography Society, pp. 38-9, 2016.PDF icon mayer-oceanography-v29-no1-eastern-pacific.pdf (484.31 KB)
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G. Masetti, Faulkes, T., and Kastrisios, C., Automated Identification of Discrepancies Between Nautical Charts and Survey Soundings, ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, vol. 7. MDPI Publishing, Basel, Switzerland, p. 392, 2018.
K. Zwolak, Proctor, A., Zarayskaya, Y., and Wigley, R., The Shell Ocean Discovery XPRIZE Competition Impact on the Development of Ocean Mapping Possibilities, Annual of Navigation, vol. 2018(25). pp. 125-136, 2018.
D. Manda and Masetti, G., Pydro & HydrOffice: Open Tools for Ocean Mappers, U.S. Hydro 2019. p. Biloxi, MS, 2019.
G. Masetti and Faulkes, T., Pydro and HydrOffice, Effective Seabed Mapping Workflow. Canberra, ACT, Australia, 2019.
G. Masetti, Faulkes, T., and Calder, B. R., Opening the Black Boxes in Ocean Mapping: Design and Implementation of the HydrOffice Framework, AMSA 2019. p. Freemantle, WA, Australia, 2019.
M. Smith, Masetti, G., Mayer, L. A., Malik, M. A., Augustin, J. - M., Poncelet, C., and Parnum, I., Open Backscatter Toolchain (OpenBST) - A Community-Vetted Workflow for Backscatter Processing, 2020 Canadian Hydrographic Conference. Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, 2020.PDF icon chc2020_openbst_abstract.pdf (291.51 KB)
G. Masetti, Smith, M., Mayer, L. A., and Kelley, J. G., Applications of the Gulf of Maine Operational Forecast System to Enhance Spatio-Temporal Oceanographic Awareness for Ocean Mapping, Frontiers in Marine Science, vol. 6:804. Frontiers Media, 2020.
C. Kastrisios and Calder, B. R., Industry Discovery for Ocean Mapping Workflow Associated Challenges, 2021 US Hydro Conference. p. Online, 2021.
S. M. Kohlbrenner, Eager, M. K., Phommachanh, N. T., Kastrisios, C., Schmidt, V., and Kashyap, A., Toward a Marine Road Network for Ship Passage Planning and Monitoring, 30th International Cartographic Conference. International Cartographic Association, Florence, Italy, 2021.
C. Kastrisios, Schmidt, V., Kohlbrenner, S. M., Eager, M. K., Phommachanh, N. T., and Kashyap, A., Roads of the Sea, 2021 US Hydro Conference. p. Online, 2021.
C. Okada, Ratnayake, D., O'Brien, E., Adediran, E., Andreasen, N., Jarmusz, S., and Cardigos, S., Perspectives on Ocean Mapping. 2022.PDF icon Poster_TeamProject_2022_opt.pdf (1.99 MB)
G. Masetti, Dijkstra, S. J., Wigley, R., and Faulkes, T., Introducing Programming to Ocean Mapping Students, International Hydrographic Review, vol. 28. International Hydrographic Office (IHO), Monaco, pp. 108-120, 2022.
L. A. Mayer, Uncrewed Surface Systems Facilitating a New Era of Global Ocean Exploration, International Hydrographic Review, vol. 29(1). International Hydrographic Office (IHO), 2023.
C. Ware, Mayer, L. A., and Johnson, P., BathyGlobe GapFiller: A Planning Tool to Help Fill the Gaps in World Bathymetry, The International Hydrographic Review, vol. 29(2). International Hydrographic Organization, pp. 16-27, 2023.
T. Nada, Kastrisios, C., Calder, B. R., Christie, E., Greene, C., and Bethell, A., Towards Automating the Nautical Chart Generalization Workflow, Geo-spatial Information Science. Taylor & Francis, pp. 1-26, 2024.
ocean data science
G. Masetti, Dijkstra, S. J., Wigley, R., and Faulkes, T., Introducing Programming to Ocean Mapping Students, International Hydrographic Review, vol. 28. International Hydrographic Office (IHO), Monaco, pp. 108-120, 2022.
Ocean Basins
S. Parks, Miksis-Olds, J., and Denes, S. L., Assessing Marine Ecosystem Acoustic Diversity Across Ocean Basins, Ecological Informatics, vol. 21. European Association for Aquatic Mammals, pp. 81-88, 2014.
ocean acoustic tomography
B. Howe, Miksis-Olds, J., Rehm, E., Sagen, H., Worcester, P. F., and Haralabus, G., Observing the Oceans Acoustically, Frontiers in Marine Science, vol. 6. p. 426, 2019.PDF icon Howe et al_2019_Frontiers.pdf (6.67 MB)
Obstacle Avoidance
S. Reed, Providing Nautical Chart Awareness to Autonomous Surface Vessel Operations, OCEANS 2016 MTS/IEEE Monterey. IEEE, Monterey, CA, 2016.PDF icon Reed_Oceans2016_FINAL.pdf (1.12 MB)
Observer Reputation
B. R. Calder, Estimating Observer and Data Reputation in Mariner-volunteered Bathymetry, International Hydrographic Review, vol. 2021. International Hydrographic Organisation, Monaco, pp. 77-96, 2021.
object segmentation
G. Masetti, Mayer, L. A., and Ward, L. G., A Bathymetry- and Reflectivity-Based Approach for Seafloor Segmentation, Geosciences, vol. 8 (1). MDPI Publishing, Basel, Switzerland, p. 14, 2018.PDF icon geosciences-08-00014.pdf (7.16 MB)
numerical modeling
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Notice to Mariners
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non-native species
J. A. Dijkstra, Facilitation of native and non-native species by intermediate foundation species, Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation. 2013.
Noise Levels
J. Miksis-Olds and Tyack, P. L., Manatee (Trichechus manatus) Vocalization Usage in Relation to Environmental Noise Levels, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 125. Acoustical Society of America, San Francisco, CA, pp. 1806-1815, 2009.
Noise Level Marine ecology
J. Miksis-Olds, Donaghay, P. L., Miller, J. H., Tyack, P. L., and Nystuen, J. A., Noise Level Correlates with Manatee Use of Foraging Habitats, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 121. Acoustical Society of America, San Francisco, CA, pp. 3011-3020, 2007.
NOAA Southwest Fisheries Science Center
Y. Rzhanov, Methodology of Processing of Stereoimagery of Fish Underwater: Software and Algorithms, Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping / Joint Hydrographic Center, Durham, NH, 2012.
Nitrogen Isotopes
J. McManus, Severmann, S., Cohen, A. S., McKay, J. L., Montanye, B. R., Hartwell, A. M., Brucker, R. L. P., and Wheatcroft, R. A., The Sedimentary Response to a Rapid Change in Lake Level in Lake Tanganyika, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, vol. 440. Elsevier, pp. 647-658, 2015.
