Accurate Determination of Camera Quantum Efficiency from a Single Image

TitleAccurate Determination of Camera Quantum Efficiency from a Single Image
Publication TypeJournal Article
AuthorsRzhanov, Y
JournalJournaling of Imaging
Date PublishedJuly 16
Keywordsquantum efficiency; camera sensor characterization; color constancy

Knowledge of spectral sensitivity is important for high-precision comparison of images taken by different cameras and recognition of objects and interpretation of scenes for which color is an important cue. Direct estimation of quantum efficiency curves (QECs) is a complicated and tedious process requiring specialized equipment, and many camera manufacturers do not make spectral characteristics publicly available. This has led to the development of indirect techniques that are unreliable due to being highly sensitive to noise in the input data, and which often require the imposition of additional ad hoc conditions, some of which do not always hold. We demonstrate the reason for the lack of stability in the determination of QECs and propose an approach that guarantees the stability of QEC reconstruction, even in the presence of noise. A device for the realization of this approach is also proposed. The reported results were used as a basis for the granted US patent.

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