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Industry Updates 24
Jun. 10, 2019
The GEBCO-NF Alumni team created a robot won the XPRIZE due to its potential in mapping the seafloor.
Fosters Daily Democrat
Jun. 10, 2019
UNH has launched a new center focused on the science of sound. The Center for Acoustics Research and Education will bring together expertise across wide-ranging disciplines and provide acoustics research, education and outreach opportunities for government and industry partners across the U.S.
Seacoast Online
Jun. 10, 2019
UNH has launched a new center focused on the science of sound. The Center for Acoustics Research and Education (CARE) will bring together expertise across wide-ranging disciplines and provide acoustics research, education and outreach opportunities for government and industry partners across the U.S.
Granite Geek
Jun. 10, 2019
The new UNH Center for Acoustics Research and Education (CARE) will bring together expertise across wide-ranging disciplines and provide acoustics research, education and outreach opportunities for government and industry partners. CCOM research professor Anthony Lyons notes that CARE will support expansion into other fields, such as music, speech, and medicine.
Jun. 10, 2019
UNH has started a new center focused on the science of sound.
News 18
Jun. 8, 2019
The Challenger Deep in the Mariana Trench is the deepest known point in earth's oceans. The United States Center for Coastal & Ocean Mapping measured the depth of the Challenger Deep in 2010, and it was measured to be 10,994 meters below sea level, which is equal to piling 36 Eiffel Towers on top of each other.
Bloomberg Businessweek
Jun. 7, 2019
Larry Mayer discusses how this technology can help us answer questions relating to climate change using underwater drones that can nearly triple data from the ocean floor.
NH Business Review
Jun. 6, 2019
A team of alumni from the UNH has won the Shell Ocean Discovery XPRIZE, a global competition to advance deep-sea technologies for ocean floor exploration. The GEBCO-Nippon Foundation Alumni Team — alumni and industry partners and advisors based at UNH’s Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping — prevailed against teams from around the world to win the top prize of $4 million for their concept.
Hakai Magazine
Jun. 5, 2019
Last week, the Shell Ocean Discovery XPRIZE challenge awarded $4-million to the GEBCO-NF Alumni team for demonstrating the best technology for remotely and autonomously plumbing the world’s oceans. It was the culmination of a three-year battle of the brains that resulted in über-advanced maps for accessing the Earth’s final frontier—the deep ocean.
Philanthropy News Digest
Jun. 4, 2019
The Ocean Discovery XPRIZE $4 million grand prize was awarded to the GEBCO-NF Alumni Team—a fourteen-nation team based in the U.S. that comprising alumni of the Nippon Foundation/GEBCO training program at UNH's Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping. Led by Rochelle Wigley and Yulia Zarayskaya, the GEBCO-NF team combined existing technologies with a robust, low-cost unmanned surface vessel—the SeaKIT—and a cloud-based data processing system to enable comprehensive mapping of the ocean floor by 2030.
Jun. 3, 2019
The results of the Shell Ocean Discovery XPRIZE were revealed at an awards ceremony hosted at the world-renowned Oceanographic Museum of Monaco, part of the Oceanographic Institute, Prince Albert I of Monaco Foundation. The grand prize winner, receiving a total of $4M, was GEBCO-NF Alumni, an international team based in the United States.
News Wise
Jun. 3, 2019
The GEBCO-Nippon Foundation Alumni Team has won the Shell Ocean Discovery XPRIZE, a global competition to advance deep-sea technologies for ocean floor exploration, prevailing against teams from around the world to win the top prize of $4 million for their concept.
Jun. 3, 2019
The winning team of the Shell Ocean Discovery XPRIZE was the GEBCO-Nippon Foundation Alumni Team. They not only managed to map the required area successfully, but did so at a resolution of around 5 meters—significantly better than existing technologies. The success of the team is part of a wider project to by the Nippon Foundation and GEBCO to try and map the entire seabed by 2030.
Maritime Executive
Jun. 1, 2019
The GEBCO-Nippon Foundation Alumni Team has won the Shell Ocean Discovery XPRIZE, prevailing against teams from around the world to claim the top prize of $4 million.
Ars Technica
Jun. 1, 2019
The overall winner of the Shell Ocean Discovery XPRIZE competition, taking home the grand prize of $4 million, was the GEBCO-NF Alumni team. This international team, led by Rochelle Wigley and Yulia Zarayskaya, was composed of people who had completed an ocean-mapping training program at UNH. 
Directions Magazine
May. 31, 2019
The GEBCO-Nippon Foundation Alumni Team has won the Shell Ocean Discovery XPRIZE, prevailing against talented teams from around the world to claim the top prize of $4 million for their entry concept.
UNH Today
May. 31, 2019
International GEBCO-NF Alumni Team receives $4 million grand prize for ocean mapping innovation.
Tech Crunch
May. 31, 2019
The winning team of the Ocean Discovery XPRIZE was the GEBCO-NF Alumni Team, composed of veteran hydrographers. In addition to the highly successful unmanned craft (Sea-Kit), the team did a lot of work on the data-processing side, creating a cloud-based solution that helped them turn the maps around quickly. 
May. 31, 2019
Put together by the international GEBCO-NF Alumni team, a robotic boat and a submersible have won the XPRIZE to find the best new technologies to map the seafloor. The autonomous duo is likely to play a role in meeting the "Seabed 2030" challenge, which aims to have Earth's ocean floor fully mapped to a high standard by 2030.
UNH Today
May. 30, 2019
UNH is launching a new center that will focus on the science of sound.
Daily Beast
May. 30, 2019
A global competition sponsored by Shell, the Ocean Discovery XPRIZE, might change our understanding of Earth’s final frontier. The competition will dole out $7 million on Friday to the team producing the best technology for rapid, unmanned, and bathymetric—the measurement of the depth of water—exploration.
Arctic Today
May. 30, 2019
Larry Mayer lends his Law of the Sea expertise to this article about Canada's extended continental shelf submission.
9&10 News
May. 22, 2019
Ocean Exploration Trust and CCOM teamed up with the Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary to help map parts of the bottom of Lake Huron that have never been scanned. B.E.N. can do that while this team watches from ashore.
Alpena News
May. 18, 2019
Inside the hunt for new shipwrecks and discoveries on Lake Huron’s floors with ASV BEN.
Iosco County News-Herald
May. 14, 2019
Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary is collaborating with CCOM and Ocean Exploration Trust to map unexplored areas of northern Lake Huron using CCOM's ASV BEN to map unexplored, expanded sanctuary areas with a goal of discovering new shipwrecks and identifying shipwreck locations.
