Photo of a red cargo ship passing beneath a suspension bridge in Delaware Bay.

NOAA CO-OPS’s National Current Observation Program has published, "Delaware Bay and River Current Survey 2021" a report on an extensive project led by recent CCOM Ph.D. grad Katie Kirk and Carl Kammerer, a NOAA oceanographer seconded here at CCOM.

From left: Larry Mayer with asv on tether, Brian Calder, Liz Weidner

In a pair of posts, Liz Weidner describes the crucial organizational structure aboard a research vessel while Brian Calder discusses the scientific process as illustrated by an investigation into the lack of sediment in the Victoria Fjord. Enjoy!

Left: Reilly poses on the ship's bridge. Right: Hailey poses on deck.

Hailey Gilman and Reilly Lessard, two of the CCOM graduate students who participated in a program aboard the NOAA Ship Nancy Foster this summer, have written about their experiences. Click through to read about their time at sea.

Elias on deck under a sun canopy with ocean and land in the background.

Over on LinkedIn, CCOM Ph.D. student Elias Adediran has shared highlights of the NA164 E Mamana Ou Gataifale I expedition aboard the Ocean Exploration Trust’s E/V Nautilus. Go ahead Elias, break it down!

Left: 4 club members pose with Flag 35 on deck. Right: Rolex chronometer on a map of Greenland and surrounding watrers.

The GEOEO24 Expedition was selected as both an Explorers Club Flag Expedition and an Explorers Club Rolex Expedition, which means they carry with them Flag Number 35 and a special Rolex chronometer. Four expedition researchers are Club members and share the honor of continuing its mission to promote scientific exploration and field study. Learn more about the Explorers Club in Larry's post.

CCOM/JHC in the News

Dive Magazine
Sep. 10, 2024

A team of CCOM hydrographers conducted high-resolution mapping of a seamount discovered during Schmidt Ocean Institute’s latest expedition to the Nazca Ridge, an underwater Pacific mountain chain located approximately 1450km (900 miles) off the coast of Chile.

Aug. 26, 2024

CCOM researchers are joining forces with a team of global scientists to study rising sea levels in the Arctic.

Boston Globe
Aug. 21, 2024

CCOM Director Larry Mayer is traveling on an icebreaker ship to a part of the Arctic no ship has been to before.

Upcoming and Recent Seminars

David W. Fredriksson
Director, Center for Sustainable Seafood Systems

UNH School of Marine Science and Ocean Engineering

Friday, Sep. 13, 2024, 3:10pm
Tom Blanford
Research Assistant Professor

Center for Acoustics Research and Education
Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping 

Friday, Sep. 6, 2024, 3:10pm

Spotlight on...

Just released! QC Tools 4 has direct support for NOAA’s new hydrographic survey specifications and enables its automated compliance. QC Tools functions that provide QA/QC to bathymetric grids and feature files now have settings configured to the new NOAA Quality Metrics introduced in the HSSD 2024.