Red USV DriX in the ocean.

Get all the details about the upcoming Dual DriX Project in the Gulf of Maine where uncrewed surface vehicles DriX 12 and DriX 23 will be tested in ocean mapping and data acquisition with shore-based operations.

ODD Banner (with orange fish logo and wordmark) above photos of children with sandbox and a closeup of hands holding a starfish.

Join us this weekend (October 4-5) for Ocean Discovery Day 2024! This event will take place at UNH's Chase Ocean Engineering Lab on the Durham campus. We will host hundreds of school children on Friday then, on Saturday, we will open our doors to the public. Come and learn about all the cool things we are doing with demos, activities, and presentations. Dive into marine science!

Red USV DriX moving through the water with the E/V Nautilus in the background.

The Ocean Exploration Cooperative Institute (OECI) has been renewed for five more years by NOAA Ocean Exploration! CCOM is proud to be part of this collaboration with the URI Graduate School of Oceanography, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), the University of New Hampshire, and The University of Southern Mississippi. 

Left: close-up for raven's head in profile. Right: Liz releasing white balloon on Oden's deck.

To combat the exhaustion and monotony that can come with an extended time at sea, the GEOEO24 crew and science personnel find ways to keep things light. 

Photo of a red cargo ship passing beneath a suspension bridge in Delaware Bay.

NOAA CO-OPS’s National Current Observation Program has published, "Delaware Bay and River Current Survey 2021" a report on an extensive project led by recent CCOM Ph.D. grad Katie Kirk and Carl Kammerer, a NOAA oceanographer seconded here at CCOM.

CCOM/JHC in the News

Granite Geek
Oct. 1, 2024

In October, NOAA,CCOM and additional partners from the federal government, academia and the private sector will test the simultaneous, remote operation of two DriX uncrewed surface vessels to map and explore in the Gulf of Maine.

Hydro International
Sep. 10, 2024

The 2024 GEOEO North of Greenland Expedition, organized by the Swedish Polar Research Secretariat aboard the I/B Oden, has made history as the first vessel to reach the remote Victoria Fjord in North Greenland. 

Dive Magazine
Sep. 10, 2024

A team of CCOM hydrographers conducted high-resolution mapping of a seamount discovered during Schmidt Ocean Institute’s latest expedition to the Nazca Ridge, an underwater Pacific mountain chain located approximately 1450km (900 miles) off the coast of Chile.

Upcoming and Recent Seminars

Brian Miles
Senior Research Project Engineer


Friday, Oct. 11, 2024, 3:10pm
Nathan Laxague
Asst. Professor of Ocean Engineering

UNH Dept. of Mechanical Engineering

Friday, Sep. 27, 2024, 3:10pm
Hannah Arnholt and Margaret Enderle
Graduate Students

Dept. of Ocean Engineering
University of New Hampshire

Friday, Sep. 20, 2024, 3:10pm

Spotlight on...

Just released! QC Tools 4 has direct support for NOAA’s new hydrographic survey specifications and enables its automated compliance. QC Tools functions that provide QA/QC to bathymetric grids and feature files now have settings configured to the new NOAA Quality Metrics introduced in the HSSD 2024.