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D. Sowers, Mayer, L. A., Masetti, G., Cordes, E., Gasbarro, R., Lobecker, E., Cantwell, K., Candio, S., Hoy, S., Malik, M. A., White, M., and Dornback, M., Mapping and Geomorphic Characterization of the Vast Cold-Water Coral Mounds of the Blake Plateau, Geomatics, vol. 4(1). MDPI, pp. 17-47, 2024.
D. Sowers, Mayer, L. A., Masetti, G., Cordes, E., Gasbarro, R., Lobecker, E., Cantwell, K., Hoy, S., White, M., Candio, S., Malik, M. A., and Dornback, M., Mapping and Geomorphic Characterization of the Vast Cold-Water Coral Mounds of the Blake Plateau, 8th International Symposium Deep-Sea Corals. Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, 2023.PDF icon ISDSC8_Sowers_et_al_Poster_Final.pdf (4.02 MB)
D. Sowers, Mayer, L. A., Masetti, G., Cordes, E., Gasbarro, R., Lobecker, E., Cantwell, K., Hoy, S., White, M., Candio, S., Malik, M. A., and Dornback, M., Standardized Geomorphic Characterization of the Extensive Cold-Water Coral Mound Province of the Blake Plateau, USA, Ocean Sciences Meeting 2022. 2022.
D. J. Amon, Fryer, P., Glickson, D., Pomponi, S. A., Lobecker, E., Cantwell, K., Elliott, K., and Sowers, D., Deepwater Exploration of the Marianas, Oceanography , vol. 30(1). Oceanography Society, pp. 60-65, 2017.PDF icon oceanography_30-1_supplement.pdf (22.32 MB)
E. Lobecker, Sowers, D., and Malik, M. A., New Technologies for Ocean Mapping, Oceanography, vol. 30(1). Oceanography Society, pp. 43-45, 2017.PDF icon oceanography_30-1_supplement.pdf (22.32 MB)
B. D. Andrews, Chaytor, J. D., Brink, U. Sten, Brothers, D. S., Gardner, J. V., Lobecker, E., and Calder, B. R., Bathymetric Terrain Model of the Atlantic Margin for Marine Geological Investigations, Version 2.0, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Woods Hole, MA, 2016.PDF icon ofr2012-1266_V2_Clean_23Feb16.pdf (1.21 MB)
K. Mello, Dijkstra, J. A., Malik, M. A., Sowers, D., McKenna, L., and Lobecker, E., Coarse and Fine Scale Patterns of Community Structure of Benthic Habitats Along the US Atlantic Continental Margin, Benthic Ecology Meeting. Portland, ME, 2016.
L. McKenna, Cantwell, K., Kennedy, B., Elliott, K., Lobecker, E., and Sowers, D., Exploring Deep Sea Habitats for Baseline Characterization Using NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, 2015 Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union (AGU). San Francisco, CA, 2015.
L. McKenna, Sowers, D., Lobecker, E., and Elliott, K., NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer 2015: Exploring from the Atlantic to the Pacific, JHC/CCOM Seminar Series. Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping (CCOM)/Joint Hydrographic Center (JHC), 2015.PDF icon 2015 CCOM Seminar Abstract_Final.pdf (85.82 KB)
L. Brothers, VanDover, C. L., German, C. R., Kaiser, C. L., Yoerger, D., Ruppel, C., Lobecker, E., Skarke, A., and Wagner, J. K. S., Evidence for extensive methane venting on the southeastern U.S. Atlantic margin, Geology, vol. 41. pp. 807-810, 2013.
M. A. Malik, Lobecker, E., and Skarke, A., Lessons learned during exploration mapping of US East Coast 2011 – 2012 onboard NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer using water column backscatter data, Kongsberg FEMME 2013. 2013.
M. A. Malik, Valette-Silver, N., Lobecker, E., Skarke, A., Elliott, K., and McDonough, J., To Explore or to Research: Trends in modern age ocean studies, 2013 Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union (AGU). San Francisco, CA, 2013.
L. Brothers, Van Dover, C., German, C. R., Yoerger, D., Kaiser, K., Lobecker, E., Skarke, A., and Ruppel, C., Evidence of Extensive Gas Venting at the Blake Ridge and Cape Fear Diapirs, 2012 Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union (AGU). San Francisco, CA, United States, 2012.
A. Skarke, Lobecker, E., Malik, M. A., and VerPlanck, N., NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer 2012 Field Season in the Northern Gulf of Mexico and U.S. Continental Margin, 2012 Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union (AGU). San Francisco, CA, United States, 2012.
B. Reser, OS51D-1907. The Evolution of Information Management in Oceanographic Exploration, 2012 Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union (AGU). 2012.
T. M. Shank, OS51D-1912. Exploration and Discovery of Hydrocarbon Seeps, Coral Ecosystems, and Shipwrecks in the Deep Gulf of Mexico, 2012 Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union (AGU). 2012.
E. Lobecker, OS51E-1925. Integration of NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer Seafloor Mapping, Little Hercules ROV, and Sentry AUV Data into Ocean Exploration Operations and Public Data Holdings, 2012 Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union (AGU). 2012.PDF icon Integration of NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer Seafloor Mapping-120312.pdf (938 KB)
C. Russel, Pinner, W., Lovalvo, D., Skarke, A., Lobecker, E., Malik, M. A., and Nadeau, L. T. M., Technology: NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, Oceanography , vol. 25. pp. 12-15, 2012.
E. Lobecker, Malik, M. A., Johnson, J., and Boettcher, M. S., EM302 Multibeam Survey of the Sangihe-Talaud Region, North Sulawesi, Indonesia, American Geophysical Union (AGU). San Francisco, CA, USA, 2010.
J. V. Gardner, Mayer, L. A., Armstrong, A. A., Donaldson, P., Infantino, J., Davis, G., Smith, D., Lobecker, E., Cartwright, D., Iwachiw, J., Farr, S., Meadows, D., Dorsey, S., Marsh, G., and Owen, W., New Views of the U.S. Atlantic Margin Mapped for UNCLOS Applications, EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union , vol. 86. San Francisco, CA, USA, pp. 0-2, 2005.PDF icon Gardner_05_AGU_US_Atlantic_Margin_Mapped_for_UNCLOS_applications.pdf (72.17 KB)