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N. Weston, Seroka, G., Nagel, E., Greenlaw, J., and Powell, J., Modeling Oceanographic Data for Precision Navigation Applications, EGU General Assembly, Nearshore Processes: Fluid Motions and Sediment Transport. p. Vienna, Austria, 2019.
M. Birkebak, Eren, F., Pe'eri, S., and Weston, N., The Effect of Surface Waves on Airborne Lidar Bathymetry (ALB) Measurement Uncertainties, Remote Sensing: Special Issue – Advances in Undersea Remote Sensing, vol. 10(3). MDPI Publishing, p. 453, 2018.
T. Soler, Han, J. - Y., and Weston, N., Variance-Covariance Matrix of Transformed GPS Positions: Case Study for the NAD 83 Geodetic Datum, Journal of Surveying Engineering, vol. 142(1). American Society of Civil Engineers, p. 13, 2016.
N. Weston, Callahan, D., Jordan, K., and Prusky, J., A Comparison Between OPUS Projects and PAGE-NT Using Airport Surveys, NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS NGS 72. 2015.
N. Weston, Global Geodetic Reference Frame (E/C.20/2015/3/Add.1), Committee of Experts on Global Geospatial Information Management, Fifth Session - Economic and Social Council. United Nations, 2015.