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Conference Abstract
I. Guimaraes and Hughes Clarke, J. E., Calibrating broadband multibeam seabed backscatter, Canadian Hydrographic Conference. p. Quebec City, 2020.PDF icon Guimaraes_CHC2020_abstract_202-TKqb-2110.pdf (190.28 KB)
J. E. Hughes Clarke, Fitzgerald, K., Leach, T., Wang, H., Cheng, T., Hoy, S., Hagg, R., and Walker, K., Monitoring Bubble Washdown Over a Deep-Water Multibeam Ping Cycle, Canadian Hydrographic Conference. Canadian Hydrographic Association, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, p. Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, 2020.PDF icon JHC_CHC2020_abstract_202-NMEp-2110.pdf (187.89 KB)
Conference Proceedings
B. Maingot, Hughes Clarke, J. E., and Calder, B. R., High Frequency Motion Residuals in Multibeam Data: Identification and Estimation, U.S. Hydrographic Conference. The Hydrographic Society of America, Biloxi, MS, 2019.
Conference Proceedings
G. Masetti, Calder, B. R., and Hughes Clarke, J. E., Methods for Artifact Identification and Reduction in Acoustic Backscatter Mosaicking, 2017 U.S. Hydro Conference. The Hydrographic Society of America, Galveston, TX, 2017.PDF icon Us_hydro_2017_-_Masetti_-_Artifact_reduction_in_mosaics.pdf (1.38 MB)
A. D. Hiroji and Hughes Clarke, J. E., Radiometric Compensation Strategy for Multispectral Backscatter Data, 2017 U.S. Hydro Conference. The Hydrographic Society of America, Galveston, TX, 2017.
Journal Article
J. V. Gardner, Dartnell, P., Mayer, L. A., and Hughes Clarke, J. E., Geomorphology acoustic backscatter and processes in Santa Monica Bay from multibeam mapping, Marine Environmental Research, vol. 56. Elsevier, New York, NY, USA, pp. 15-46, 2003.PDF icon Gardner-et-al-2003-Santa-Monica.pdf (2.08 MB)
Conference Proceedings
J. Beaudoin, Hughes Clarke, J. E., Van Den Ameele, E. J., and Gardner, J. V., Geometric and Radiometric Correction of Multibeam Backscatter Derived from Reson 8101 Systems, Canadian Hydrographic Conference (CHC). Toronto, Ontario, Canada, pp. 1-22, 2002.
Journal Article
J. V. Gardner, Mayer, L. A., and Hughes Clarke, J. E., Morphology and processes in Lake Tahoe (California-Nevada), Geological Society of America Bulletin (GSAB), vol. 112. The Geological Society of America (GSA), pp. 736-746, 2000.
Conference Proceedings
J. V. Gardner, Hughes Clarke, J. E., Mayer, L. A., Kleiner, A., and Paton, M., Mapping a Continental Shelf and Slope in the 1990s: A Tale of Three Multibeams, Shallow Water Survey Conference (SWS). Sydney, Australia, pp. 0-11, 1999.
Conference Proceedings
L. A. Mayer, Hughes Clarke, J. E., Wells, D. E., and Ware, C., A multi-faceted acoustic ground-truthing experiment in the Bay of Fundy, Acoustic Classification and Mapping of the Seabed, vol. 15. Bath, UK, UK, pp. 203-220, 1993.