
Author Keyword Title [ Type(Desc)] Year
Filters: Author is James P Ahrens  [Clear All Filters]
Conference Proceedings
C. Ware, Bolan, D., Miller, R., Rogers, D. H., and Ahrens, J. P., Animated Versus Static Views of Steady Flow Patterns, Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Perception. ACM, Anaheim, CA, pp. 77–84, 2016.PDF icon ware-2016-acm-sap-proceedings.pdf (1.65 MB)
Journal Article
R. Bujack, Turton, T. L., Samsel, F., Ware, C., Rogers, D. H., and Ahrens, J. P., The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: A Theoretical Framework for the Assessment of Continuous Colormaps, IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics, vol. 24,1. IEEE, pp. 923-933, 2017.PDF icon ware-ieee-vis-comp-graphics-2017.pdf (807.99 KB)
C. Ware, Rogers, D. H., Petersen, M., Ahrens, J. P., and Aygar, E., Optimizing for Visual Cognition in High Performance Scientific Computing, Electronic Imaging, vol. 2016. Society for Imaging Science and Technology, pp. 1-9, 2016.