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R. Wigley, Pe'eri, S., and Ward, L. G., Analysis of Coastal Morphology for Crescent and Sea Point Beaches, Maine Ground-truth Airborne LIDAR Bathymetry Digital Elevation Models, Shallow Water Survey Conference (SWS). Durham, NH, USA, 2008.
R. Wigley and Monahan, D., The Indian Ocean Bathymetric Mapping Project. 2011.
R. Wigley and Compton, J., Microstratigraphy of a Miocene layered phosphatic pebble from the western margin of South Africa, Sedimentology, vol. 59. p. (early view online version only), 2012.
R. Wigley, Alumni of the First Ten Years of Nippon Foundation/GEBCO Postgraduate Certificate in Ocean Bathymetry Training Program, Fifth Extraordinary International Hydrographic Conference . Monaco, 2014.
R. Wigley, Nippon Foundation/GEBCO Postgraduate Certificate in Ocean Bathymetry, Fifth Extraordinary International Hydrographic Conference . Monaco, 2014.
R. Wigley, Nippon Foundation/GEBCO Postgraduate Certificate Alumni perspectives (Poster 1-2), Fifth Extraordinary International Hydrographic Conference . Monaco, 2014.
R. Wigley, Nippon Foundation / GEBCO Indian Ocean Bathymetric Compilation Project, AGU Fall 2014. San Francisco, CA, 2014.
R. Wigley, Zarayskaya, Y., Bazhenova, E., Falconer, R., and Zwolak, K., Nippon Foundation / GEBCO Ocean Mapping Training Program at the University of New Hampshire: 13 Years of Success and Alumni Activities, OCEANS 2017. IEEE, Aberdeen, UK, 2017.
R. Wigley, Kinney, J., and Martin, T. V., SY51C-2593 Growing International Networks in Seafloor Mapping through Nippon Foundation/GEBCO Training Program Student Lab Visits: Benefits of hosting and participating, 2024 Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union (AGU). p. Washington, DC, 2024.